Commit b08fbb30 authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

userspace: correct i2c scanning with pulldown line

When we had a pulldown on the i2c bus the device was okay because we
only check ack (0), now we first check if we have a pullup and then a
parent e4f7934c
......@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
#define I2C_WRITE 0
#define I2C_READ 1
typedef struct i2c_bus
const char *name;
......@@ -123,19 +123,35 @@ static uint8_t mi2c_get_byte(struct i2c_bitbang *bus, int ack)
* Scan if an i2c chip reply with the given address
* All i2c chip are pullup, so we first check if we have a pullup connected, then we send
* the address and wait for acknowledge (pull down)
* \input bus Generic i2c bus
* \input address chip address on the bus
* \output Return 1 (true) or 0 (false) if the bus has replied correctly
int32_t i2c_bitbang_scan(struct i2c_bus* bus, uint32_t address)
if (!bus)
return I2C_NULL_PARAM;
uint8_t state;
struct i2c_bitbang* ts = (struct i2c_bitbang*)bus->type_specific;
int ack = mi2c_write_byte(ts, (address << 1) | 0);
//Check if we have pull up on the data line of iic bus
shw_pio_setdir(ts->sda, PIO_IN);
if(state!=1) return 0;
//Then write address and check acknowledge
state = mi2c_write_byte(ts, (address << 1) | 0);
return ack ? 1: 0;
return state ? 1: 0;
int i2c_bitbang_transfer(i2c_bus_t* bus, uint32_t address, uint32_t to_write, uint32_t to_read, uint8_t* data)
......@@ -43,14 +43,14 @@
pio_pin_t wr_i2c_io_sda = {
.port = PIOB,
.pin = 24,
.mode = PIO_MODE_GPIO, //PullUp by i2c when miniBP >v3.3, PullDown in miniBP v3.2
.dir = PIO_OUT_0,
//Connected to miniBP to PB7>PB0>PB20
pio_pin_t wr_i2c_io_scl = {
.port = PIOB,
.pin = 20,
.mode = PIO_MODE_GPIO, //PullUp by i2c when miniBP >v3.3, PullDown in miniBP v3.2
.dir = PIO_OUT_0,
struct i2c_bitbang wr_i2c_io_reg = {
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