mainmenu "White Rabbit Switch configuration" config BR2_CONFIGFILE string "Configuration file for Buildroot" default "wrs_release_br2_config" help The configuration file selects which packages are to be included in the WRS filesystem and which are not. If you pass a relative pathname, the build procedure will look for it in wr-switch-sw/configs/buildroot, while absolute pathnames are used unchanged. If the string being passed doesn't refer to a file, the scripts print a warning and use the default file. Incorrect files lead to unpredicatable results. choice prompt "PTP daemon implementation" config PTP_NOPOSIX bool "Use ptp-noposix daemon" help This implementation is being phased out, because it became unmaintainable over time. However, it is still the default at this point in time, because it has been tested and used for a long time. config PPSI bool "Use PPSi daemon" help PPSi (PTP Ported to Silicon) is the new implementation, which is already the default PTP run in the White Rabbit node. endchoice menu "Local configuration" config NTP_SERVER string "IP address of local NTP server (empty for none)" help At boot time, the White Rabbit time is primed by querying an NTP server, if any is there. Please write here the IPV4 address (e.g.: ""); an empty string disables NTP-based priming. config KEEP_ROOTFS bool "Keep generated filesystem and related script" help During development of build scripts, it may be useful to keep the generated root filesystem as well as the script used to create it. If selected, the build script will report the actual file names at each build. If unsusre, say N. endmenu