mainmenu "White Rabbit Switch configuration" config DOTCONF_FW_VERSION string "Firmware version" default "7.0" help Free-text information about switch's firmware version. This field is for information purpose only. Additionally this field describes version of Kconfig. config DOTCONF_HW_VERSION string "Hardware version" default "3.4" help Free-text information about switch's Hardware version. This field is for information purpose only. config DOTCONF_INFO string "Additional info about dot-config" help Free-text information about switch's dot-config. This field is for information purpose only. # # Select source of dot-config file # choice DOTCONF_SOURCE prompt "Source for a run-time replacement of dot-config" default DOTCONF_SOURCE_TRY_DHCP config DOTCONF_SOURCE_LOCAL bool "Use local dot-config" help The White Rabbit Switch is configured at run-time, according to a dot-config .config file. The file is the same .config you are defining now. If you select this option, dot-config is not replaced at run time. config DOTCONF_SOURCE_REMOTE bool "Use remote dot-config" help Use the URL to dot-config provided in DOTCONF_URL. config DOTCONF_SOURCE_FORCE_DHCP bool "Force to get the URL to a dot-config via DHCP" depends on ETH0_DHCP help Retrieve a URL to the dot-config via DHCP at boot. The URL can be configured in the "filename" configuration field of the DHCP server. config DOTCONF_SOURCE_TRY_DHCP bool "Try to get the URL to a dot-config via DHCP" help The same as DOTCONF_SOURCE_FORCE_DHCP, but this option does not cause errors in SNMP's objects if the switch fails to retrieve the URL to the dot-config via DHCP. endchoice config DOTCONF_URL string "URL for a run-time replacement of dot-config" depends on DOTCONF_SOURCE_REMOTE help tftp://, ftp:// or http:// URLs are allowed. Names are allowed if you configured a DNS server. The special strings HOSTNAME, IPADDR and MACADDR are substituted before retrieving the file. Example: "tftp://morgana/wrs-config-IPADDR" # # Select source of leap seconds file # choice LEAPSEC_SOURCE prompt "Source for a run-time replacement of leap seconds file" default LEAPSEC_SOURCE_LOCAL config LEAPSEC_SOURCE_LOCAL bool "Use local leap seconds file" help A leap seconds file (leap-seconds.list) is already present in the White Rabbit Switch. If you select this option, the leap seconds file is not replaced at run time. config LEAPSEC_SOURCE_REMOTE_FORCE bool "Force remote leap seconds file" help Use the URL to leap secondw file provided in LEAPSEC_URL. If the file cannot be downloaded, it will cause errors in SNMP's objects. config LEAPSEC_SOURCE_REMOTE_TRY bool "Try remote leap seconds file" help The same as LEAPSEC_SOURCE_REMOTE_FORCE, but this option does not cause errors in SNMP's objects if the switch fails to retrieve the URL to the leap seconds files. endchoice config LEAPSEC_URL string "URL for a run-time replacement of leap seconds file" default "" depends on LEAPSEC_SOURCE_REMOTE_TRY || LEAPSEC_SOURCE_REMOTE_FORCE help tftp://, ftp:// or http:// URLs are allowed. Names are allowed if you configured a DNS server. The special strings HOSTNAME, BOOTSERVER, IPADDR and MACADDR are substituted before retrieving the file. Example: "tftp://BOOTSERVER/leap-seconds.IPADDR" config BR2_CONFIGFILE string "Configuration file for Buildroot" default "wrs_release_br2_config" help The configuration file selects which packages are to be included in the WRS filesystem and which are not. If you pass a relative pathname, the build procedure will look for it in wr-switch-sw/configs/buildroot, while absolute pathnames are used unchanged. If the string being passed doesn't refer to a file, the scripts print a warning and use the default file. Incorrect files lead to unpredicatable results. config PPSI bool default y menu "Local Network Configuration" choice prompt "Management port configuration (eth0)" default ETH0_DHCP config ETH0_DHCP bool "DHCP forever" help Try DHCP on management port (eth0) forever. config ETH0_DHCP_ONCE bool "Try DHCP, if fail use static address" help Try DHCP on management port (eth0) for a while, then configure static IP. Useful, when you move switch between various development enviroments. config ETH0_STATIC bool "Static address" help Use static address on management port (eth0). Don't try to DHCP. endchoice menu "Management port (eth0) Address" depends on ETH0_DHCP_ONCE || ETH0_STATIC config ETH0_IP string "Static IP address of management port (eth0)" default "" help Static IP address of management port (eth0). Please note that wrong IP address will generate a runtime error on the switch. config ETH0_MASK string "Mask of management port (eth0)" default "" help Mask of management port (eth0). Please note that wrong mask will generate a runtime error on the switch. config ETH0_NETWORK string "Network of management port (eth0)" default "" help Network of management port (eth0). Please note that wrong network will generate a runtime error on the switch. config ETH0_BROADCAST string "Broadcast of management port (eth0)" default "" help Broadcast of management port (eth0). Please note that wrong broadcast will generate a runtime error on the switch. config ETH0_GATEWAY string "Default gateway of management port (eth0)" default "" help Default gateway of management port (eth0). Please note that wrong gateway address will generate a runtime error on the switch. endmenu choice prompt "Hostname source" default HOSTNAME_DHCP config HOSTNAME_DHCP