Commit 83b66dda authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

added insitu meas command documentation

parent 747370f4
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......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily, backgroundcolor=\color{light-gray}, label=lst
\title{White Rabbit PTP Core User's Manual}
\author{Grzegorz Daniluk \\Dimitrios Lampridis \\Adam Wujek \hfill CERN (BE-CO-HT)}
\author{Grzegorz Daniluk \\Dimitrios Lampridis \\Adam Wujek \hfill CERN (BE-CO-HT) \\ Peter Jansweijer \hfill Nikhef}
......@@ -2193,6 +2193,15 @@ the build of WRPC.
Get number of <samples> for each channel.
Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_INSITU\_CALIB} is
set. \\
\code{insitu meas <ch\_1> <ch\_2> <samples> <measurements>} & starts a
delayCoefficient ($\alpha$) measurement.
Measurements alternate between ch\_1 and ch\_2.
For each channel round trip delay samples are
recorded. DelayCoefficient ($\alpha$) can be
determined for each ch\_1, ch\_2 measurement
Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_INSITU\_CALIB} is
set. \\
\code{insitu stop} & stops automatic sweep over number of channels\\
\code{ip get} & \\
......@@ -2854,7 +2863,7 @@ It adds the following commands:
sfp tune <channel|wavelength>
insitu <on|off|crtt|run|stop>
insitu <on|off|crtt|run|meas|stop>
ptp sync_int <n>
ptp delay_req_int <n>
ptrack insitu
......@@ -2879,7 +2888,7 @@ Current wavelength: 1563.85 nm
This subsection describes obligatory and optional steps to get input for further
As a first step it is recommended to disable the assymetry of a link. It can be
As a first step it is recommended to disable the asymmetry of a link. It can be
done by setting alpha to 0 for the used SFP in the local database.
To achieve this, get the Vendor PN of the SFP by:
......@@ -2893,7 +2902,7 @@ Then add it to the SFPs database:
wrc# sfp add FTLX6872MCC 200000 300000 0 0
Please note that in this example deltas are set to an example values. Last two
zeros set the alpha to 0 (disable assymetry).
zeros set the alpha to 0 (disable asymmetry).
The second optional step is to avoid White Rabbit synchronization, only layer-1
syntonization will be used.
......@@ -3062,6 +3071,110 @@ To generate a plot out of the generated files the following scripts can be used:
\subsection{Measure delayCoefficient ($\alpha$)}
The delayCoefficient ($\alpha$) can be measured using the 'three one-way delays (TOWD) procedure'.
Round trip delay measurements are sampled for different laser wavelengths (tunable SFP channels).
Depending on the location of the tunable laser SFP (at the timeTransmitter or at the timeReceiver) the reverse or forward channel is kept at the same (common) wavelength.
First channel 1 is selected and a number of round trip delay samples are recorded.
Next channel 2 is selected and round trip delay samples are recorded.
Multiple of these channel 1, channel 2 measurement sets can be recorded for statistics.
During the measurements, no asymmetry must be active and there must be only layer-1 syntonization:
sfp add FTLX6872MCC 200000 300000 0 0
ptrack insitu
Please note that in this example deltas are set to an example values. Last two
zeros set the alpha to 0 (disable asymmetry).
Now alternate between channel 1 and 2 and sample the round trip delays:
insitu meas <ch_1> <ch_2> <samples> <measurements>
\item \texttt{ch\_1} is the channel used for wavelength 1
\item \texttt{ch\_2} is the channel used for wavelength 2
\item \texttt{samples} defines number of round trip delay samples to collect
\item \texttt{measurements} defines number channel 1, 2 measurement sets to be collected
The following command alternates channels 4 and channel 53 and measures 5 round trip delay samples for each.
This is repeated until 10 sets of measurements for channel 4 and channel 53 are recorded:
insitu meas 4 53 5 10
The measurement can generate a significant amount of data to the console.
The output of the virtual console can be redirected to a file by e.g. command:
$ ./spec-vuart 2>&1 | tee output_file.txt
The intitu meas ouput file can be analyzed using a python script.
This script analyzes the recorded round trip delays and calculates the delayCoefficient from the sets of averaged round trip delay measurements for ch\_1 and ch\_2.
The laser wavelengths in use are needed in order to be able to calculate the delayCoefficient:
$ ./ output_file.txt lambda_1 lambda_2 lambda_common
The above example used channel 4 and 53 while the setup uses channel 7 as common.
For the FTLX6872MCC tunable SFP these channels translate into:
$ channel 4 1562.65 nm
$ channel 53 1542.95 nm
$ channel 7 1561.40 nm
So the python script is called with the following example parameters:
$ ./ output_file.txt 1562.65 1542.95 1561.40
The delayCoeffcient per measurement is plotted to idendity possible outliers.
The script outputs a 'output\_file.txt.delayCoefficients' file.
By default the delayCoefficients are calculated for both lambda 1 and lambda 2, based on a tunable SFP that is located in the timeReceiver.
At the end of the file the delayCoefficients are reported in float as well as in int64 format (H: 9 digits high, L: 9 digits low).
Tunebale timeReceiver
Lambda 1: 1562.65 Lambda 2: 1542.95 Lambda common: 1561.4
delayCoefficient_l1 mean: -4.4385843031531915e-06
delayCoefficient_l1 std: 7.918387688235417e-08
delayCoefficient_l1_H: -20469
delayCoefficient_l1_L: 357172462
delayCoefficient_l2 mean: 6.551808875455434e-05
delayCoefficient_l2 std: 1.1689171974928994e-06
delayCoefficient_l2_H: 302148
delayCoefficient_l2_L: 853863462
The int64 formatted numbers can be directly used as input for the asymmetry parameter. For channel 4 (i.e. lambda 1):
sfp tune 4
sfp add FTLX6872MCC 200000 300000 -20469 357172462
sfp match
or for channel 53 (i.e. lambda 2):
sfp tune 53
sfp add FTLX6872MCC 200000 300000 3021489 853863462
sfp match
Don't forget to enable phase tracking before returning to normal White Rabbit operation:
ptrack enable
ptp start
\subsection{Known problems}
\subsubsection{No channel for SFP selected}
If the message like below appears in the console, make sure that SFPs is
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