Commit fac75c1e authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

spec_top: use xwrc_platform_xilinx also for external 10MHz reference

parent 50f825c1
......@@ -255,28 +255,11 @@ architecture rtl of spec_top is
signal wrc_phy_in : t_phy_8bits_to_wrc;
signal wrc_sfp_out : t_sfp_from_wrc;
signal wrc_sfp_in : t_sfp_to_wrc;
signal wrc_extref_in : t_extref_to_wrc;
signal wrc_extref_rst: std_logic;
U_Ext_PLL : ext_pll_10_to_125m
port map (
clk_ext_i => clk_ext,
clk_ext_mul_o => clk_ext_mul,
rst_a_i => ext_pll_reset,
clk_in_stopped_o => clk_ext_stopped,
locked_o => clk_ext_mul_locked);
U_Extend_EXT_Reset : gc_extend_pulse
generic map (
g_width => 1000)
port map (
clk_i => clk_62m5_sys,
rst_n_i => local_reset_n,
pulse_i => clk_ext_rst,
extended_o => ext_pll_reset);
U_Reset_Gen : spec_reset_gen
port map (
clk_sys_i => clk_62m5_sys,
......@@ -415,13 +398,15 @@ begin
clk_dmtd_i => clk_dmtd,
clk_ref_i => clk_125m_pllref,
clk_aux_i => (others => '0'),
clk_ext_i => clk_ext,
clk_ext_mul_i => clk_ext_mul,
clk_ext_mul_locked_i => clk_ext_mul_locked,
clk_ext_stopped_i => clk_ext_stopped,
clk_ext_rst_o => clk_ext_rst,
pps_ext_i => dio_in(3),
rst_n_i => local_reset_n,
clk_ext_i => wrc_extref_in.clk_10m_ref,
clk_ext_mul_i => wrc_extref_in.clk_125m_ref,
clk_ext_mul_locked_i => wrc_extref_in.locked,
clk_ext_stopped_i => wrc_extref_in.stopped,
clk_ext_rst_o => wrc_extref_rst,
pps_ext_i => wrc_extref_in.pps,
rst_n_i => local_reset_n,
dac_hpll_load_p1_o => wrc_dacs_out.hpll_load_p1,
dac_hpll_data_o => wrc_dacs_out.hpll_data,
......@@ -498,8 +483,9 @@ begin
WRC_PLATFORM : xwrc_platform_xilinx
generic map (
g_simulation => 0,
g_family => "spartan6")
g_simulation => 0,
g_family => "spartan6",
g_with_10m_refin => 1)
port map (
local_reset_n_i => local_reset_n,
......@@ -510,6 +496,10 @@ begin
clk_125m_pllref_n_i => clk_125m_pllref_n_i,
clk_125m_gtp_p_i => clk_125m_gtp_p_i, -- 125 MHz GTP reference
clk_125m_gtp_n_i => clk_125m_gtp_n_i, -- 125 MHz GTP reference
clk_10m_ref_p_i => dio_clk_p_i,
clk_10m_ref_n_i => dio_clk_n_i,
pps_ext_i => dio_in(3),
-- I2C to control DAC
......@@ -543,12 +533,14 @@ begin
clk_125m_pllref_o => clk_125m_pllref,
clk_62m5_dmtd_o => clk_dmtd,
dacs_i => wrc_dacs_out,
phy8_o => wrc_phy_in,
phy8_i => wrc_phy_out,
phy8_o => wrc_phy_in,
phy8_i => wrc_phy_out,
owr_en_i => owr_en,
owr_o => owr_i,
sfp_config_o => wrc_sfp_in,
sfp_config_i => wrc_sfp_out);
sfp_config_i => wrc_sfp_out,
ext_ref_o => wrc_extref_in,
ext_ref_rst_i => wrc_extref_rst);
Etherbone : eb_slave_core
generic map (
......@@ -614,15 +606,6 @@ begin
end generate gen_dio_iobufs;
U_input_buffer : IBUFGDS
generic map (
DIFF_TERM => true)
port map (
O => clk_ext,
I => dio_clk_p_i,
IB => dio_clk_n_i
dio_led_bot_o <= '0';
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