Commit 059ed01a authored by Jorge Machado's avatar Jorge Machado

Update READMEs

parent 5b791720
-To generate the vivado project, the syn/ script must be executed with fmc_support argument.
-The wrpc sw can be compiled running "make zcu_fmc_defconfig" and "make" in the wrpc_sw directory. The LM32 cross compiler must be previously installed.
Once the wrpc sw is compiled, the .vhd file with the memory image must be included in the vivado_ip/wrpc/lm32-sw/zcu102/ directory.
......@@ -8,3 +8,7 @@ ZCU102 Buildroot project
5) dts: Board devicetree for ZCU102
6) patches: Patches for Buildroot, Linux, Busybox, etc
7) tools: External tools
To generate the binaries, run the script.
If the device tree has been changed, the script compiles only this part, and does not need to recompile all the buildroot.
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