Commit 2a791f30 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

softpll: use pp_printf for stats

so that is works both on WRS and WRPC
parent 92cca034
......@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ void spll_get_num_channels(int *n_ref, int *n_out)
void spll_show_stats()
if (softpll.mode > 0)
TRACE_DEV("softpll: irqs %d seq %s mode %d "
pp_printf("softpll: irqs %d seq %s mode %d "
"alignment_state %d HL%d ML%d HY=%d MY=%d DelCnt=%d\n",
irq_count, stringlist_lookup(seq_states, softpll.seq_state), softpll.mode,
softpll.ext.align_state, softpll.helper.ld.locked, softpll.mpll.ld.locked,
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