Commit ef3ed69f authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

userspace/include/fpga_io.h: reindent to make it more readable

This header is almost obsolete, as we'll move to SDB soon.
Meanwhile, sort out the tab/space mess and indent with spaces only,
so it looks good to everybody (including greg who insists on one
tab every 2 spaces -- which works for indentation, but not for
for alignment at end-of-line).
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 0fd10585
......@@ -3,39 +3,39 @@
#include <stdint.h>
/* Base addresses of all FPGA peripherals used in libwr */
/* PPS Generator */
#define FPGA_BASE_PPS_GEN 0x10500
#define FPGA_BASE_PPS_GEN 0x10500
/* Routing Table */
#define FPGA_BASE_RTU 0x60000
#define FPGA_BASE_RTU 0x60000
/* Simple PWM module */
#define FPGA_BASE_SPWM 0x55000
#define FPGA_BASE_SPWM 0x55000
/* HW Info Unit */
#define FPGA_BASE_HWIU 0x59000
#define FPGA_BASE_HWIU 0x59000
/* Topology Resolution Unit */
#define FPGA_BASE_TRU 0x56000 // 0x57000
#define FPGA_BASE_TRU 0x56000
/* Time-Aware Traffic Shaper Unit */
#define FPGA_BASE_TATSU 0x57000 // 0x57000
#define FPGA_BASE_TATSU 0x57000
/* per-port Statistics */
#define FPGA_BASE_PSTATS 0x58000
#define FPGA_BASE_PSTATS 0x58000
/* HardWare Debugging Unit */
#define FPGA_BASE_HWDU 0x59000
#define FPGA_BASE_HWDU 0x59000
/* Endpoint */
#define FPGA_BASE_EP0 0x30000
#define FPGA_BASE_EP0 0x30000
extern volatile uint8_t *_fpga_base_virt; /* libwr/fpga_io.c */
#define FPGA_BASE_ADDR _fpga_base_virt
#define FPGA_BASE_ADDR _fpga_base_virt
extern volatile uint8_t *_fpga_base_virt;
#define _fpga_writel(reg, val){ *(volatile uint32_t *)(FPGA_BASE_ADDR + (reg)) = (val); }
#define _fpga_readl(reg) (*(volatile uint32_t *)(FPGA_BASE_ADDR + (reg)))
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