1. 07 Oct, 2019 8 commits
    • manuel's avatar
      test: Add README file · 3abea22b
      manuel authored
    • manuel's avatar
      test: Add documentation of tests · f5517bef
      manuel authored
    • manuel's avatar
      test: Add test files · 002f5c3e
      manuel authored
      configuration.cfg include all configuration of tests, testNIC.py
      varifies the Network Interface Core, testWR.py tries of correct
      operation White rabbit, testDIO,py verifies all ports of boards,
      testAdvDIO.py verify the correct reception and sending of packages,
      testAll.py is to execute all tests. The class ssh.py is used to execute
      commands by ssh, dio.py is to interact with the ports and vuart.py
      execute commands by virtual uart.
    • manuel's avatar
      test: Add dockerfiles · d815d716
      manuel authored
      Deployment test, each dockerfile deploy a version of Ubuntu and compiles
      and installs the tools, drivers and binary files of WR-starting-kit
    • Benoit Rat's avatar
    • Benoit Rat's avatar
      doc: fixing warning on link · 789c4a66
      Benoit Rat authored
    • Benoit Rat's avatar
      doc: preliminar update for release v3.0 · 1d521b2a
      Benoit Rat authored
      - update changelog
      - update install
      - update tools and remove sfp detect (new wrc-v4.2)
      - update repos & submodules
      - remove live-usb
      - remove automatic write of EEPROM FRU
      - remove etherbone in standalone
    • Benoit Rat's avatar
      doc: fixing bugs (longtable), and improve colors, templates, etc.. · 61302ef2
      Benoit Rat authored
      doc: pandoc: by default figure "fit here if possible" (H)
      doc: new line after paragraph (4th level of markdown title)
      doc: change link color so that link color is more highlighted
      doc: improve color scheme with hostname
      doc: add alternate color for longtable in pandoc.latex
      doc: fix a bug with longtable when using pandoc
  2. 12 Sep, 2019 10 commits
  3. 15 May, 2014 3 commits
  4. 02 Apr, 2014 12 commits
  5. 31 Mar, 2014 3 commits
  6. 28 Mar, 2014 4 commits