Commit 214284b4 authored by Wesley W. Terpstra's avatar Wesley W. Terpstra

Added arria board parameters

parent ad247c10
#include "board.h"
/* Board-specific initialization code */
int board_init()
int board_update()
\ No newline at end of file
#ifndef __BOARD_H
#define __BOARD_H
#include <hw/memlayout.h>
/* Board-specific parameters */
/* WR Core system/CPU clock frequency in Hz */
#define CPU_CLOCK 125000000ULL
/* WR Reference clock period (picoseconds) and frequency (Hz) */
#define REF_CLOCK_PERIOD_PS 8000
#define REF_CLOCK_FREQ_HZ 125000000
/* Baud rate of the builtin UART (does not apply to the VUART) */
#define UART_BAUDRATE 115200ULL
/* Maximum number of simultaneously created sockets */
/* Socket buffer size, determines the max. RX packet size */
#define NET_SKBUF_SIZE 256
/* Number of auxillary clock channels - usually equal to the number of FMCs */
#define NUM_AUX_CLOCKS 1
int board_init();
int board_update();
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