mainmenu "White Rabbit Switch configuration" config DOTCONF_URL string "URL for a run-time replacement of dot-config" help The White Rabbit Switch is configured at run-time, according to a dot-config .config file. The file is the same .config you are defining now. If you select an empty string, dot-config is not replaced at run time. Otherwise, tftp://, ftp:// or http:// URLs are allowed. Names are allowed if you configured a DNS server. The special strings IPADDR and MACADDR are substituted before retrieving the file. Example: "tftp://morgana/wrs-config-IPADDR" config BR2_CONFIGFILE string "Configuration file for Buildroot" default "wrs_release_br2_config" help The configuration file selects which packages are to be included in the WRS filesystem and which are not. If you pass a relative pathname, the build procedure will look for it in wr-switch-sw/configs/buildroot, while absolute pathnames are used unchanged. If the string being passed doesn't refer to a file, the scripts print a warning and use the default file. Incorrect files lead to unpredicatable results. config PPSI bool default y menu "Local Network Configuration" config NTP_SERVER string "IP address of local NTP server (empty for none)" help At boot time, the White Rabbit time is primed by querying an NTP server, if any is there. Please write here the IPV4 address (e.g.: ""); an empty string disables NTP-based priming. config DNS_SERVER string "static IP address of local DNS server (empty for none)" help Using names instead of IP addresses is sometimes handy. This option allow to specify a static server name, that is stored in /etc/resolv.conf, within the WRS image being built. If the string is empty, /etc/resolv.conf is managed according to buildroot defaults. config DNS_DOMAIN string "Default domain for DNS resolution" help If CONFIG_DNS_SERVER is being used, this option may be useful as well. config REMOTE_SYSLOG_SERVER string "Send WRS syslog messages to this remote host" help This IP address or name, if not empty enables remote syslog in the switch; all messages are sent to this specific host. config REMOTE_SYSLOG_UDP bool "Use UDP for syslog messages" default y help Select UDP to send system logs. If not set, TCP is used. config SNMP_TRAPSINK_ADDRESS string "Static IP address or name where to send SNMPv1 traps" help If not empty, the address or name is ussed as "trapsink" destination in the SNMP configuration file for the switch. It empty, no v1 traps are generated. If both this and the following TRAP2SINK_ADDRESS are set, snmpd sends two traps (one per protocol version). Trapcommunity is "public" (not configurable so far). config SNMP_TRAP2SINK_ADDRESS string "Static IP address or name where to send SNMPv2c traps" help If not empty, the address or name is ussed as "trap2sink" destination in the SNMP configuration file for the switch. It empty, no v2c traps are generated. Trapcommunity is "public" (not configurable so far). config SNMP_RO_COMMUNITY string "Read-only community name for SNMP V1/V2 management" default "public" help If not empty, the 'community' name is a sort of password, that travels as clear text (we don't support encrypted SNMPv3 yet). The default is good for testing, but should be changed for production. Please note, however, that the switch processes SNMP only on the CPU Ethernet port (the copper "management" port). config SNMP_RW_COMMUNITY string "Read-write community name for SNMP V1/V2 management" default "private" help If not empty, the 'community' name is a sort of password, that travels as clear text (we don't support encrypted SNMPv3 yet). The default is good for testing, but should be changed for production. Please note, however, that the switch processes SNMP only on the CPU Ethernet port (the copper "management" port). config WRS_LOG_HAL string "Logging directions for the WR hal" default "" help The string can be a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg) or a <facility>.<level> spefification like "daemon.debug". An empty strings is used to represent no logging (like /dev/null). Please note that unknown facility names will generate a runtime error on the switch. config WRS_LOG_RTU string "Logging directions for the RTU daemon" default "" help The string can be a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg) or a <facility>.<level> spefification like "daemon.debug". An empty strings is used to represent no logging (like /dev/null). Please note that unknown facility names will generate a runtime error on the switch. config WRS_LOG_PTP string "Logging directions for the PTP server (ptpd or ppsi)" default "" help The string can be a pathname (e.g. /dev/kmsg) or a <facility>.<level> spefification like "daemon.debug". An empty strings is used to represent no logging (like /dev/null). Please note that unknown facility names will generate a runtime error on the switch. config KEEP_ROOTFS bool "Keep generated filesystem and related script" help During development of build scripts, it may be useful to keep the generated root filesystem as well as the script used to create it. If selected, the build script will report the actual file names at each build. If unsusre, say N. endmenu menu "Port Timing Configuration" config PORT00_PARAMS string "Parameters for the first port" default "name=wr0,tx=0,rx=160000,role=slave,fiber=0" help This item, and the following ones, are used to assign the constant delays (likely from calibration), port roles and type of fiber for each of the ports. Please refer to the user manual for more information. config PORT01_PARAMS string "Parameters for the second port" default "name=wr1,tx=0,rx=160000,role=slave,fiber=0" config PORT02_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr2,tx=0,rx=160000,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT03_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr3,tx=0,rx=160000,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT04_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr4,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT05_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr5,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT06_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr6,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT07_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr7,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT08_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr8,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT09_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr9,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT10_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr10,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT11_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr11,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT12_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr12,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT13_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr13,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT14_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr14,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT15_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr15,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT16_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr16,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" config PORT17_PARAMS string "Parameters for a further port" default "name=wr17,tx=0,rx=161200,role=master,fiber=0" endmenu menu "SFP and Media Timing Configuration" config SFP00_PARAMS string "Parameters for one SFP device type" default "name=AXGE-1254-0531,tx=10,rx=10,wl_txrx=1310+1490" help This parameter, and the following ones, are used to configure the timing parameters of a specific SFP tranceiver. The tranceiver name is autodected for each port in the White Rabbit Switch, and you need one configuration entry for each tranceiver type that is installed in your device. config SFP01_PARAMS string "Parameters for one SFP device type" default "name=AXGE-3454-0531,tx=10,rx=10,wl_txrx=1490+1310" config SFP02_PARAMS string "Parameters for one SFP device type" config SFP03_PARAMS string "Parameters for one SFP device type" config SFP04_PARAMS string "Parameters for one SFP device type" config SFP05_PARAMS string "Parameters for one SFP device type" config SFP06_PARAMS string "Parameters for one SFP device type" config SFP07_PARAMS string "Parameters for one SFP device type" config SFP08_PARAMS string "Parameters for one SFP device type" config SFP09_PARAMS string "Parameters for one SFP device type" config FIBER00_PARAMS string "Alpha parameters for fiber type 0" default "alpha_1310_1490=2.6787e-04" help This parameter, and the following ones, specify the physical features of your fiber type. You need to specify the alpha value for each pair of wavelengths you are using. The index ("00" onwards) is used to match the port (CONFIG_PORTxx_PARAMS) with one of several installed fiber types. config FIBER01_PARAMS string "Alpha parameters for fiber type 1" default "alpha_1310_1490=2.6787e-04" config FIBER02_PARAMS string "Alpha parameters for fiber type 2" default "alpha_1310_1490=2.6787e-04" config FIBER03_PARAMS string "Alpha parameters for fiber type 3" default "alpha_1310_1490=2.6787e-04" endmenu