diff --git a/userspace/snmpd/Makefile b/userspace/snmpd/Makefile
index d0209520d70e9c3a136239bf63598db6e0f7f5ea..34d1a6bc316a8e55795a4416ac34e1cb9ba1d3ae 100644
--- a/userspace/snmpd/Makefile
+++ b/userspace/snmpd/Makefile
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ SOURCES = \
 	snmp_mmap.c \
 	wrsScalar.c \
 	wrsStartCntGroup.c \
+	wrsSpllStatusGroup.c \
 	wrsPstatsTable.c \
 	shmem.c \
 	wrsPtpDataTable.c \
diff --git a/userspace/snmpd/WR-SWITCH-MIB.txt b/userspace/snmpd/WR-SWITCH-MIB.txt
index b69793039be0f1d5c96c0a8a64028c464c24078e..799bbcf2d3e15d1215aba5fd2e048badb005bd52 100644
--- a/userspace/snmpd/WR-SWITCH-MIB.txt
+++ b/userspace/snmpd/WR-SWITCH-MIB.txt
@@ -165,7 +165,82 @@ wrsStartCntRTUd OBJECT-TYPE
             "Number of RTU deamon starts"
     ::= { wrsStartCntGroup 3 }
---wrsSpllState            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wrsExpertStatus 3 }
+wrsSpllState            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wrsExpertStatus 3 }
+-- wrsSpllStatusGroup (.6.3.2)
+wrsSpllStatusGroup      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wrsSpllState 2 }
+wrsSpllMode        OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "Mode of Soft PLL"
+    ::= { wrsSpllStatusGroup 1 }
+wrsSpllIrqCnt      OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "Number of interrupts in Soft PLL"
+    ::= { wrsSpllStatusGroup 2 }
+wrsSpllSeqState    OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "Sequence state of Soft PLL"
+    ::= { wrsSpllStatusGroup 3 }
+wrsSpllAlignState  OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "Align state of Soft PLL"
+    ::= { wrsSpllStatusGroup 4 }
+wrsSpllHlock       OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "HLock in Soft PLL"
+    ::= { wrsSpllStatusGroup 5 }
+wrsSpllMlock       OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "MLock at Soft PLL"
+    ::= { wrsSpllStatusGroup 6 }
+wrsSpllHY          OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "H_y at Soft PLL"
+    ::= { wrsSpllStatusGroup 7 }
+wrsSpllMY          OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         Integer32
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "M_y at Soft PLL"
+    ::= { wrsSpllStatusGroup 8 }
+wrsSpllDelCnt      OBJECT-TYPE
+    SYNTAX         Counter32
+    MAX-ACCESS     read-only
+    STATUS         current
+            "Del counter at Soft PLL"
+    ::= { wrsSpllStatusGroup 9 }
 -- wrsPstatsTable (.6.1.4)
 wrsPstatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF WrsPstatsEntry
diff --git a/userspace/snmpd/init.c b/userspace/snmpd/init.c
index 58153a0be1c97bc279903b3e57d5c8a472d96872..cedb03f65e789503fe744f985be6cf5a3b894de1 100644
--- a/userspace/snmpd/init.c
+++ b/userspace/snmpd/init.c
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include "wrsSnmp.h"
 #include "snmp_shmem.h"
 #include "wrsStartCntGroup.h"
+#include "wrsSpllStatusGroup.h"
 #include "wrsPstatsTable.h"
 #include "wrsPtpDataTable.h"
 #include "wrsCurrentTimeGroup.h"
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ void init_wrsSnmp(void)
+	init_wrsSpllStatusGroup();
diff --git a/userspace/snmpd/softpll_ng.h b/userspace/snmpd/softpll_ng.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c3159903ca504654be55abc0b604ce0f9d5f77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userspace/snmpd/softpll_ng.h
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * This work is part of the White Rabbit project
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013 CERN (www.cern.ch)
+ * Author: Tomasz Wlostowski <tomasz.wlostowski@cern.ch>
+ *
+ * Released according to the GNU GPL, version 2 or any later version.
+ */
+/* softpll_ng.h: public SoftPLL API header */
+#ifndef __SOFTPLL_NG_H
+#define __SOFTPLL_NG_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+/* SoftPLL operating modes, for mode parameter of spll_init(). */
+/* Grand Master - lock to 10 MHz external reference */
+/* Free running master - 125 MHz refrence free running, DDMTD locked to it */
+/* Slave mode - 125 MHz reference locked to one of the input clocks */
+#define SPLL_MODE_SLAVE 3
+/* Disabled mode: SoftPLL inactive */
+/* Shortcut for 'channels' parameter in various API functions to perform operation on all channels */
+#define SPLL_ALL_CHANNELS 0xffffffff
+/* Aux clock flags */
+#define SPLL_AUX_ENABLED (1<<0) /* Locking the particular aux channel to the WR reference is enabled */
+#define SPLL_AUX_LOCKED (1<<1)  /* The particular aux clock is already locked to WR reference */
+/* Phase detector types */
+#define SPLL_PD_DDMTD 0
+/* Channels for spll_measure_frequency() */
+#define SPLL_OSC_REF 0
+#define SPLL_OSC_DMTD 1
+#define SPLL_OSC_EXT 2
+/* Note on channel naming:
+ - ref_channel means a PHY recovered clock input. There can be one (as in WR core) or more (WR switch).
