Commit 7efea296 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

tb_vtu: add a test for lowfreq mode.

parent c1ebd73b
......@@ -51,7 +51,14 @@ architecture arch of tb_vtu is
-- Command to be sent to the VTU observer: number of expected pulses.
type observer_type is record
-- Number of expected pulses.
count : natural;
-- True if can go beyond the number of pulses (infinite window).
infinite : boolean;
-- If True, expect square waves. Check half-period.
square : boolean;
end record;
signal observer_cmd : observer_type;
......@@ -59,6 +66,7 @@ architecture arch of tb_vtu is
-- VTU observer state.
type obs_state_type is (IDLE, WORKING, OBS_DONE, OBS_ERR);
signal observer_state : obs_state_type := IDLE;
signal observer_count : natural;
signal observer_period : time;
-- System clock, 62.5 Mhz
......@@ -101,7 +109,6 @@ begin
-- VTU observer.
process (trig_p, observer_cmd)
variable count : natural;
variable last_ts : time;
variable this_period : time;
......@@ -110,38 +117,41 @@ begin
case observer_state is
observer_state <= WORKING;
count := 0;
observer_count <= 1;
last_ts := now;
when WORKING =>
report "VTU observer command overrides the previous one" severity error;
end case;
end if;
if trig_p'event and trig_p = '1' then
report "Trigger:" & Natural'image(count);
if trig_p'event and (observer_cmd.square or trig_p = '1') then
report "Trigger:" & Natural'image(observer_count);
case observer_state is
when IDLE =>
report "VTU observer: trigger before command" severity error;
when WORKING =>
this_period := now - last_ts;
if count = 1 then
if observer_count = 2 then
observer_period <= this_period;
elsif count > 1 then
elsif observer_count > 2 then
if this_period /= observer_period then
report "VTU observer: irregular period" severity error;
end if;
end if;
last_ts := now;
count := count + 1;
if count = observer_cmd.count then
observer_count <= observer_count + 1;
if observer_count = observer_cmd.count then
observer_state <= OBS_DONE;
elsif observer_count > observer_cmd.count and not observer_cmd.infinite then
report "VTU observer: too many pulses" severity error;
end if;
when OBS_DONE | OBS_ERR =>
when OBS_ERR =>
end case;
end if;
end process;
-- Test process.
-- Send a pulse on the start signal and wait until it is propagated to the VTU.
procedure start_pulse is
......@@ -162,7 +172,7 @@ begin
sync <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
sync <= '0';
-- Wait until the VTU get the sync pulse.
for i in 1 to 3 loop
wait until rising_edge(clk_vtu);
......@@ -223,7 +233,7 @@ begin
assert val = x"0000" severity error;
-- Expect 64 syncs.
observer_cmd <= (count => 64);
observer_cmd <= (count => 64, infinite => False, square => False);
-- Start pulse.
......@@ -276,14 +286,65 @@ begin
assert val (TRIGUNIT_REGS_STATUS_STARTREADY_OFFSET) = '1' severity error;
assert val (TRIGUNIT_REGS_STATUS_RUNNING_OFFSET) = '0' severity error;
-- Second test: check that missing valid parameters is reported.
-- Test 2: check that missing valid parameters is reported.
-- (A cycle has been finished, the start signal has to be ignored because
-- parameters aren't set.)
report "test 2 - start";
assert val (TRIGUNIT_REGS_STATUS_MISSVALID_OFFSET) = '1' severity error;
-- Test 3: Program the vtu
-- Delay between start and the first pulse.
write64be_pl (clk_sys, wb_in, wb_out, ADDR_TRIGUNIT_REGS_BVALUEOFFLINE, x"0000_0000_0000_0010");
-- Delay between the pulses.
write64be_pl (clk_sys, wb_in, wb_out, ADDR_TRIGUNIT_REGS_HTVALUEOFFLINE, x"0000_0000_0000_0011");
-- Number of pulses (unused).
write64be_pl (clk_sys, wb_in, wb_out, ADDR_TRIGUNIT_REGS_WVALUEOFFLINE, x"0000_0000_0000_0014");
-- Lowfreq generation, enable.
write16_pl (clk_sys, wb_in, wb_out, ADDR_TRIGUNIT_REGS_CONFIGOFFLINE, x"0041");
-- Expect 64 syncs.
observer_cmd <= (count => 20, infinite => true, square => true);
report "test 3 - start";
assert val (TRIGUNIT_REGS_STATUS_MISSVALID_OFFSET) = '0' severity error;
-- Sync pulse.
-- Check ...
assert val (TRIGUNIT_REGS_STATUS_STARTREADY_OFFSET) = '1' severity error;
assert val (TRIGUNIT_REGS_STATUS_RUNNING_OFFSET) = '1' severity error;
-- Wait until end of generation.
wait on observer_state;
-- Check observer status.
assert observer_state = OBS_DONE severity error;
assert observer_period = 17 * 5 ns;
-- Stop counter. Synchronize to
wait until rising_edge(clk_vtu);
stop <= '1';
wait for 40 ns;
stop <= '0';
-- Wait a little bit (2 full periods)
wait for 2 * 2 * observer_period;
-- We should have stopped after 20 periods. There are some extra periods because of synchronizers.
assert observer_count = 23 severity error;
report "end of tests";
end process;
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