Commit 8afa6c8b authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬 Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

ppsi: update ppsi

remove waiting state, make waiting flag instead
Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent da3da2d9
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ char* print64(uint64_t x)
int wrc_mon_status()
struct wr_servo_state_t *s =
&((struct wr_data_t *)ppi->ext_data)->servo_state;
struct wr_servo_state *s =
&((struct wr_data *)ppi->ext_data)->servo_state;
struct pp_state_table_item *ip = NULL;
for (ip = pp_state_table; ip->state != PPS_END_OF_TABLE; ip++) {
if (ip->state == ppi->state)
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ int wrc_mon_status()
cprintf(C_BLUE, "\n\nPTP status: ");
cprintf(C_WHITE, "%s", ip ? ip->name : "unknown");
if ((!s->valid) || (ppi->state != PPS_SLAVE)) {
if ((!s->flags & WR_FLAG_VALID) || (ppi->state != PPS_SLAVE)) {
"\n\nSync info not valid\n\n");
return 0;
......@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ void wrc_mon_gui(void)
uint8_t ip[4];
struct wr_servo_state_t *s =
&((struct wr_data_t *)ppi->ext_data)->servo_state;
struct wr_servo_state *s =
&((struct wr_data *)ppi->ext_data)->servo_state;
int64_t crtt;
int64_t total_asymmetry;
if (!last)
......@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ int wrc_log_stats(uint8_t onetime)
last = timer_get_tics();
if (!onetime && time_before(timer_get_tics(), wrc_ui_refperiod + last))
return 0;
struct wr_servo_state_t *s =
&((struct wr_data_t *)ppi->ext_data)->servo_state;
struct wr_servo_state *s =
&((struct wr_data *)ppi->ext_data)->servo_state;
last = timer_get_tics();
shw_pps_gen_get_time(&sec, &nsec);
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ int wrc_log_stats(uint8_t onetime)
minic_get_stats(&tx, &rx);
pp_printf("lnk:%d rx:%d tx:%d ", state.state, rx, tx);
pp_printf("lock:%d ", state.locked ? 1 : 0);
pp_printf("sv:%d ", s->valid ? 1 : 0);
pp_printf("sv:%d ", (s->flags & WR_FLAG_VALID) ? 1 : 0);
pp_printf("ss:'%s' ", s->servo_state_name);
aux_stat = spll_get_aux_status(0);
pp_printf("aux:%x ", aux_stat);
ppsi @ 78277307
Subproject commit 0250bb3b35d36f76c2e9adf72ee5b3d9f2b5cff5
Subproject commit 782773077690f2b2d53af0395e3b94e8fcc89a9d
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