Commit 3d71ab05 authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

softpll: fix for MPLL de-lock when phase shift set above +- 8 ns

parent 026d1141
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ int softpll_busy(int channel)
void softpll_set_phase( int ps)
mpll.phase_shift_target = ((int32_t) ((int64_t)ps * (long long)(1<<HPLL_N) / 8000LL));
mpll_set_phase_shift(&mpll, ((int32_t) ((int64_t)ps * (long long)(1<<HPLL_N) / 8000LL)));
void softpll_disable()
......@@ -164,3 +164,18 @@ int softpll_get_setpoint()
return mpll.phase_shift_target;
void softpll_test()
while(softpll_busy(0)) mprintf("%d %d %d%d %d %d\n", mpll.phase_shift_current, mpll.phase_shift_target, mpll.ld.locked, helper.ld.locked, lerr, ly);
while(softpll_busy(0)) mprintf("%d %d %d%d %d\n", mpll.phase_shift_current, mpll.phase_shift_target, mpll.ld.locked, helper.ld.locked, lerr);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -36,3 +36,7 @@ WARNING: These parameters must be in sync with the generics of the HDL instantia
/* Number of bits of the DAC(s) driving the oscillator(s). Must be the same for
all the outputs. */
#define DAC_BITS 16
/* 1.0 / (Speed of the phase shifter) - the higher value, the slower phase shifting.
Used to prevent de-locking PLLs when shifting large offsets. */
\ No newline at end of file
#define MPLL_TAG_WRAPAROUND 100000000
#define MPLL_TAG_WRAPAROUND 1000000000
/* State of the Main PLL */
struct spll_main_state {
......@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ struct spll_main_state {
int phase_shift_current;
int id_ref, id_out; /* IDs of the reference and the output channel */
int sample_n;
int shift_div;
volatile int lerr = 0, ly=0;
static void mpll_init(struct spll_main_state *s, int id_ref, int id_out)
......@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ static void mpll_init(struct spll_main_state *s, int id_ref, int id_out)
s->id_ref = id_ref;
s->id_out = id_out;
s->sample_n= 0;
s->shift_div = 0;
......@@ -69,9 +71,6 @@ static int mpll_update(struct spll_main_state *s, int tag, int source)
if(s->tag_out_d >= 0 && s->tag_out_d > s->tag_out)
s->adder_out += (1<<TAG_BITS);
s->tag_ref_d = s->tag_ref;
s->tag_out_d = s->tag_out;
err = s->adder_ref + s->tag_ref - s->adder_out - s->tag_out;
if(s->adder_ref > MPLL_TAG_WRAPAROUND && s->adder_out > MPLL_TAG_WRAPAROUND)
......@@ -80,25 +79,51 @@ static int mpll_update(struct spll_main_state *s, int tag, int source)
s->adder_out -= MPLL_TAG_WRAPAROUND;
/* Hack: the PLL is locked, so the tags are close to each other. But when we start phase shifting, after reaching
full clock period, one of the reference tags will flip before the other, causing a suddent 2**HPLL_N jump in the error.
So, once the PLL is locked, we just mask out everything above 2**HPLL_N.
Proper solution: tag sequence numbers */
err &= (1<<HPLL_N)-1;
if(err & (1<<(HPLL_N-1)))
err |= ~((1<<HPLL_N)-1);
y = pi_update(&s->pi, err);
lerr = err;
spll_debug(DBG_MAIN | DBG_REF, s->tag_ref, 0);
spll_debug(DBG_MAIN | DBG_TAG, s->tag_out, 0);
spll_debug(DBG_MAIN | DBG_ERR, err, 0);
spll_debug(DBG_MAIN | DBG_SAMPLE_ID, s->sample_n++, 0);
spll_debug(DBG_MAIN | DBG_Y, y, 1);
s->tag_ref_d = s->tag_ref;
s->tag_out_d = s->tag_out;
s->tag_out = -1;
s->tag_ref = -1;
if(s->phase_shift_current < s->phase_shift_target)
if(s->shift_div == PHASE_SHIFTER_SPEED-1)
s->shift_div = 0;
} else s->shift_div++;
} else if(s->phase_shift_current > s->phase_shift_target) {
if(s->shift_div == PHASE_SHIFTER_SPEED-1)
s->shift_div = 0;
} else s->shift_div++;
if(ld_update(&s->ld, err))
......@@ -111,6 +136,7 @@ static int mpll_update(struct spll_main_state *s, int tag, int source)
static int mpll_set_phase_shift(struct spll_main_state *s, int desired_shift)
s->shift_div = 0;
s->phase_shift_target = desired_shift;
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