Commit fe2dc94e authored by John Gill's avatar John Gill

Updated version

parent 2adf08e6
......@@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ begin
init_hwinfo_ident_jtagRemoteDisable_i => '1',
init_hwinfo_ident_extendedID_i => "0000000",
init_hwinfo_ident_cardID_i => x"56",
init_hwinfo_firmwareVersion_i => x"0000_14_00",
init_hwinfo_memMapVersion_i => x"0000_14_00",
init_hwinfo_firmwareVersion_i => x"0000_15_00",
init_hwinfo_memMapVersion_i => x"0000_15_00",
init_hwinfo_echo_echo_o => open,
init_fw_update_i => wb_fw_update_in,
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