bool "Get hostname via DHCP" help Get hostname from DHCP server. config HOSTNAME_STATIC bool "Use static hostname" help Use static Hostname stored in CONFIG_HOSTNAME_STRING endchoice config HOSTNAME_STRING string "Static hostname of the switch" default "wrs" depends on HOSTNAME_STATIC help Use this string as a static hostname of the switch. menu "Authorization and authentication" config ROOT_ACCESS_DISABLE bool "Disable root access via ssh" help Used by ssh config LDAP_ENABLE bool "Enable LDAP authorization" default n help Enable LDAP authorization. Used by ssh. config LDAP_SERVER string "LDAP server" depends on LDAP_ENABLE help LDAP server(s) e.g. ldap:// config LDAP_SEARCH_BASE string "LDAP search base" depends on LDAP_ENABLE help LDAP search base e.g. dc=cern,dc=ch choice prompt "LDAP filter" depends on LDAP_ENABLE default LDAP_FILTER_NONE config LDAP_FILTER_NONE bool "Don't apply filter to LDAP" help Allow all LDAP users to log in. config LDAP_FILTER_EGROUP bool "Apply e-group filter to LDAP" help Allow logins only from an e-group defined in CONFIG_LDAP_FILTER_EGROUP_STR This option is CERN specific. config LDAP_FILTER_CUSTOM bool "Apply custom filter to LDAP" help Provide custom filtering string for LDAP authorization. endchoice config LDAP_FILTER_EGROUP_STR string "LDAP e-group" depends on LDAP_FILTER_EGROUP help LDAP's e-group for authorization. This option is CERN specific. config LDAP_FILTER_CUSTOM_STR string "LDAP access filter string" depends on LDAP_FILTER_CUSTOM help Custom string with a filter for LDAP authorization: (memberOf=CN=white-rabbit-switch-root,OU=e-groups,OU=Workgroups,DC=cern,DC=ch) choice prompt "Authorization method" depends on LDAP_ENABLE default AUTH_KRB5 config AUTH_LDAP bool "Enable LDAP authentication" depends on LDAP_ENABLE help Used by ssh for authentication config AUTH_KRB5 bool "Enable Kerberos authentication" depends on LDAP_ENABLE help Used by ssh for authentication endchoice config AUTH_KRB5_SERVER string "Kerberos server" depends on AUTH_KRB5 help Server name of Kerberos. Usually it is in capital letters. For CERN, please use CERN.CH menu "Root Password" config ROOT_PWD_IS_ENCRYPTED bool "Should this file include an encripted root password?" help The root password, as set here, can be in clear text or encrypted. If it is specified as clear text, it is encrypted and stored in the switch at run time. If it specified in pre-encrypted form, the string will just be copied in place. A clear-text password in dot-config is less safe against sniffers. config ROOT_PWD_CLEAR string "The password to be used at run time" depends on !ROOT_PWD_IS_ENCRYPTED default "" help The string to be encrypted at boot time by the switch itself, to later use normal ssh authentication. The empty string is allowed. config ROOT_PWD_CYPHER string "The password to be used at run time" depends on ROOT_PWD_IS_ENCRYPTED help The actual pre-encrypted string. This is stored at run time into /etc/passwd, for ssh authentication. To create the string, please run "mkpasswd --method=md5 <password>" endmenu endmenu # "Authorization and authentication" config NTP_SERVER string "IP address of local NTP server (empty for none)" help At boot time, the White Rabbit time is primed by querying an NTP server, if any is there. Please write here the IPV4 address (e.g.: ""); an empty string disables NTP-based priming. config DNS_SERVER string "static IP address of local DNS server (empty for none)" help Using names instead of IP addresses is sometimes handy. This option allow to specify a static server name, that is stored in /etc/resolv.conf, within the WRS image being built. If the string is empty, /etc/resolv.conf is managed according to buildroot defaults. config DNS_DOMAIN string "Default domain for DNS resolution" help If CONFIG_DNS_SERVER is being used, this option may be useful as well. config LOCAL_SYSLOG_FILE string "Store WRS syslog messages locally " default "/tmp/syslog" help Select file to which syslog messages will be stored. The file is rotated when reaching 1MB. If remote server is specified, the messages go to both, server and local file. config REMOTE_SYSLOG_SERVER string "Send WRS syslog messages to this remote host" help This IP address or name, if not empty enables remote syslog in the switch; all messages are sent to this specific host. config REMOTE_SYSLOG_UDP bool "Use UDP for syslog messages" default y help Select UDP to send system logs. If not set, TCP is used. config WRS_LOG_HAL string "Logging directions for the WR hal" default "default_syslog" help The string can be: - a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg), or - a <facility>.<level> specification like "daemon.debug", or - "default_syslog", or - an empty string An empty string is used to represent no logging (like /dev/null). When the string is "default_syslog", messages are sent to syslog with the <facility>.<level> inherited from the messages (if not specified in the message, is used by default). When the string is "<facility>.<level>", all messages produced by the WR HAL if syslog is configured will be passed to the syslog at the same <facility>.<level>, no matter of verbosity of a message. Please note that unknown facility names will generate a runtime error on the switch. config WRS_LOG_LEVEL_HAL string "Logging verbosity level for the WR HAL" default "" help Specify verbosity of WR HAL as a string or number. The following levels are supported: ALERT (1) ERROR (3) WARNING (4) INFO (6) DEBUG (7) By leaving this item empty, HAL will use its default verbosity level (INFO). Please note that all messages produced by the WR HAL if syslog is configured will be passed to the syslog at the same <facility>.