Commit 53d94c0a authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

wrcore_v2: modified memory map, less bits used, for wr-nic

parent a74e0f3e
#ifndef __BOARD_H
#define __BOARD_H
#define BASE_MINIC 0x40000
#define BASE_EP 0x40100
#define BASE_SOFTPLL 0x40200
#define BASE_PPSGEN 0x40300
#define BASE_SYSCON 0x40400
#define BASE_UART 0x40500
#define BASE_ONEWIRE 0x40600
#define BASE_MINIC 0x20000
#define BASE_EP 0x20100
#define BASE_SOFTPLL 0x20200
#define BASE_PPSGEN 0x20300
#define BASE_SYSCON 0x20400
#define BASE_UART 0x20500
#define BASE_ONEWIRE 0x20600
#define CPU_CLOCK 62500000ULL
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
#define BASE_PCIE 0x80000
#define BASE_MBONE 0x00000
#define RST_ADDR 0x40400
#define RST_ADDR 0x20400
#define MEM_ADDR 0x0
#include "rr_io.h"
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