+ - out_channel means an output channel, which represents PLL feedback signal from a local, tunable oscillator. Every SPLL implementation
+   has at least one output channel, connected to the 125 / 62.5 MHz transceiver (WR) reference. This channel has always 
+   index 0 and is compared against all reference channels by the phase tracking mechanism.
+Initializes the SoftPLL to work in mode (mode). Extra parameters depend on choice of the mode:
+- for SPLL_MODE_GRAND_MASTER: non-zero (align_pps) value enables realignment of the WR reference rising edge to the 
+  rising edge of 10 MHz external clock that comes immediately after a PPS pulse
+- for SPLL_MODE_SLAVE: (ref_channel) indicates the reference channel to which we are locking our PLL. 
+void spll_init(int mode, int ref_channel, int align_pps);
+/* Disables the SoftPLL and cleans up stuff */
+void spll_shutdown();
+/* Returns number of reference and output channels implemented in HW. */
+void spll_get_num_channels(int *n_ref, int *n_out);
+/* Starts locking output channel (out_channel) */
+void spll_start_channel(int out_channel);
+/* Stops locking output channel (out_channel) */
+void spll_stop_channel(int out_channel);
+/* Returns non-zero if output channel (out_channel) is locked to a WR reference */
+int spll_check_lock(int out_channel);
+/* Sets phase setpoint for given output channel. */
+void spll_set_phase_shift(int out_channel, int32_t value_picoseconds);
+/* Retreives the current phase shift and desired setpoint for given output channel */
+void spll_get_phase_shift(int out_channel, int32_t *current, int32_t *target);
+/* Returns non-zero if the given output channel is busy phase shifting to a new preset */
+int spll_shifter_busy(int out_channel);
+/* Returns phase detector type used by particular output channel. There are two phase detectors available:
+- DDMTD: locks only 62.5 / 125 MHz. Provides independent phase shift control for each output.
+- Bang-Bang: locks to any frequency that is a result of rational (M/N) multiplication of the reference frequency.
+  The frequency can be set by spll_set_aux_frequency(). BB detector follows phase setpoint of channel 0 (WR reference),
+  there is no per-output shift control.
+int spll_get_phase_detector_type(int out_channel);
+/* Sets the aux clock freuency when a BB detector is in use. 
+   Must be called prior to spll_start_channel(). If the frequency is out of available range,
+   returns negative value */
+int spll_set_aux_frequency(int out_channel, int32_t frequency);
+/* Enables/disables phase tracking on channel (ref_channel). Phase is always measured between
+   the WR local reference (out_channel 0) and ref_channel */
+void spll_enable_ptracker(int ref_channel, int enable);
+/* Reads tracked phase shift value for given reference channel */
+int spll_read_ptracker(int ref_channel, int32_t *phase_ps, int *enabled);
+/* Calls non-realtime update state machine. Must be called regularly (although
+ * it is not time-critical) in the main loop of the program if aux clocks or
+ * external reference are used in the design. */
+void spll_update();
+/* Returns the status of given aux clock output (SPLL_AUX_) */
+int spll_get_aux_status(int out_channel);
+const char *spll_get_aux_status_string(int channel);
+/* Debug/testing functions */
+/* Returns how many time the PLL has de-locked since last call of spll_init() */
+int spll_get_delock_count();
+void spll_show_stats(void);
+/* Sets VCXO tuning DAC corresponding to output (out_channel) to a given value */
+void spll_set_dac(int out_channel, int value);
+/* Returns current DAC sample value for output (out_channel) */
+int spll_get_dac(int out_channel);
+void check_vco_frequencies();
+/* info reported through .stat section */
+struct spll_stats {
+	int magic;	/* 0x5b1157a7 = SPLLSTAT ?;)*/