<level>, no matter of verbosity of a message. config WRS_LOG_RTU string "Logging directions for the RTU daemon" default "default_syslog" help The string can be: - a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg), or - a <facility>.<level> specification like "daemon.debug", or - "default_syslog", or - an empty string An empty string is used to represent no logging (like /dev/null). When the string is "default_syslog", messages are sent to syslog with the <facility>.<level> inherited from the messages(if not specified in the message, is used by default). When the string is "<facility>.<level>", all messages produced by the RTU if syslog is configured will be passed to the syslog at the same <facility>.<level>, no matter of verbosity of a message. Please note that unknown facility names will generate a runtime error on the switch. config WRS_LOG_LEVEL_RTU string "Logging verbosity level for the RTU daemon" default "" help Specify verbosity of RTU daemon as a string or number. The following levels are supported: ALERT (1) ERROR (3) WARNING (4) INFO (6) DEBUG (7) By leaving this item empty, RTU daemon will use its default verbosity level (INFO). Please note that all messages produced by RTU daemon if syslog is configured will be passed to the syslog at the same <facility>.<level>, no matter of verbosity of a message. config WRS_LOG_PTP string "Logging directions for the PTP server (ppsi)" default "" help The string can be a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg) or a <facility>.<level> spefification like "daemon.debug". An empty strings is used to represent no logging (like /dev/null). Please note that unknown facility names will generate a runtime error on the switch. Please note that all messages produced by PPSi if syslog is configured will be passed to the syslog at the same <facility>.<level>, no matter of verbosity of a message. config WRS_LOG_LEVEL_PTP string "Logging verbosity level for the PTP server (ppsi)" default "" help Specify verbosity of PPSi daemon as a string. This string will be passed to the PPSI after "-d" parameter. Please refer to the PPSI's documentation for more details. By leaving this item empty, PPSi daemon will use its default verbosity level. Please note that all messages produced by PPSi if syslog is configured will be passed to the syslog at the same <facility>.<level>, no matter of verbosity of a message. config WRS_LOG_SNMPD string "Logging directions for the SNMP daemon" default "Swd" help The string can be a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg) or a valid snmpd log option (without -L). "Swd" will forward messages with priority at least warning to syslog with daemon as facility. To set level (i.e. 5) use "S 5 daemon". For details please check "man snmpcmd". An empty strings is used to represent no logging (like /dev/null). Please note that unknown facility names will generate a runtime error on the switch. NOTE: It looks like Notice is not a default logging priority as writen in manual. config WRS_LOG_MONIT string "Logging directions for the monit" default "syslog" help The string can be a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg) or a "syslog" string. An empty strings is used to represent no logging. If it is needed to select facility and level please leave here empty string and change /etc/monitrc file directly. Please note that unknown facility names will generate a runtime error on the switch. config WRS_LOG_OTHER string "Logging directions for other programs" default "default_syslog" help Redirect output from other programs. In the current version following programs uses this option: --wrs_watchdog --wrs_auxclk This collective entry is to avoid number of entries in dot-config. The string can be: - a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg), or - a <facility>.<level> specification like "daemon.debug", or - "default_syslog", or - an empty string An empty string is used to represent no logging (like /dev/null). When the string is "default_syslog", messages are sent to syslog with the <facility>.<level> inherited from the messages (if not specified in the message, is used by default). When the string is "<facility>.<level>", all messages produced by the programs if syslog is configured will be passed to the syslog at the same <facility>.<level>, no matter of verbosity of a message. Please note that unknown facility names will generate a runtime error on the switch. config WRS_LOG_LEVEL_OTHER string "Logging verbosity level for other programs" default "" help Specify verbosity of other programs as a string or number. The following levels are supported: ALERT (1) ERROR (3) WARNING (4) INFO (6) DEBUG (7) By leaving this item empty, other programs daemon will use their default verbosity level (INFO). Please note that all messages produced by other programs if syslog is configured will be passed to the syslog at the same <facility>.