1. 11 Dec, 2014 7 commits
  2. 17 Oct, 2014 3 commits
  3. 16 Oct, 2014 2 commits
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      boot procedure: use non-blocking write to /dev/ttyGS0 · 16d93070
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      If the usb cable is disconnected, any write to /dev/ttyGS0 goes to a
      buffer until it fills. Then, any further write will block. This means
      the messages towards the user ("uncompressing filesystem... done" etc)
      caused the update procedure to stop.
      This fixes the problem by using non-blocking write for the messages:
      if nobody`s reading the messages are just discarded by the kernel.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      Merge branch 'fix-ppsi' · acc26834
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      A "cleanup" commit in ppsi lost one step, and we were missing calibration
      deltas. This fixes it
  4. 14 Oct, 2014 2 commits
    • Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar
      ppsi update, fix delta Tx/Rx readout · 359df1c6
      Grzegorz Daniluk authored
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      bug fix: wrs_version: print errors to stderr not stdout · e192d214
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      Without this, the upgrade procedure from v4.0 failed to preserve
      the mac address. This fixes the bug which is explained here below.
      What happened is that the new filesystem (v4.1) returns UNKNOWN as
      fpga type, because no hwinfo is there.  This UNKNOWN should be turned
      into the default type LX240T, so the fpga is programmed and everything
      However, "UNKNOWN" is intermixed with the (expected) error message,
      so no LX240T is selected and loading fpga fails.
      Later, "ifconifg wr0" fails to retrieve the mac address, because no
      WR drivers are running, and the generation of hwinfo fails as well.
      As a result, after the second reboot (see user manual) there MAC
      address for WR interfaces was not preserved.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
  5. 10 Oct, 2014 1 commit
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      userspace: update sdb code and tools to upstream commit d22c178 · e0f6fa9e
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      This upgrades user-space sdb code the new upstream commit.
      This is the result of sdb-read on the switch, for the fpga area:
        wrs- -l -m 0x100000@0x10000000 -e 0x70000 /dev/mem
        0000000000000651:e6a542c9 @ 00000000-0007ffff WB4-Crossbar-GSI
        0000000000000651:eef0b198 @ 00000000-0001ffff WB4-Bridge-GSI
        0000000000000651:e6a542c9 @ 00000000-0001ffff   WB4-Crossbar-GSI
        000000000000ce42:66cfeb52 @ 00000000-0000ffff   WB4-BlockRAM
        000000000000ce42:e2d13d04 @ 00010000-000100ff   WR-Periph-UART
        000000000000ce42:65158dc0 @ 00010100-000101ff   WR-Soft-PLL
        000000000000ce42:e503947e @ 00010200-0001021f   WB-SPI.Control
        000000000000ce42:441c5143 @ 00010300-000103ff   WB-GPIO-Port
        000000000000ce42:57494266 @ 00010400-000104ff   WB Simple Timer
        000000000000ce42:de0d8ced @ 00010500-000105ff   WR-PPS-Generator
        000000000000ce42:ba07b9d3 @ 00020000-0002ffff WRSW NIC
        0000000000000651:eef0b198 @ 00030000-00037fff WB4-Bridge-GSI
        0000000000000651:e6a542c9 @ 00030000-00037fff   WB4-Crossbar-GSI
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00030000-000300ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00030400-000304ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00030800-000308ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00030c00-00030cff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00031000-000310ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00031400-000314ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00031800-000318ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00031c00-00031cff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00032000-000320ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00032400-000324ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00032800-000328ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00032c00-00032cff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00033000-000330ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00033400-000334ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00033800-000338ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00033c00-00033cff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00034000-000340ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:650c2d4f @ 00034400-000344ff   WR-Endpoint
        000000000000ce42:00000013 @ 00050000-000500ff WB-VIC-Int.Control
        000000000000ce42:a027fd6e @ 00051000-000510ff WR Tx Tstamp Unit
        000000000000ce42:2e8524c7 @ 00060000-0006ffff WRSW RTU
        000000000000ce42:441c5143 @ 00053000-000530ff WB-GPIO-Port
        000000000000ce42:123c5443 @ 00054000-000540ff WB-I2C-Master
        000000000000ce42:91446863 @ 00055000-000550ff WB Simple PWM
        000000000000ce42:53bf6e6f @ 00056000-000560ff WRSW TRU
        000000000000ce42:0c0a9cc1 @ 00057000-000570ff WRSW TATSU
        000000000000ce42:6c21e54e @ 00058000-000580ff WRSW PSTATS
        000000000000ce42:11f10474 @ 00059000-000590ff WRSW HWIU
        repo-url: git@ohwr.org:white-rabbit/wr-switch-hdl.git
        synthesis-name: WRS18p
          commit-id: 000000000000000000000000a98ffb3f
           tool-name: ISE
          tool-version: 0x00000145
          build-date: 20141002
          build-user: GDaniluk
        synthesis-name: general-cores
          commit-id: 000000000000000000000000aa9ff5ea
        synthesis-name: wr-cores
          commit-id: 0000000000000000000000000791d3ed
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
  6. 03 Oct, 2014 12 commits
  7. 01 Oct, 2014 5 commits
  8. 30 Sep, 2014 8 commits