+	int ver;	/* version of the structure */
+	int sequence;	/* sequence number, so the host can retry */
+	int mode;
+	int irq_cnt;
+	int seq_state;
+	int align_state;
+	int H_lock;
+	int M_lock;
+	int H_y, M_y;
+	int del_cnt;
+/* This only exists in wr-switch, but we should use it always */
+extern struct spll_stats stats;
+#endif // __SOFTPLL_NG_H
diff --git a/userspace/snmpd/wrsSpllStatusGroup.c b/userspace/snmpd/wrsSpllStatusGroup.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..222af48cde574b2f712b163de47b0831a4894bf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userspace/snmpd/wrsSpllStatusGroup.c
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#include "wrsSnmp.h"
+#include "wrsSpllStatusGroup.h"
+#include "softpll_ng.h"
+#include "snmp_mmap.h"
+#define FPGA_SPLL_STAT 0x10006800
+#define SPLL_MAGIC 0x5b1157a7
+static struct spll_stats *spll_stats_p;
+static struct pickinfo wrsSpllStatus_pickinfo[] = {
+	FIELD(wrsSpllStatus_s, ASN_INTEGER, wrsSpllMode),
+	FIELD(wrsSpllStatus_s, ASN_COUNTER, wrsSpllIrqCnt),
+	FIELD(wrsSpllStatus_s, ASN_INTEGER, wrsSpllSeqState),
+	FIELD(wrsSpllStatus_s, ASN_INTEGER, wrsSpllAlignState),
+	FIELD(wrsSpllStatus_s, ASN_COUNTER, wrsSpllHlock),
+	FIELD(wrsSpllStatus_s, ASN_COUNTER, wrsSpllMlock),
+	FIELD(wrsSpllStatus_s, ASN_INTEGER, wrsSpllHY),
+	FIELD(wrsSpllStatus_s, ASN_INTEGER, wrsSpllMY),
+	FIELD(wrsSpllStatus_s, ASN_COUNTER, wrsSpllDelCnt),
+struct wrsSpllStatus_s wrsSpllStatus_s;
+time_t wrsSpllStatus_data_fill(void)
+	static time_t time_update;
+	time_t time_cur;
+	time_cur = time(NULL);
+	if (time_update
+	    && time_cur - time_update < WRSSPLLSTATUS_CACHE_TIMEOUT) {
+		/* cache not updated, return last update time */
+		return time_update;
+	}
+	time_update = time_cur;
+	memset(&wrsSpllStatus_s, 0, sizeof(wrsSpllStatus_s));
+	if (!spll_stats_p) /* first time, map the fpga space */
+		spll_stats_p = create_map(FPGA_SPLL_STAT,
+					  sizeof(*spll_stats_p));
+	if (!spll_stats_p) {
+		/* unable to mmap */
+		return time_update;
+	}
+	/* check magic number in SPLL stat memory */
+	if (spll_stats_p->magic != SPLL_MAGIC) {
+		/* wrong magic */
+		snmp_log(LOG_ERR,
+			 "wrsSpllStatusGroup Wrong SPLL magic number\n");
+		return time_update;
+	}
+	/* check version of SPLL's stat structure */
+	if (spll_stats_p->ver == 1) {
+		wrsSpllStatus_s.wrsSpllMode = spll_stats_p->mode;
+		wrsSpllStatus_s.wrsSpllIrqCnt = spll_stats_p->irq_cnt;
+		wrsSpllStatus_s.wrsSpllSeqState = spll_stats_p->seq_state;
+		wrsSpllStatus_s.wrsSpllAlignState = spll_stats_p->align_state;
+		wrsSpllStatus_s.wrsSpllHlock = spll_stats_p->H_lock;
+		wrsSpllStatus_s.wrsSpllMlock = spll_stats_p->M_lock;
+		wrsSpllStatus_s.wrsSpllHY = spll_stats_p->H_y;
+		wrsSpllStatus_s.wrsSpllMY = spll_stats_p->M_y;
+		wrsSpllStatus_s.wrsSpllDelCnt = spll_stats_p->del_cnt;
+	}
+	/* there was an update, return current time */
+	return time_update;
+#define GT_PICKINFO wrsSpllStatus_pickinfo
+#define GT_DATA_FILL_FUNC wrsSpllStatus_data_fill
+#define GT_DATA_STRUCT wrsSpllStatus_s
+#define GT_GROUP_NAME "wrsSpllStatusGroup"
+#define GT_INIT_FUNC init_wrsSpllStatusGroup
+#include "wrsGroupTemplate.h"
diff --git a/userspace/snmpd/wrsSpllStatusGroup.h b/userspace/snmpd/wrsSpllStatusGroup.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7ade224452abe1f881755e7cc87ff3e0518147d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userspace/snmpd/wrsSpllStatusGroup.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+struct wrsSpllStatus_s {
+	int32_t wrsSpllMode;
+	int32_t wrsSpllIrqCnt;
+	int32_t wrsSpllSeqState;
+	int32_t wrsSpllAlignState;
+	int32_t wrsSpllHlock;
+	int32_t wrsSpllMlock;
+	int32_t wrsSpllHY;
+	int32_t wrsSpllMY;
+	int32_t wrsSpllDelCnt;
+extern struct wrsSpllStatus_s wrsSpllStatus_s;
+time_t wrsSpllStatus_data_fill(void);
+void init_wrsSpllStatusGroup(void);