Commit 1ba7fec8 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

[wr-streamers] updated handling of wrong GW register version

Added detection of wrong version number (usually, this means
that something is seriously wrong)
parent 374b6b63
Pipeline #161 passed with stages
in 26 seconds
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
#include <hw/wr_streamers.h>
#define GW_REG_VER_ERROR -1
#define GW_REG_VER_OK 0
static struct mapping_desc *wrstm = NULL;
......@@ -828,13 +832,25 @@ static int verify_reg_version()
gw_reg_map_version = iomemr32(wrstm->is_be, ptr->VER);
fprintf(stderr, "Wishbone register version: in FPGA = 0x%x |"
" in SW = 0x%x\n", gw_reg_map_version, WBGEN2_WR_STREAMERS_VERSION);
if(gw_reg_map_version < WBGEN2_WR_STREAMERS_VERSION)
return -1;
else if(gw_reg_map_version > WBGEN2_WR_STREAMERS_VERSION)
return 1;
return 0;
if(gw_reg_map_version == WBGEN2_WR_STREAMERS_VERSION)
return GW_REG_VER_OK;
else if(gw_reg_map_version == 0xffffffff || gw_reg_map_version == 0x0){
fprintf(stderr, "\n\nWrong reading of version register, exiting ...\n\n");
else {
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "============== !!! WARNING !!! ===============\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Register version in FPGA and SW do not match\n");
if(gw_reg_map_version < WBGEN2_WR_STREAMERS_VERSION)
fprintf(stderr, " This software is the newer than the bitstream\n");
if(gw_reg_map_version > WBGEN2_WR_STREAMERS_VERSION)
fprintf(stderr, " This software is older than the bitstream\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Some commands may not be supported\n");
fprintf(stderr, "============== !!! WARNING !!! ===============\n\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
......@@ -857,17 +873,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ret = verify_reg_version();
if (ret !=0) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "============== !!! WARNING !!! ===============\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Register version in FPGA and SW do not match\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Your software is older than the bitstream\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Your software is the newer than the bitstream\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Some commands may not be supported\n");
fprintf(stderr, "============== !!! WARNING !!! ===============\n\n");
if (ret == GW_REG_VER_ERROR) //something is wrong if incorrection version value
return -1;
ret = extest_register_user_cmd(wrstm_cmd, WRSTM_CMD_NB);
if (ret) {
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