<level> config KEEP_ROOTFS bool "Keep generated filesystem and related script" help During development of build scripts, it may be useful to keep the generated root filesystem as well as the script used to create it. If selected, the build script will report the actual file names at each build. If unsusre, say N. endmenu menu "Global PTP configuration (profile, timing mode, BMCA and external port config, ...)" choice prompt "PTP Profile" default GLOBAL_PROFILE_HA_WR config GLOBAL_PROFILE_PTP bool "Default (IEEE 1588)" help Use the default PTP profile. config GLOBAL_PROFILE_HA_WR bool "White Rabbit / High-Accuracy (IEEE 1588)" help Use the White Rabbit or the High Accuracy profile. config GLOBAL_PROFILE_CUSTOM bool "Custom Profile" help Use the custom PTP Profile. It allows setting values with less constraints. endchoice choice prompt "BMCA" default PTP_OPT_BMCA_STANDARD help Select Alternate Best Master Clock Algorithm config PTP_OPT_BMCA_STANDARD bool "Default IEEE 1588" help Use the Alternate Best Master Clock Algorithm as defined in IEEE 1588. config PTP_OPT_BMCA_EXT_PORT_CONFIG bool "External Port Configuration (disable BMCA)" help This option is to force the port state. When set, BMCA is disabled. For more details please refer to the IEEE 1588-2019 (clause 17.6.2) endchoice choice prompt "Timing Mode" default TIME_BC config TIME_GM bool "Grand-Master" help This options selects the White Rabbit Switch as a grandmaster, i.e. it uses its input channels to track an Atomic or GPS and claim to be a PTP authoritative source on the network. The clockClass is set to 6 which designates a clock that is synchronized to a primary reference time source. config TIME_ARB_GM bool "Arbitrary Grand-Master" help This options selects the White Rabbit Switch as a grandmaster, i.e. it uses its input channels to track an application-specific source of time. The clockClass is set to 13 which designates a clock that is synchronized to an application-specific source of time. The timescale distributed is then ARB (arbitrary). config TIME_FM bool "Free-Running Master" help The White Rabbit Switch pretends to be a master on his PTP network, but it doesn't sync to an external source. Its own internal clocks and counters are used to drive timing. The clockClass is set to 193 and all ports must be set to master-only mode. config TIME_BC bool "Boundary Clock" help The White Rabbit Switch is a normal PTP Boundary Clock: it is slave on one of its ports and master on the other ones, according to the standard Best Master Clock algorithm. The clockClass is set to 248 which is the default clockClass. config TIME_CUSTOM bool "Custom" help This custom mode allows free access to the clock quality parameters. endchoice config PTP_OPT_PTP_VERSION_OVERWRITE boolean "Allow the overwrite of the default PTP version per instance" default n help This option is required to overwrite the PTP version used in the transmitted PTP messages. The actual setting is done in the per instance configuration menu. If this option is not set, the PTP version is set based on the used extension (not profile!). If no extension or HA/L1Sync is used, PTP version is set to v2.1 (IEEE1588-2019). If WR extension is used then PTP version is set to v2.0 (IEEE1588-2008). config PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES boolean "Overwrite default values of PTP attributes" depends on ! TIME_CUSTOM default FALSE help This option allows to overwrite the default value depending of the timing mode for the clock accuracy, the clock Allan variance. config PTP_OPT_DOMAIN_NUMBER int "domain-number" depends on PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM default 0 range 0 255 help A domain consists of one or more PTP devices communicating with each other as defined by the PTP protocol. A domain defines the scope of PTP message communication, state, operations, data sets, and timescale. PTP devices may participate in multiple domains. For more details please refer to the IEEE 1588-2019 standard. config PTP_OPT_DOMAIN_NUMBER_VAL int default PTP_OPT_DOMAIN_NUMBER if PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM default 0 config PTP_OPT_PRIORITY1 int "priority1" depends on PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM default "128" range 0 255 help A user configurable designation that a clock belongs to an ordered set of PTP devices from which a PTP Master is selected. For more details please refer to the IEEE 1588-2019 standard config PTP_OPT_PRIORITY1_VAL int default PTP_OPT_PRIORITY1 if PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM default 128 config PTP_OPT_PRIORITY2 int "priority2" depends on PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM default 128 range 0 255 help A user configurable designation that provides finer grained ordering among otherwise equivalent PTP devices. For more details please refer to the IEEE 1588-2019 standard config PTP_OPT_PRIORITY2_VAL int default PTP_OPT_PRIORITY2 if PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM default 128 config PTP_OPT_CLOCK_ACCURACY int "clock-accuracy" depends on PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM default 33 if TIME_GM || TIME_ARB_GM default 32 if TIME_FM default 254 range 0 255 help An attribute defining the accuracy of the Local Clock (e.g. local oscillator) of a Boundary Clock or Ordinary Clock. For more details please refer to the IEEE 1588-2019 standard. config PTP_OPT_CLOCK_ACCURACY_VAL int default PTP_OPT_CLOCK_ACCURACY if PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM default 33 if TIME_GM || TIME_ARB_GM default 32 if TIME_FM default 254 config PTP_OPT_CLOCK_ALLAN_VARIANCE int "clock-allan-variance/offsetScaledLogVariance" depends on PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM default 47360 if TIME_GM || TIME_ARB_GM default 50973 if TIME_FM default 65535 range 0 65535 help An attribute defining the stability of the Local Clock of a Boundary Clock or Ordinary Clock. For more details please refer to the IEEE 1588-2019 standard. config PTP_OPT_CLOCK_ALLAN_VARIANCE_VAL int default PTP_OPT_CLOCK_ALLAN_VARIANCE if PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM default 47360 if TIME_GM || TIME_ARB_GM default 50973 if TIME_FM default 65535 config PTP_OPT_TIME_SOURCE int "time-source" depends on (!TIME_BC) && (PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM) default 32 if TIME_GM || TIME_ARB_GM default 160 if TIME_FM default 160 range 0 255 help This information-only attribute indicates the source of time used by the grandmaster (or free-running master). config PTP_OPT_TIME_SOURCE_VAL int default PTP_OPT_TIME_SOURCE if (!TIME_BC) && (PTP_OPT_OVERWRITE_ATTRIBUTES || TIME_CUSTOM) default 32 if TIME_GM || TIME_ARB_GM default 160 if TIME_FM default 160 config PTP_OPT_CLOCK_CLASS int "clock-class" depends on TIME_CUSTOM default 6 if TIME_GM range 6 6 if TIME_GM default 13 if TIME_ARB_GM range 13 13 if TIME_ARB_GM default 193 if TIME_FM range 193 193 if TIME_FM default 248 if TIME_BC range 248 248 if TIME_BC default 248 if TIME_CUSTOM range 1 255 if TIME_CUSTOM help An attribute defining the TAI traceability, synchronization state and expected performance of the time or frequency distributed by a Boundary Clock or Ordinary Clock. For more details please refer to the IEEE 1588-2019 standard. config PTP_OPT_CLOCK_CLASS_VAL int default PTP_OPT_CLOCK_CLASS if TIME_CUSTOM default 6 if TIME_GM default 13 if TIME_ARB_GM default 193 if TIME_FM default 248 if TIME_BC default 248 if TIME_CUSTOM endmenu #"PPSI options" source source menu "PPS generation" config PPSGEN_PTP_FALLBACK bool "PTP fallback" default N help This option enables the PPS generation if a slave instance programmed to use an extension protocol (WR, L1Sync, ...) is falling back to PTP communication only. config PPSGEN_PTP_THRESHOLD_MS int "PTP threshold (ms)" default 500 range 1 1000 help This option defines the threshold corresponding to the offset from the master used to start the generation of the PPS. It is either used by a PTP slave instance or a instance using a protocol extension but going into the fallback PTP mode and with the PTP fallback option active. A 0 value means that the PPS will be not generated for the considered cases. When the PPS is generated, it can be also disabled when the offset from master becomes greater than the threshold value + 20% config PPSGEN_GM_DELAY_TO_GEN_PPS_SEC int "Grand Master delay for PPS (sec)" default 0 range 0 1000 help This option allows a boundary/ordinary clock to generate PPS when it becomes Grand Master (GM) by BMCA. Becoming GM by BMCA might be a transitory situation during a network discovery. The PPS must be activated only when all this transitory phase is terminated. This option then allows to define a delay in seconds to respect before generating the PPS when a GM by BMCA is detected. A 0 value desactivate this feature. config PPSGEN_FORCE bool "Force generation of PPS all the time (not for FR)" depends on !TIME_FM default n help This option enables the PPS generation all the time in various modes except Free-Running Master. config PPSGEN_FR_ON_SYNC_ONLY bool "In FR mode generate PPS only when synchronized to master" depends on TIME_FM default n help If device is configured as Free-Running master, generate PPS only when synchronized to another master. Otherwise PPS is generated all the time." config EXT_PPS_LATENCY_PS int "Compensate signal skew between PPS IN and PPS OUT (in ps)" depends on TIME_GM || TIME_ARB_GM || TIME_CUSTOM default "0" help If one needs to precisely align 1-PPS output with 1-PPS input when WRS works as GrandMaster, calibration are needed to overcome the signal skew between the 1-PPS input and 10MHz clock input. As the component variance of different clock source and WRS, this latency parameter should be calibrated one by one to achieve PPS alignment with high accuracy. The entered value is in ps. endmenu choice prompt "PTP Port Assignment" default PTP_PORT_PARAMS help You can choose either to use parameters defined in PORTxx_INSTxx or your own custom configuration file placed in switch file system or downloaded at boot time. config PTP_PORT_PARAMS bool "Generate ppsi.conf based on the PORTxx_INSTyy_z parameters" help Generate ppsi.conf based on "PORTxx_INSTyy_z parameters" and "role" specified for each port. PPSI's global settings can be set in file /wr/etc/ppsi-pre.conf config PTP_CUSTOM bool "Custom ppsi.conf in the WRS file system" help Use custom file for ppsi defined by CONFIG_PTP_CUSTOM_FILENAME. config PTP_REMOTE_CONF bool "Download ppsi.conf from the network at each boot" help This choice allows to specify an URL so you can download a custom file using the network. This allows running a bunch of switches, all with the same configuration but different configurations that can't just be derived from PORT_PARAMS above. endchoice config PTP_CUSTOM_FILENAME string "Pathname for your custom ppsi.conf" depends on PTP_CUSTOM default "/wr/etc/ppsi-custom.conf" help This is the filename used as ppsi.conf. Please note that the file is copied to /etc/ppsi.conf when configuration is applied, and the PTP daemon always picks /etc/ppsi.conf, not this filename. config