Commit 02d430f1 authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski Committed by Adam Wujek

[tb/wrpc] updated test_1() to return OK/ERROR to the testbench

parent 25a0100b
......@@ -166,19 +166,25 @@ int wrpc_test_1(void)
/** check whether the received value is OK */
if (ret == 0)
if (ret == 0) {
code = 0xE0; /* Error: returned zero value */
hdl_testbench.return_val = TESTBENCH_RET_ERROR;
else if (ret > 0) {
pl_cnt = 0xFFFF & ((tx_payload[0] << 8) | tx_payload[1]);
if (pl_cnt == rx_cnt) {
code = 0xBB; /* OK */
hdl_testbench.return_val = TESTBENCH_RET_OK;
} else {
rx_cnt = pl_cnt+1;
code = 0xE1; /* Error: wrong seqID */
hdl_testbench.return_val = TESTBENCH_RET_ERROR;
} else
} else {
code = 0xE2; /* Error: error of rx */
hdl_testbench.return_val = TESTBENCH_RET_ERROR;
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