Commit 2b4aad8c authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬

userspace/snmpd: add wrsPTPStatus to wrsTimingStatusGroup

--update MIB
--make struct wrsPtpDataTable_s extern in wrsPtpDataTable.h
Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 05f28a45
......@@ -155,6 +155,23 @@ wrsTemperatureWarning OBJECT-TYPE
-- wrsTimingStatusGroup (.6.1.2)
wrsTimingStatusGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wrsDetailedStatusesGroup 2 }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Grouped status of wrsPtpDataTable
ok - PTP error counters in wrsPtpDataTable are not increased since
last scan and ptp servo updates counter increased
error - error in wrsPtpDataTable
firstRead - unable to calculate deltas in first read"
::= { wrsTimingStatusGroup 1 }
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ struct wrsPtpDataTable_s {
uint32_t n_err_rxtx_deltas;
extern struct wrsPtpDataTable_s wrsPtpDataTable_array[WRS_MAX_N_SERVO_INSTANCES];
time_t wrsPtpDataTable_data_fill(unsigned int *rows);
void init_wrsPtpDataTable(void);
#include "wrsSnmp.h"
#include "wrsPtpDataTable.h"
#include "wrsSpllStatusGroup.h"
#include "wrsPortStatusTable.h"
#include "wrsTimingStatusGroup.h"
......@@ -12,6 +13,13 @@ static struct pickinfo wrsTimingStatus_pickinfo[] = {
struct wrsTimingStatus_s wrsTimingStatus_s;
/* store old values of ptp servo error counters and number of updates */
static uint32_t servo_updates_prev[WRS_MAX_N_SERVO_INSTANCES];
static uint32_t n_err_state_prev[WRS_MAX_N_SERVO_INSTANCES];
static uint32_t n_err_offset_prev[WRS_MAX_N_SERVO_INSTANCES];
static uint32_t n_err_delta_rtt_prev[WRS_MAX_N_SERVO_INSTANCES];
static uint32_t n_err_rxtx_deltas_prev[WRS_MAX_N_SERVO_INSTANCES];
/* store old values of TX and RX PTP counters to calculate delta */
static unsigned long ptp_tx_count_prev[WRS_N_PORTS];
static unsigned long ptp_rx_count_prev[WRS_N_PORTS];
......@@ -20,17 +28,29 @@ time_t wrsTimingStatus_data_fill(void)
static time_t time_update; /* time of last update */
static int first_run = 1;
time_t time_ptp_data; /* time when wrsPtpDataTable was updated */
time_t time_spll; /* time when softPLL data was updated */
time_t time_port_status; /* time when port status table was updated */
unsigned int ptp_data_nrows; /* number of rows in wrsPtpDataTable */
unsigned int port_status_nrows; /* number of rows in PortStatusTable */
int i;
struct wrsPtpDataTable_s *pd_a;
struct wrsSpllStatus_s *s;
struct wrsPortStatusTable_s *p_a;
time_ptp_data = wrsPtpDataTable_data_fill(&ptp_data_nrows);
time_spll = wrsSpllStatus_data_fill();
time_port_status = wrsPortStatusTable_data_fill(&port_status_nrows);
if (time_spll <= time_update
if (ptp_data_nrows > WRS_MAX_N_SERVO_INSTANCES) {
snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "SNMP: wrsTimingStatusGroup too many PTP "
"instances(%d), only %d supported!\n",
WRS_MAX_N_SERVO_INSTANCES, ptp_data_nrows);
ptp_data_nrows = WRS_MAX_N_SERVO_INSTANCES;
if (time_ptp_data <= time_update
&& time_spll <= time_update
&& time_port_status <= time_update) {
/* cache not updated, return last update time */
return time_update;
......@@ -39,6 +59,47 @@ time_t wrsTimingStatus_data_fill(void)
memset(&wrsTimingStatus_s, 0, sizeof(wrsTimingStatus_s));
|*************************** wrsPTPStatus ***************************|
* Error when SPLL is in slave mode and at least one error counter in
* PTP increased or no PTP servo updates
s = &wrsSpllStatus_s;
pd_a = wrsPtpDataTable_array;
wrsTimingStatus_s.wrsPTPStatus = WRS_PTP_STATUS_OK;
/* NOTE: only one PTP instance is used right now. When switchover is
* implemented it will change */
for (i = 0; i < ptp_data_nrows; i++) {
if (first_run == 1) {
/* don't report errors during first run */
wrsTimingStatus_s.wrsPTPStatus = WRS_PTP_STATUS_FR;
/* check if error */
} else if ((s->wrsSpllMode == WRS_SPLL_MODE_SLAVE)
&& ((pd_a[i].servo_updates == servo_updates_prev[i])
|| (pd_a[i].n_err_state != n_err_state_prev[i])
|| (pd_a[i].n_err_offset != n_err_offset_prev[i])
|| (pd_a[i].n_err_delta_rtt != n_err_delta_rtt_prev[i])
|| (pd_a[i].n_err_rxtx_deltas != n_err_rxtx_deltas_prev[i]))) {
wrsTimingStatus_s.wrsPTPStatus = WRS_PTP_STATUS_ERROR;
snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "SNMP: wrsPTPStatus "
"failed for instance %d\n", i);
/* don't break! Check all other PTP instances,
* to update all prev values */
/* update old values */
servo_updates_prev[i] = pd_a[i].servo_updates;
n_err_state_prev[i] = pd_a[i].n_err_state;
n_err_offset_prev[i] = pd_a[i].n_err_offset;
n_err_delta_rtt_prev[i] = pd_a[i].n_err_delta_rtt;
n_err_rxtx_deltas_prev[i] = pd_a[i].n_err_rxtx_deltas;
|************************* wrsSoftPLLStatus *************************|
......@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
#define WRS_PTP_STATUS_OK 1 /* ok */
#define WRS_PTP_STATUS_ERROR 2 /* error */
#define WRS_PTP_STATUS_FR 6 /* first read, ok */
#define WRS_SOFTPLL_STATUS_OK 1 /* ok */
#define WRS_SOFTPLL_STATUS_ERROR 2 /* error */
#define WRS_SOFTPLL_STATUS_WARNING 3 /* warning */
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