Commit 6870ebbc authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU Committed by Adam Wujek

Limit the name size of a port instance

The profile is included in the port instance name. With the new profile
"custom", the port instance name become too big. So only the two first
letters of the profile are now included in the name.
parent 5aa24737
......@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ for i_port in {01..18}; do # scan all the physical ports
# define instance name
v="$port_vn[iface]"; p_iface=${!v}
v="$inst_vn[proto]"; p_proto=${!v}
v="$inst_vn[port]"; eval ${v}="${p_iface}-${j_inst_int}-${p_profile}-${p_proto}"
v="$inst_vn[port]"; eval ${v}="${p_iface}-${j_inst_int}-${p_profile:0:2}-${p_proto}"
# if extPortConfiguration enabled, get the desired state
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