Commit 08623923 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

rename all users of shw_ver to wrsw_version

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 7011f7f8
......@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ All these tools are found in `/wr/bin/` which is included in the `$PATH`.
The following list resumes the most interesting commands:
* `shw_ver`: Print information about the SW & HW version of the [WRS].
* `wrsw_version`: Print information about the SW & HW version of the [WRS].
* `rtu_stat`: Routing Table Unit Statistic, returns the routing table information where we can find which MAC needs to be forwarded to which port. It also allows to add and delete entries.
* `wr_mon`: WR Switch Sync Monitor, outputs information about the state of WR syncrhonisation such as Phase Tracking, Master-Slave delay, link asymmetry, etc...
* `spll_dbg_proxy`: SoftPLL debug proxy, reads out the debug FIFO datastream from the SoftPLL and proxies it via TCP connection to the application running on an outside host, where it can be plotted, analyzed, etc.
......@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ executing the following command:
#On the WRS
shw_ver > /tmp/bug_report.txt
wrsw_version > /tmp/bug_report.txt
rtu_stat >> /tmp/bug_report.txt
dmesg >> /tmp/bug_report.txt
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<?php $_SESSION['advance']=""; ?>
<p><strong>WRSW OS: <?php $str = shell_exec("uname -r"); echo $str; ?> </strong></p>
<p><strong><?php $str = shell_exec("/wr/bin/shw_ver -g"); $str = str_replace("\n","<br>",$str);
<p><strong><?php $str = shell_exec("/wr/bin/wrsw_version -g"); $str = str_replace("\n","<br>",$str);
$str=str_replace("Reading GW info","",$str); echo $str; ?></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
<center><p align=right><strong>Open Hardware Repository <a href=""></a> </strong></p></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ function wrs_header_ports(){
* @author José Luis Gutiérrez <>
* Displays the info comming from the following commands:
* uname, shw_ver, wr_date and php.ini
* uname, wrsw_version, wr_date and php.ini
function wrs_main_info(){
......@@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ function wrs_main_info(){
//echo '<tr><th> <b>OS name:</b> </th><th><center>'; $str = shell_exec("uname -s"); echo $str; echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">Kernel Version</font></b> </th><th><center>'; $str = shell_exec("uname -r"); echo $str; $str = shell_exec("uname -v"); echo $str; echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">Firmware Version</font></b> </th><th><center> '; $str = shell_exec("/wr/bin/shw_ver | awk '{print $4}'");
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">Firmware Version</font></b> </th><th><center> '; $str = shell_exec("/wr/bin/wrsw_version | awk '{print $4}'");
echo '<a href="showfile.php?help_id=gateware&name=GateWare Info" onClick="showPopup(this.href);return(false);"</a>';
echo $str; echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">PCB Version</font></b> </th><th><center>'; $str = shell_exec("/wr/bin/shw_ver -p"); echo $str; echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">FPGA</font></b> </th><th><center>'; $str = shell_exec("/wr/bin/shw_ver -f"); echo $str; echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">Compiling Date</font></b> </th><th><center>'; $str = shell_exec("/wr/bin/shw_ver -c"); echo $str; echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">PCB Version</font></b> </th><th><center>'; $str = shell_exec("/wr/bin/wrsw_version -p"); echo $str; echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">FPGA</font></b> </th><th><center>'; $str = shell_exec("/wr/bin/wrsw_version -f"); echo $str; echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">Compiling Date</font></b> </th><th><center>'; $str = shell_exec("/wr/bin/wrsw_version -c"); echo $str; echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">White-Rabbit Date</font></b></th><th><center>'; $str = shell_exec("export TZ=".$_SESSION['utc']." /wr/bin/wr_date -n get"); echo str_replace("\n","<br>",$str); echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">PPSi</font></b> </th><th><center>'; echo wrs_check_ptp_status() ? '[<A HREF="ptp.php">on</A>]' : '[<A HREF="ptp.php">off</A>]'; echo '</center></th></tr>';
echo '<tr><th align=center> <b><font color="darkblue">Net-SNMP Server</font></b> </th><th><center>'; echo check_snmp_status() ? '[on] ' : '[off] '; echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;ver. '; echo shell_exec("snmpd -v | grep version | awk '{print $3}'");
......@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ function wrs_display_help($help_id, $name){
$message = "<p>This is a switch console emulator windows. Use it as if you were using a ssh session.</p>";
} else if (!strcmp($help_id, "gateware")){
$msg = shell_exec("/wr/bin/shw_ver -g");
$msg = shell_exec("/wr/bin/wrsw_version -g");
$msg = explode("\n", $msg);
for($i=0; $i<5; $i++){
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ for arg in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
# Obtain the type of FPGA (LX130XT or LX240XT)
tfpga=$($WR_HOME/bin/shw_ver -F)
tfpga=$($WR_HOME/bin/wrsw_version -F)
$WR_HOME/bin/load-virtex $WR_HOME/lib/firmware/18p_mb-${tfpga}.bin
$WR_HOME/bin/load-lm32 $WR_HOME/lib/firmware/rt_cpu.bin
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