PTP_CONF_URL depends on PTP_REMOTE_CONF string "Download URL (http, ftp, tftp) for custom ppsi.conf" help Like CONFIG_DOTCONF_URL, this option allows passing HOSTNAME, IPADDR and MACADDR in the filename, and if a DNS server is configured, you can use host names. For example: tftp://morgana/wrs-IPADDR-ppsi.conf menu "Management configuration" config SNMP_SYSCONTACT string "System contact reported by SNMP" help If not empty, this value will be reported as System contact (SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0) config SNMP_SYSLOCATION string "System location reported by SNMP" help If not empty, this value will be reported as System Location (SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0) config SNMP_TRAPSINK_ADDRESS string "Static IP address or name where to send SNMPv1 traps" help If not empty, the address or name is ussed as "trapsink" destination in the SNMP configuration file for the switch. It empty, no v1 traps are generated. If both this and the following TRAP2SINK_ADDRESS are set, snmpd sends two traps (one per protocol version). Trapcommunity is "public" (not configurable so far). config SNMP_TRAP2SINK_ADDRESS string "Static IP address or name where to send SNMPv2c traps" help If not empty, the address or name is ussed as "trap2sink" destination in the SNMP configuration file for the switch. It empty, no v2c traps are generated. Trapcommunity is "public" (not configurable so far). config SNMP_RO_COMMUNITY string "Read-only community name for SNMP V1/V2 management" default "public" help If not empty, the 'community' name is a sort of password, that travels as clear text (we don't support encrypted SNMPv3 yet). The default is good for testing, but should be changed for production. Please note, however, that the switch processes SNMP only on the CPU Ethernet port (the copper "management" port). config SNMP_RW_COMMUNITY string "Read-write community name for SNMP V1/V2 management" default "private" help If not empty, the 'community' name is a sort of password, that travels as clear text (we don't support encrypted SNMPv3 yet). The default is good for testing, but should be changed for production. Please note, however, that the switch processes SNMP only on the CPU Ethernet port (the copper "management" port). config SNMP_TEMP_THOLD_FPGA int "Threshold level for FPGA temperature" default "80" help Threshold level for FPGA temperature, when exceeded warning is notified by SNMP via WR-SWITCH-MIB::wrsTemperatureWarning Require hal restart after change config SNMP_TEMP_THOLD_PLL int "Threshold level for PLL temperature" default "80" help Threshold level for PLL temperature, when exceeded warning is notified by SNMP via WR-SWITCH-MIB::wrsTemperatureWarning Require hal restart after change config SNMP_TEMP_THOLD_PSL int "Threshold level for Power Supply Left (PSL) temperature" default "80" help Threshold level for Power Supply Left (PSL) temperature, when exceeded warning is notified by SNMP via WR-SWITCH-MIB::wrsTemperatureWarning Require hal restart after change config SNMP_TEMP_THOLD_PSR int "Threshold level for Power Supply Right (PSR) temperature" default "80" help Threshold level for Power Supply Right (PSR) temperature, when exceeded warning is notified by SNMP via WR-SWITCH-MIB::wrsTemperatureWarning Require hal restart after change config SNMP_SWCORESTATUS_DISABLE bool "Force SNMP object wrsSwcoreStatus to be always OK" default n help Disable checking SNMP object wrsSwcoreStatus" # config items below are not implemented in the SNMP #config SNMP_SWCORESTATUS_HP_FRAME_RATE # int "Maximum allowed rate of HP frames on a port" # depends on !SNMP_SWCORESTATUS_DISABLE # default "0" # help # Error via SNMP if rate of HP frames on any port exceed given value. # #config SNMP_SWCORESTATUS_RX_FRAME_RATE # int "Maximum allowed rate of RX frames on a port" # depends on !SNMP_SWCORESTATUS_DISABLE # default "0" # help # Error via SNMP if rate of RX frames on any port exceed given value. # #config SNMP_SWCORESTATUS_RX_PRIO_FRAME_RATE # int "Maximum allowed rate of any RX priority" # depends on !SNMP_SWCORESTATUS_DISABLE # default "0" # help # Error if frame rate of any RX priority exceed given value. # menu "System clock monitor" config SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MONITOR_ENABLED depends on NTP_SERVER != "" bool "Enable system clock monitor" default y help When set, the local system time is compared to the time returned by the NTP server (CONFIG_NTP_SERVER). If the difference of time exceed a given threshold (CONFIG_SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_DRIFT_THOLD) then an error will be notified to SNMP. config SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_DRIFT_THOLD depends on SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MONITOR_ENABLED int "Threshold level for local system clock drift (seconds)" range 1 65535 default 3 help Threshold level for the local system clock drift compared to a NTP server. The value is expressed in seconds. When the threshold exceed, warning is notified by SNMP. choice SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL_UNIT prompt "Unit of check interval value" depends on SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MONITOR_ENABLED default SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL_MINUTES help Defines the unit used for the check interval value. Please note that values more than a half of possible range (e.g. 40 minutes are not