Commit f0b288a9 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

ppsi-wrappers cleanup: remove dead code, add prototype

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 12c3dcdf
......@@ -211,9 +211,6 @@ int ptpd_netif_get_hw_addr(wr_socket_t * sock, mac_addr_t * mac);
int ptpd_netif_get_ifName(char *ifname, int number);
/* Returns the millisecond "tics" counter value */
uint64_t ptpd_netif_get_msec_tics();
* Function detects external source lock,
......@@ -228,7 +225,6 @@ int ptpd_netif_extsrc_detection();
int ptpd_netif_adjust_counters(int64_t adjust_sec, int32_t adjust_nsec);
int ptpd_netif_adjust_phase(int32_t phase_ps);
int ptpd_netif_adjust_in_progress();
int ptpd_netif_get_dmtd_phase(wr_socket_t * sock, int32_t * phase);
void ptpd_netif_linearize_rx_timestamp(wr_timestamp_t * ts, int32_t dmtd_phase,
int cntr_ahead, int transition_point,
int clock_period);
......@@ -236,4 +232,7 @@ int ptpd_netif_enable_timing_output(int enable);
int ptpd_netif_enable_phase_tracking(const char *if_name);
void ptpd_netif_set_phase_transition(uint32_t phase);
struct hal_port_state;
int wrpc_get_port_state(struct hal_port_state *port, const char *port_name);
......@@ -11,14 +11,6 @@ struct wrs_shm_head *ppsi_head;
/* Following code from ptp-noposix/libposix/freestanding-wrapper.c */
uint64_t ptpd_netif_get_msec_tics(void)
#if TICS_PER_SECOND != 1000
#error "This code assumes 1kHz timer"
return timer_get_tics();
static int read_phase_val(struct hal_port_state *port)
int32_t dmtd_phase;
......@@ -66,13 +58,6 @@ int wrpc_get_port_state(struct hal_port_state *port, const char *port_name)
return 0;
int ptpd_netif_get_dmtd_phase(wr_socket_t *sock, int32_t *phase)
return spll_read_ptracker(0, phase, NULL);
return 0;
/* dummy function, no shmem locks (no even shmem) are implemented in wrpc */
void wrs_shm_write(void *headptr, int flags)
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