Commit 5d08c392 authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU Committed by Adam Wujek

Suppress bitslide in the calculation delta_rx_phy.

As the bitslide is already taken into account in PPSI for all protocol
extensions as the semiStaticLatency, it is no longer needed to use it in
the calculation of delta_rx_phy.
parent 74b72170
......@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ static void hal_port_fsm(struct hal_port_state * p)
pr_info("Bitslide: %d\n",bit_slide_steps);
p->calib.delta_rx_phy =
p->calib.phy_rx_min + p->calib.bitslide_ps;
p->calib.delta_tx_phy = p->calib.phy_tx_min;
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