Commit ea6485aa authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

userspace: remove old lua-based config, now unused

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent a2fef783
......@@ -9,10 +9,6 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <libwr/pio.h>
#include <libwr/trace.h>
#include <libwr/util.h>
timing = {
pps_width = 100000; -- PPS pulse width
-- use_nmea = 1; -- take UTC seconds from NMEA GPS clock connected to /dev/ttyS2
-- mode = "GrandMaster"; -- grand-master with external reference
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ endif
LDFLAGS = -L../mini-rpc \
-L../libwr \
-L../libsdb \
-lwr -lminipc -lsdbfs -llua -lm -ldl
-lwr -lminipc -lsdbfs -lm -ldl
all: $(TOOLS)
OBJS = hal_exports.o hal_main.o hal_ports.o hal_config.o hal_timing.o
OBJS = hal_exports.o hal_main.o hal_ports.o hal_timing.o
BINARY = wrsw_hal
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ifdef WRS_HAL_DEBUG
LDFLAGS = -L../libwr -L../mini-rpc \
-lminipc -llua -lm -ldl -lwr
-lminipc -lm -ldl -lwr
all: $(BINARY)
/* Wrapper code for handling Lua configuration files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <libwr/trace.h>
#define HAL_CONFIG_FILE "/wr/etc/wrsw_hal.conf"
static lua_State *cfg_file = NULL;
static char *extra_cmdline = NULL;
static char *hal_config_file = HAL_CONFIG_FILE;
/* Sets the path to the HAL config file */
void hal_config_set_config_file(const char *str)
hal_config_file = strdup(str);
/* Appends extra Lua code to the contents of the configuration file to
be parsed. Can be used to execute inline config given as a command
line parameter. */
int hal_config_extra_cmdline(const char *str)
extra_cmdline = strdup(str);
return 0;
/* Parses the HAL configuration file */
int hal_parse_config()
int ret;
TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Parsing wrsw_hal configuration file: %s", HAL_CONFIG_FILE);
cfg_file = lua_open();
/* Just execute the config file as a regular Lua script. The
contents of the file will be ordinary Lua variables
accessible via lua_State. */
ret = luaL_dofile(cfg_file, hal_config_file);
/* Declare a Lua "helper" function for regexp searching global
variables - it's much easier to implement in Lua than in
plain C. */
ret |= luaL_dostring(cfg_file, "\
function get_var(name) \
local t = _G \
for w in name:gmatch(\"([%w_]+)\\.?\") do \
t = t[w] \
end \
return t \
/* Execute extra code from the command line */
if (extra_cmdline)
ret |= luaL_dostring(cfg_file, extra_cmdline);
if (ret) {
TRACE(TRACE_ERROR, "Error parsing the configuration file: %s",
lua_tostring(cfg_file, -1));
return -1;
return 0;
/* Looks up for a global variable (name). If it's found, it is pushed
on the Lua stack and the function returns 0, otherwise a negative
error code is returned. */
static int global_get_var(const char *name)
lua_getglobal(cfg_file, "get_var");
lua_pushstring(cfg_file, name);
if (lua_pcall(cfg_file, 1, 1, 0) != 0)
return -1;
return 0;
/* Retreives an integer variable (name) and stores it at
(value). Returns 0 on success, -1 if the variable was not found or
has invalid format. */
int hal_config_get_int(const char *name, int *value)
if (global_get_var(name) < 0)
return -1;
if (!lua_isnumber(cfg_file, -1))
return -1;
*value = (int)lua_tonumber(cfg_file, -1);
return 0;
/* Same as above, but for double floating point numbers. */
int hal_config_get_double(const char *name, double *value)
if (global_get_var(name) < 0)
return -1;
if (!lua_isnumber(cfg_file, -1))
return -1;
*value = (double)lua_tonumber(cfg_file, -1);
return 0;
/* Same as above, but for null-terminated strings */
int hal_config_get_string(const char *name, char *value, int max_len)
if (global_get_var(name) < 0)
return -1;
if (!lua_isstring(cfg_file, -1))
return -1;
strncpy(value, lua_tostring(cfg_file, -1), max_len);
return 0;
/* Iterates a particular section (section) in the config file for its
* subsections. For a file containing:
ports = {
wru0 = {
wr1 = {
wr2 = {
calling hal_config_iterate("ports", 0, sub, strlen(sub)) will
return 1 and sub == "wr0",
calling hal_config_iterate("ports", 1, sub, strlen(sub)) will
return 1 and sub == "wr1",
hal_config_iterate("ports", 3, sub, strlen(sub)) will return 0, as
there will be no more subsections in the "ports" section.
int hal_config_iterate(const char *section, int index, char *subsection,
int max_len)
int i = 0;
if (global_get_var(section) < 0)
return -1;
lua_pushnil(cfg_file); /* first key */
while (lua_next(cfg_file, -2) != 0) {
/* uses 'key' (at index -2) and 'value' (at index -1) */
char *key_type = (char *)lua_typename(cfg_file,
lua_type(cfg_file, -1));
if (!strcmp(key_type, "table") && i == index) {
strncpy(subsection, lua_tostring(cfg_file, -2),
return 1;
} else if (!strcmp(key_type, "string") && i == index) {
strncpy(subsection, lua_tostring(cfg_file, -1),
return 1;
/* removes 'value'; keeps 'key' for next iteration */
lua_pop(cfg_file, 1);
return 0;
......@@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ static int hal_init()
signal(SIGTERM, sighandler);
signal(SIGILL, sighandler);
/* Low-level hw init, init non-kernel drivers */
......@@ -165,32 +163,19 @@ static void show_help()
printf("WR Switch Hardware Abstraction Layer daemon (wrsw_hal)\n\
Usage: wrsw_hal [options], where [options] can be:\n\
-f : force FPGA firmware reload\n\
-d : fork into background (daemon mode)\n\
-x [code]: execute arbitrary Lua [code] before loading configuration file\n\
-c [file]: specify your own config file\n\n");
-d : fork into background (daemon mode)\n");
static void hal_parse_cmdline(int argc, char *argv[])
int opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "dfhx:c:")) != -1) {
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "dh")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'd':
daemon_mode = 1;
case 'x':
case 'c':
// case 'f':
// shw_fpga_force_firmware_reload();
// break;
case 'h':
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