Commit 43ecab79 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

userspace/wr_mon: check if wr-servo is updating, and report if not

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 28ea45b5
......@@ -300,6 +300,8 @@ void show_servo(void)
int64_t total_asymmetry;
int64_t crtt;
static time_t lastt;
static int last_count;
total_asymmetry = ppsi_servo_local.picos_mu -
2LL * ppsi_servo_local.delta_ms;
......@@ -316,11 +318,15 @@ void show_servo(void)
term_cprintf(C_GREY, "Servo state: ");
term_cprintf(C_WHITE, "%s: %s%s\n",
ppsi_servo_local.flags & WR_FLAG_WAIT_HW ?
" (wait for hw)" : "");
if (lastt && time(NULL) - lastt > 5) {
term_cprintf(C_RED, " --- not updating --- ");
} else {
term_cprintf(C_WHITE, "%s: %s%s\n",
ppsi_servo_local.flags & WR_FLAG_WAIT_HW ?
" (wait for hw)" : "");
/* "tracking disabled" is just a testing tool */
if (!ppsi_servo_local.tracking_enabled)
......@@ -369,6 +375,10 @@ void show_servo(void)
term_cprintf(C_GREY, "Servo update counter: ");
term_cprintf(C_WHITE, "%u times\n",
if (ppsi_servo_local.update_count != last_count) {
lastt = time(NULL);
last_count = ppsi_servo_local.update_count;
else if(mode == SHOW_STATS) {
printf("SERVO ");
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