Commit 53754f49 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

pp_printf: updated to 'c94f55f' upstream

This fixes a bug with negative hex numbers (that must
be printed as unsigned hex, without the minux sign).
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent f3b69e80
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Example calls (example-printf.c):
pp_printf("octal %5o %5o %05o\n", 1024, 666, 53);
pp_printf("hex %5x %5x %05x\n", 1024, 666, 53);
pp_printf("HEX etc %5X %+5d %-5i\n", 1024, 666, 53);
pp_printf("neg %5i %5i %05i\n", -5, -10, -15);
pp_printf("neg %5i %05i %05x\n", -5, -10, -15);
pp_printf("char: %c string %s %5s %.5s\n", 65, "foo", "foo",
pp_printf("hour %02d:%02d:%02d\n", 12, 9, 0);
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Result (as you see, format modifiers are respected):
octal 2000 1232 00065
hex 400 29a 00035
HEX etc 400 +666 53
neg -5 -10 -0015
neg -5 -0010 fffffff1
char: A string foo foo veryl
hour 12:09:00
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ has leading zeroes when requested, but bot other formats are obeyed:
octal 2000 1232 00065
hex 400 29a 00035
HEX etc 400 666 53
neg -5 -10 -0015
neg -5 -0010 fffffff1
char: A string foo foo verylongstring
hour 12:09:00
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Result of example-printf (you can "make CONFIG_PRINTF_MINI=y):
octal %5o %5o %05o
hex %5x %5x %05x
HEX etc %5X %+5d %-5i
neg %5i %5i %05i
neg %5i %05i %05x
char: %c string %s %5s %.5s
hour %02d:%02d:%02d
......@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ the other ones are exclusive one another:
printf.o full xint mini none
x86, gcc-4.4.5 87 1715 471 258 48
x86-64, gcc-4.4.5 418 2325 701 433 77
x86, gcc-4.6.2 255 2210 565 330 110
arm, gcc-4.2.2 156 2408 672 356 52
arm, gcc-4.5.2 128 2235 637 353 44
arm, gcc-4.5.2 thumb2 80 1443 369 209 26
lm32, gcc-4.5.3 196 3228 820 576 44
mips, gcc-4.4.1 184 2616 808 504 72
powerpc, gcc-4.4.1 328 2895 869 521 48
coldfire, gcc-4.4.1 96 2025 479 257 42
sh4, gcc-4.4.1 316 2152 600 408 34
x86, gcc-4.4.5 87 1715 476 258 48
x86-64, gcc-4.4.5 418 2325 712 433 77
x86, gcc-4.6.2 255 2210 577 330 110
arm, gcc-4.2.2 156 2408 684 356 52
arm, gcc-4.5.2 128 2235 645 353 44
arm, gcc-4.5.2 thumb2 80 1443 373 209 26
lm32, gcc-4.5.3 196 3228 792 576 44
mips, gcc-4.4.1 184 2616 824 504 72
powerpc, gcc-4.4.1 328 2895 881 521 48
coldfire, gcc-4.4.1 96 2025 485 257 42
sh4, gcc-4.4.1 316 2152 608 408 34
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
pp_printf("octal %5o %5o %05o\n", 1024, 666, 53);
pp_printf("hex %5x %5x %05x\n", 1024, 666, 53);
pp_printf("HEX etc %5X %+5d %-5i\n", 1024, 666, 53);
pp_printf("neg %5i %5i %05i\n", -5, -10, -15);
pp_printf("neg %5i %05i %05x\n", -5, -10, -15);
pp_printf("char: %c string %s %5s %.5s\n", 65, "foo", "foo",
pp_printf("hour %02d:%02d:%02d\n", 12, 9, 0);
* vsprintf-ugly: a possible free-software replacement for mprintf
* vsprintf-xint: a possible free-software replacement for mprintf
* public domain
......@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
static int number(char *out, int value, int base, int lead, int wid)
static int number(char *out, unsigned value, int base, int lead, int wid)
char tmp[16];
int i = 16, ret, negative = 0;
/* No error checking at all: it is as ugly as possible */
if (value < 0) {
if ((signed)value < 0 && base == 10) {
negative = 1;
value = -value;
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