possible to set). Check cron manual for more details. config SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_UNIT_MINUTES bool "Minutes" config SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_UNIT_HOURS bool "Hours" config SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_UNIT_DAYS bool "Days" endchoice config SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL_MINUTES depends on SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MONITOR_ENABLED && SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_UNIT_MINUTES int "Interval to verify system clock (Minutes)" range 1 30 default 10 help Sets the time interval between checks of the system clock. This interval is expressed in minutes. Written to cron config file as: */val * * * * Check cron manual for more details. config SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL_HOURS depends on SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MONITOR_ENABLED && SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_UNIT_HOURS int "Interval to verify system clock (Hours)" range 1 12 default 1 help Sets the time interval between checks of the system clock. This interval is expressed in hours. Written to cron config file as: 0 */val * * * Check cron manual for more details. config SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL_DAYS depends on SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MONITOR_ENABLED && SNMP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_UNIT_DAYS int "Interval to verify system clock (Days)" range 1 16 default 1 help Sets the time interval between checks of the system clock. This interval is expressed in days Written to cron config file as: 0 0 */val * * Check cron manual for more details. endmenu endmenu menu "External clk2 clock signal configuration" config WRSAUXCLK_FREQ string "Frequency of the generated clock signal in MHz" default "10" help --freq parameter of wrs_auxclk Desired frequency of the generated clock signal in MHz. Available range from 4kHz to 250MHz. config WRSAUXCLK_DUTY string "Duty cycle of the generated clock signal" default "0.5" help --duty parameter of wrs_auxclk Desired duty cycle given as a fraction (e.g. 0.5, 0.4). config WRSAUXCLK_CSHIFT string "Coarse shift of the generated clock signal" default "36" help --cshift parameter of wrs_auxclk Coarse shift (granularity 2ns) of the generated clock signal. This parameter can be used to get desired delay relation between generated 1-PPS and clk2. The delay between 1-PPS and clk2 is constant for a given bitstream but may be different for various hardware versions and re-synthesized gateware. Therefore it should be measured and adjusted only once for given hardware and gateware version. config WRSAUXCLK_SIGDEL string "Signal delay of the generated clock signal" default "0" help --sigdel parameter of wrs_auxclk Clock signal generated from the FPGA is cleaned by a discrete flip-flop. It may happen that generated aux clock is in phase with the flip-flop clock. In that case it is visible on the oscilloscope that clk2 clock is jittering by 4ns. The "Signal delay" parameter allows to add a precise delay to the FPGA-generated clock to avoid such jitter. This delay is specified in steps, where each step is around 150ps. This value, same as the "Coarse shift" parameter, is constant for a given bitstream so should be verified only once. config WRSAUXCLK_PPSHIFT string "Fine signal delay of the generated clock signal" default "0" help --ppshift parameter of wrs_auxclk If one needs to precisely align 1-PPS output with the clk2 aux clock using "Coarse shift" parameter is not enough as it has 4ns granularity. In that case this parameter lets you shift 1-PPS output by a configured number of 150ps steps. However, please have in mind that 1-PPS output is used as a reference for WR calibration procedure. Therefore, once this parameter is modified, the device should be re-calibrated. Otherwise, 1-PPS output will be shifted from the WR timescale by <steps>*150ps. endmenu menu "NIC throttling configuration" config NIC_THROTTLING_ENABLED bool "Enable NIC throttling" default n help Limit the Rx bandwidth of the traffic that goes from WR ports to Linux. Throttling can be enabled to prevent Linux using 100% of the processing power to receive Ethernet frames coming from WR ports to the CPU. config NIC_THROTTLING_VAL int "NIC throttling value" depends on NIC_THROTTLING_ENABLED default "4000" range 1 65535 help Value to which bandwith should be limited (in KB/s). endmenu config PPS_IN_TERM_50OHM bool "Enable 50ohm termination for 1-PPS input" default n help Enable 50ohm termination for 1-PPS input. menu "Custom boot script configuration" config CUSTOM_BOOT_SCRIPT_ENABLED bool "Execute custom script" default n help Enable execution of a custom script during boot. It can be a local script placed at /wr/bin/ or downloaded from a given URL. This script can be used for some exotic configurations that dot-config does not support. This scipt runs before switching is enabled. choice CUSTOM_BOOT_SCRIPT_SOURCE prompt "Source for a custom boot script" depends on CUSTOM_BOOT_SCRIPT_ENABLED default CUSTOM_BOOT_SCRIPT_SOURCE_LOCAL help Defines the source of a custom boot script. Local or remote. config CUSTOM_BOOT_SCRIPT_SOURCE_LOCAL bool "Use local custom script" help Use /wr/bin/ to be executed at boot. config CUSTOM_BOOT_SCRIPT_SOURCE_REMOTE bool "Use remote custom script" help Use the URL in