Commit 39e07c06 authored by José Luis  Gutiérrez's avatar José Luis Gutiérrez Committed by Alessandro Rubini

www: login update to dotconfig

Login now uses the user and password from dotconfig instead of phpusers
in filesystem.
Now it is suposed to use same username and password for the shell and
the web interface.
Changes are also applicable for both of them.
Nowadays there is only one user: "root"
parent 2f80caec
......@@ -24,43 +24,27 @@
if(count($_POST)>0) {
//If /etc/phpusers does not exist we create the file and "admin" "" user&pass
if (!file_exists($GLOBALS['phpusersfile'])) {
$username = "admin";
$password = "";
$pass = $password;
$hash = md5($pass); // md5 hash #1
$hash_md5 = md5($salt.$pass); // md5 hash with salt #2
$hash_md5_double = md5(sha1($salt.$pass)); // md5 hash with salt & sha1 #3
$output= $username." ".$hash_md5_double."\n";
$file = fopen($GLOBALS['phpusersfile'],"w+");
/* User shall always be "root" (by the moment...) */
$username = $_POST["login"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
$saved_hash = shell_exec("cat ".$GLOBALS['phpusersfile']." | grep '".$username."' | awk '{print $2}'");
$saved_user = shell_exec("cat ".$GLOBALS['phpusersfile']." | grep '".$username."' | awk '{print $1}'");
$saved_user = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $saved_user);
$saved_hash = str_replace("\n","",$saved_hash);
$user_exists = shell_exec("cat ".$GLOBALS['phpusersfile']." | grep -c ".$username);
$pass = $password;
$hash = md5($pass); // md5 hash #1
$hash_md5 = md5($salt.$pass); // md5 hash with salt #2
$hash_md5_double = md5(sha1($salt.$pass)); // md5 hash with salt & sha1 #3
if (!strcmp($hash_md5_double,$saved_hash) && $user_exists>0 && (strcmp($saved_user, $username) == 0)){
/* password is here: ROOT_PWD_CYPHER */
$dotconfig_passwd = $_SESSION['KCONFIG']['CONFIG_ROOT_PWD_CYPHER'];
$password = shell_exec('/usr/bin/mkpasswd --method=md5 "'.$password.'"');
}else{ /* password is here: ROOT_PWD_CLEAR */
$dotconfig_passwd = $_SESSION['KCONFIG']['CONFIG_ROOT_PWD_CLEAR'];
if ((strcmp($username,"root")==0) && (strcmp($dotconfig_passwd, $password) == 0)){
$_SESSION["myusername"] = $username;
echo 'Logged in as '.$_SESSION["myusername"];
header('Location: index.php');
echo 'Invalid Username or Password';
echo '<div id="alert"><center>Invalid Username or Password</center></div>';
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