Commit 7d366a33 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

sim main: disable discovery of peripherals via SDB to speed-up the simulation.

parent e54a1a4d
......@@ -77,7 +77,22 @@ static void wrc_sim_initialize(void)
uint8_t mac_addr[6];
// Search SDB for devices takes too long, hard-coded offsets
// should work for most WR-PTP core implementations
// (unless you add/remove/move peripherals), in which case
// you should comment out all the hard-coded offsets and
// uncomment the following line to perform a dynamic search
// at runtime.
BASE_MINIC = 0x20000;
BASE_EP = 0x20100;
BASE_SOFTPLL = 0x20200;
BASE_PPS_GEN = 0x20300;
BASE_SYSCON = 0x20400;
BASE_UART = 0x20500;
BASE_ONEWIRE = 0x20600;
/* Source MAC used by WRPC's Endpoint */
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