Commit 5dd890fd authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

dev/endpoint.c: make pcs_read/pcs_write functions non static for the testing tools

parent dcc9dcbb
......@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ static int autoneg_enabled;
static volatile struct EP_WB *EP = (volatile struct EP_WB *) BASE_EP;
/* functions for accessing PCS (MDIO) registers */
static uint16_t pcs_read(int location)
uint16_t pcs_read(int location)
EP->MDIO_CR = EP_MDIO_CR_ADDR_W(location >> 2);
while ((EP->MDIO_ASR & EP_MDIO_ASR_READY) == 0);
return EP_MDIO_ASR_RDATA_R(EP->MDIO_ASR) & 0xffff;
static void pcs_write(int location, int value)
void pcs_write(int location, int value)
EP->MDIO_CR = EP_MDIO_CR_ADDR_W(location >> 2)
| EP_MDIO_CR_DATA_W(value)
......@@ -101,8 +101,6 @@ int ep_enable(int enabled, int autoneg)
/* Disable the endpoint */
EP->ECR = 0;
mprintf("ID: %x", EP->IDCODE);
/* Load default packet classifier rules - see ep_pfilter.c for details */
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