Commit 7408338a authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini Committed by Adam Wujek

sofpll: simplify a string array (and shrink by 72 bytes)

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 098116fc
......@@ -37,20 +37,20 @@ int spll_n_chan_ref, spll_n_chan_out;
#define MAIN_CHANNEL (spll_n_chan_ref)
static const struct stringlist_entry seq_states [] =
{ SEQ_START_EXT, "start-ext" },
{ SEQ_WAIT_EXT, "wait-ext" },
{ SEQ_START_HELPER, "start-helper" },
{ SEQ_WAIT_HELPER, "wait-helper" },
{ SEQ_START_MAIN, "start-main" },
{ SEQ_WAIT_MAIN, "wait-main" },
{ SEQ_DISABLED, "disabled" },
{ SEQ_READY, "ready" },
{ SEQ_CLEAR_DACS, "clear-dacs" },
{ SEQ_WAIT_CLEAR_DACS, "wait-clear-dacs" },
{ 0, NULL }
static const char *seq_states[] =
[SEQ_START_EXT] = "start-ext",
[SEQ_WAIT_EXT] = "wait-ext",
[SEQ_START_HELPER] = "start-helper",
[SEQ_WAIT_HELPER] = "wait-helper",
[SEQ_START_MAIN] = "start-main",
[SEQ_WAIT_MAIN] = "wait-main",
[SEQ_DISABLED] = "disabled",
[SEQ_READY] = "ready",
[SEQ_CLEAR_DACS] = "clear-dacs",
[SEQ_WAIT_CLEAR_DACS] = "wait-clear-dacs",
#define SEQ_STATES_NR ARRAY_SIZE(seq_states)
volatile struct softpll_state softpll;
......@@ -481,11 +481,15 @@ void spll_get_num_channels(int *n_ref, int *n_out)
void spll_show_stats()
struct softpll_state *s = (struct softpll_state *)&softpll;
const char *statename = seq_states[s->seq_state];
if (s->seq_state >= SEQ_STATES_NR)
statename = "<Unknown>";
if (softpll.mode > 0)
pp_printf("softpll: irqs %d seq %s mode %d "
"alignment_state %d HL%d ML%d HY=%d MY=%d DelCnt=%d\n",
s->irq_count, stringlist_lookup(seq_states, s->seq_state),
s->irq_count, statename,
s->mode, s->ext.align_state,
s->helper.ld.locked, s->mpll.ld.locked,
s->helper.pi.y, s->mpll.pi.y,
......@@ -124,13 +124,3 @@ void spll_enable_tagger(int channel, int enable)
pll_verbose("%s: ch %d, OCER 0x%x, RCER 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, channel, SPLL->OCER, SPLL->RCER);
const char *stringlist_lookup(const struct stringlist_entry *slist, int id)
int i;
for(i=0; slist[i].str; i++) {
if(slist[i].id == id)
return slist[i].str;
return "<unknown>";
......@@ -50,11 +50,6 @@ typedef struct {
int lock_changed;
} spll_lock_det_t;
struct stringlist_entry {
int id;
const char *str;
/* initializes the PI controller state. Currently almost a stub. */
void pi_init(spll_pi_t *pi);
......@@ -67,6 +62,4 @@ int ld_update(spll_lock_det_t *ld, int y);
void spll_enable_tagger(int channel, int enable);
const char *stringlist_lookup(const struct stringlist_entry *slist, int id);
#endif // __SPLL_COMMON_H
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