Commit a0e994ee authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

doc: improve the how the pcie slot is ordered (physical & bus index)

parent fad7287a
......@@ -282,7 +282,8 @@ You should obtain something similar as:
Where `05` and `0b` represent the ID of the PCIe slot given by your motherboard.
This index might be different according to the devices.
> **Note**: The PCIe slot numbering are normally ordered from top to bottom on the motherboard,
this mean that the board with ID `05` will be above the one with index `0b`.
......@@ -543,7 +544,8 @@ Then the script will detect if you have one or more [FMC-DIO] with empty
eeprom. If it is the case it will ask to enter a S/N.
> ***Tip***: The S/N is labeled on the back side of the
[FMC-DIO] board.
[FMC-DIO] board and the index of PCIe slots on the bus "normally" respect
the physical plug order from top to bottom on the motherboard.
If for instance you have one with the label `7S-FMCDIO5ch-v1.0-S3-058` and
you can't read the label on the second one, we suggest you to fill the input as below:
......@@ -553,8 +555,6 @@ you can't read the label on the second one, we suggest you to fill the input as
Enter S/N for board fmc-0b00 in the format xx-XXX (or 0) : 0
Be aware that the order in the bus "normally" respect the order that
the board are plugged into the PCIe of the mother-board (From up to down).
### Manual
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