Commit d4b80abd authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

lldp: fix variables and pointers, lldp_poll was corrupting the memory

parent 1ee3cc45
......@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ void lldp_init(void)
int lldp_poll(void)
static int ticks;
unsigned char new_ipWR;
static unsigned char old_ipWR;
uint8_t new_ipWR[4];
static uint8_t old_ipWR[4];
uint8_t new_mac[ETH_ALEN];
static uint8_t old_mac[ETH_ALEN];
......@@ -253,20 +253,20 @@ int lldp_poll(void)
if (ticks > LLDP_TX_TICK_INTERVAL) {
ep_get_mac_addr(&wrc_endpoint_dev, new_mac);
if (HAS_IP) {
/* Update only when IP or MAC changed */
/* TODO: or VLAN changed */
if (memcmp(&new_mac, &old_mac, ETH_ALEN)
if (memcmp(new_mac, old_mac, ETH_ALEN)
|| (HAS_IP && (ip_status != IP_TRAINING)
&& memcmp(&new_ipWR, &old_ipWR, IPLEN))
&& memcmp(new_ipWR, old_ipWR, IPLEN))
) {
/* update LLDP info */
/* copy new MAC nad IP */
memcpy(&old_mac, &new_mac, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(&old_ipWR, &new_ipWR, IPLEN);
memcpy(old_mac, new_mac, ETH_ALEN);
memcpy(old_ipWR, new_ipWR, IPLEN);
ptpd_netif_sendto(lldp_socket, &addr, lldpdu, lldpdu_len, 0);
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