CUSTOM_BOOT_SCRIPT_SOURCE_REMOTE_URL to download the custom boot script. endchoice config CUSTOM_BOOT_SCRIPT_SOURCE_REMOTE_URL string "URL of a custom script" depends on CUSTOM_BOOT_SCRIPT_SOURCE_REMOTE help URL to the custom script. HOSTNAME, IPADDR and MACADDR are substituted before retrieving the file. Example: "tftp://morgana/custom-script-IPADDR" endmenu menu "LLDP options" config LLDPD_DISABLE bool "Disable LLDP daemon" default n help Disable LLDP daemon to prevent sending LLDP frames. It may be useful for networks not using LLDP or with a low latency requirement. config LLDPD_TX_INTERVAL int "LLDP TX interval" default 5 depends on !LLDPD_DISABLE help Define how often LLDP frames are sent. config LLDPD_MANAGEMENT_PORT_DISABLE bool "Disable LLDP on the management port" default n depends on !LLDPD_DISABLE help Disable LLDP traffic on management port. config LLDPD_MINIMUM_FRAME_SIZE bool "Send only minimum information via LLDP" default n depends on !LLDPD_DISABLE help Send only minimum information via LLDP. May be useful in networks which require low latency. endmenu menu "Radius-vlan options" config RVLAN_ENABLE bool "Run the 'radius-vlan' authorization daemon" help If the program runs, it implements a subset of 802.1X config RVLAN_PMASK string "A port mask, as hex number, to be monitored by radiusvlan" depends on RVLAN_ENABLE default "ffffffff" help The string must be a number, with or without leading 0x. Port "wri1" is selected by bit 0 and so on until bit 17. The mask is used to disable monitoring on some ports. All ports not configured as 'access' are never monitored, irrespective of this mask. config RVLAN_AUTH_VLAN int "Default vlan to be used for ports during radius authorization" depends on RVLAN_ENABLE range 1 4094 default 4094 config RVLAN_NOAUTH_VLAN int "Vlan to be used for ports whose authorization is denied" depends on RVLAN_ENABLE range 1 4094 default 4094 config RVLAN_OBEY_DOTCONFIG bool "When auth is ok, ignore radius' vlan and obey dot-cofig instead" depends on RVLAN_ENABLE default N help In some installations the radius server is only used to allow/deny a port to be configured in the WR network. When this happens, the vlan number it returns must be ignored, and we obey what is configured in dot-config instead (e.g. CONFIG_VLANS_PORT03_VID) config RVLAN_RADIUS_SERVERS string "IP Address(es) of the radius server(s)" depends on RVLAN_ENABLE default "," help This is an IPV4 address or a list of them. e.g. "," config RVLAN_RADIUS_SECRET string "The shared secret to encrypt radius queries" depends on RVLAN_ENABLE default "our-secret" help The secret string used by radclient as called by radiusvlan endmenu config READ_SFP_DIAG_ENABLE bool "Read SFPs' Diagnostic Monitoring" default y help Let HAL to read Diagnostic Monitoring from SFPs' eeprom. config HTTPD_DISABLE bool "Disable web interface" default n help Disable web interface. menu "Developer options" config MONIT_DISABLE bool "Disable monit" default n help Disable monit to prevent processes' restarts. It may be useful for development. menu "Fan speed control" config FAN_HYSTERESIS bool "Use hysteresis to control fan speed" default n help Use hysteresis to control fans. Enable fans with PWM value CONFIG_FAN_HYSTERESIS_PWM_VAL} when PLL's temperature exceeds CONFIG_FAN_HYSTERESIS_T_ENABLE. Disable fans when temperature drops below CONFIG_FAN_HYSTERESIS_T_DISABLE. These options are intended to be used during development to reduce noise generated by a switch. Don't use in production as this may affect the synchronization performance. config FAN_HYSTERESIS_T_DISABLE int "Disable fans temperature" default 60 range 0 80 depends on FAN_HYSTERESIS help Temperature at which fans are disabled when working in hysteresis mode. config FAN_HYSTERESIS_T_ENABLE int "Enable fans temperature" default 65 range 0 80 depends on FAN_HYSTERESIS help Temperature at which fans are enabled when working in hysteresis mode. Maximum allowed value is 80 config FAN_HYSTERESIS_PWM_VAL int "Value of fans' PWM" default 100 range 4 1000 depends on FAN_HYSTERESIS help PWM value used to drive fans. Range from 4 to 1000. endmenu # "Fan speed control" choice prompt "Compilation optimization" config OPTIMIZATION_SPEED boolean "Execution time (-O2)" help GCC performs nearly all supported optimizations that do not involve a space-speed tradeoff. config OPTIMIZATION_SIZE_SPEED boolean "Size and execution time (-Os)" help Optimize for size. Enables all -O2 optimizations except those that often increase code size. config OPTIMIZATION_DEBUGGING boolean "Debugging (-Og)" help Should be the optimization level choice for the standard edit-compile-debug cycle config OPTIMIZATION_NONE_DEBUGGING boolean "Debugging without optimization(-ggdb)" help Compile without optimization and with debug informations endchoice config OPTIMIZATION string default "-Os -ggdb" if OPTIMIZATION_SIZE_SPEED default "-O2 -ggdb" if OPTIMIZATION_SPEED default "-Og -ggdb" if OPTIMIZATION_DEBUGGING default "-ggdb" if OPTIMIZATION_NONE_DEBUGGING default "-ggdb" endmenu # "Developer options" menu "RTU HP mask" config RTU_HP_MASK_ENABLE bool "Set custom High Priority mask in RTU" default n help Set the mask which priorities are considered High Priority (this only concerns the traffic which is fast-forwarded). config RTU_HP_MASK_VAL string "HP mask" default 0 depends on RTU_HP_MASK_ENABLE help Mask with priorities (eg. 0x9 => priority 4 and 0 are considered HP) endmenu source