Commit 65ff0701 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

wrpc.tex: fix minor typos

parent caea53a6
......@@ -1815,8 +1815,8 @@ the procedure to read the WRPC memory is different. The read can be done by
using the \texttt{spec-cl} tool with parameteres \texttt{-r} (perform read)
and \texttt{-i} (use RISC-V architecture):
<path_to_spec-sw>/tools/spec-cl -i -r dump_file.bin
./tools/wrpc-dump dump_file.bin
<path\_to\_spec-sw>/tools/spec-cl -i -r dump\_file.bin
./tools/wrpc-dump dump\_file.bin
\texttt{spec-cl} tool can be found in the \texttt{spec-sw} repo. Be aware
......@@ -1910,7 +1910,7 @@ when any task runs longer than any run before since reset
(or \texttt{ps reset}) and when it runs longer than a specified value
in miliseconds.
For this please use command ``\texttt{ps max <msecs>}'', where
\texttt{<msecs>} is a number of miliseconds triggering printouts.
\texttt{<msecs>} is a number of milliseconds triggering printouts.
wrc# ps max 10
task temperature, run for 11 ms
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