stages: - build - doc job_wrs_compile: stage: build tags: - wrs_sw script: - apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install -y git make build-essential m4 gettext bison flex texinfo libncurses-dev libncursesw5-dev bc python unzip wget cpio locales - locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 # use the user who triggered a job to appear in binaries - echo "[user]" > ~/.gitconfig - echo " name = CI ${GITLAB_USER_NAME}" >> ~/.gitconfig - cd .. - echo "Remove leftovers from the previous build" - rm -rf *.tar - rm -rf *.log - rm -rf build - rm -rf images - rm -rf docs - cd wr-switch-sw - git clean -xfd - cd userspace/ppsi - git clean -xfd - git fetch -p; cd ../..; git submodule update; cd .. - echo "Using `grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo` parallel jobs" - MAKEFLAGS="-j `grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo`" wr-switch-sw/build/wrs_build-all > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/log_${CI_JOB_ID}.txt - cp *.tar ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} artifacts: name: "wrs_sw_ci_${CI_JOB_ID}" when: always paths: - log_${CI_JOB_ID}.txt - ./*.tar job_build_docs: stage: doc image: ubuntu:22.04 tags: - wrs_sw script: - apt update - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TZ=Europe/Zurich apt -y install tzdata - apt upgrade -y && apt install -y git make locales texinfo texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra texlive-extra-utils libreoffice-common libreoffice-draw emacs graphviz - locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 # use the user who triggered a job to appear in binaries - echo "[user]" > ~/.gitconfig - echo " name = CI ${GITLAB_USER_NAME}" >> ~/.gitconfig - cd .. - echo "Remove leftovers from the previous build" - rm -rf *.tar - rm -rf *.log - rm -rf build - rm -rf images - rm -rf docs - rm -rf *.pdf - cd wr-switch-sw - git clean -xfd - cd userspace/ppsi - git clean -xfd - git fetch -p; cd ../..; git submodule update; cd .. - cd wr-switch-sw/doc - make - cd ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} - mkdir -p docs - cp doc/wrs-user-manual.pdf docs - cp doc/wrs-developer-manual.pdf docs - cp doc/radiusvlan.pdf docs - cp doc/wrs_failures/wrs_failures.pdf docs - cp doc/autonegotiation_ha_wr/autonegotiation_ha_wr.pdf docs artifacts: name: "wrs_sw_ci_docs_${CI_JOB_ID}" when: always paths: - ./docs/*.pdf