Commit 946d409a authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski Committed by Maciej Lipinski

wr_streamers: fixed latency mode testbench

parent c2996fd7
action= "simulation"
target= "xilinx"
vcom_opt="-mixedsvvh l"
modules = { "local" : ["../../..",
files = [""]
// White Rabbit Core Hands-On Course
// Lesson 04: Simulating the streamers
// Objectives:
// - demonstrate packet transfers in WR Core MAC interface
// - demonstrate the user interface of tx_streamer/rx_streamer modules.
// - demonstrate latency measurement feature of the streamers
// Brief description:
// A continuous sequence of 64-bit numbers (counting up from 0) is streamed
// via the TX streamer, sent as Ethernet packets over WR MAC interface and decoded
// in the RX streamer module.
`include "simdrv_defs.svh"
`include "if_wb_master.svh"
`include "if_wb_link.svh"
`timescale 1ns/1ps
import wishbone_pkg::*;
import streamers_pkg::*;
import wr_fabric_pkg::*;
class WBModule;
protected CBusAccessor m_bus;
protected uint64_t m_base;
function new(CBusAccessor bus, uint64_t base);
m_bus = bus;
m_base = base;
endfunction // new
task automatic writel(uint32_t addr, uint32_t data);
m_bus.write(m_base + addr, data);
endtask // writel
task automatic readl(uint32_t addr, ref uint32_t data);
uint64_t rv; + addr, rv);
data = rv;
endtask // writel
endclass // unmatched endclass
class StreamersDriver extends WBModule;
function new(CBusAccessor bus, uint64_t base);, base);
endfunction // new
task automatic configure();
// set fixed latency
// writel(`ADDR_WR_STREAMERS_RX_CFG5, 10); // in periods of 8ns.
// enable fixed latency (overide register)
// writel(`ADDR_WR_STREAMERS_CFG, 1<<21);
endtask // configure
endclass // WRStreamers
module main;
// Parameters
// Size of data record to be used by the streamers - in our case, a 64-bit
// word.
parameter g_record_size = 64;
parameter g_wr_cycles_per_second = 10000;
// 16-bit data, 2-bit address Wishbone bus that connects the WR MAC interfaces
// of both streamers
IWishboneLink #(16, 2) mac();
// Clock & reset
reg clk_ref = 0;
reg clk_sys = 0;
reg rst = 0;
// TX Streamer signals
reg tx_streamer_dvalid = 0;
reg [g_record_size-1:0] tx_streamer_data = 0;
reg tx_streamer_flush = 0;
reg tx_streamer_last = 0;
wire tx_streamer_dreq;
wire tx_streamer_sync;
// RX Streamer signals
reg rx_streamer_dreq = 0;
wire [g_record_size-1:0] rx_streamer_data;
wire rx_streamer_dvalid;
wire rx_streamer_lost;
wire [27:0] rx_latency;
wire rx_latency_valid;
// Fake White Rabbit reference clock (125 MHz) and cycle counte (we don't use
// TAI counter as the latency never exceeds 1 second...)
reg [27:0] tm_cycles = 0;
reg [39:0] tm_tai = 0;
// Currently transmitted counter value
int tx_counter = 0;
t_rx_streamer_cfg rx_streamer_cfg;
t_tx_streamer_cfg tx_streamer_cfg;
t_wrf_source_out src_out;
t_wrf_source_in src_in;
typedef struct {
bit [g_record_size-1:0] data;
time ts;
} t_queue_entry;
int tx_delay_count = 1;
initial #100 rst = 1;
always #8ns clk_ref <= ~clk_ref;
always #7.9ns clk_sys <= ~clk_sys;
// transfer queue. Used to pass sent data to the verification process.
t_queue_entry queue[$];
// WR clock cycle counter
always@(posedge clk_ref)
if( tm_cycles == g_wr_cycles_per_second - 1 )
tm_cycles <= 0;
tm_tai <= tm_tai + 1;
end else
tm_cycles <= tm_cycles + 1;
// TX data stream generation.
always@(posedge clk_ref)
tx_streamer_dvalid <= 0;
tx_counter <= 0;
end else begin
// TX streamer is fed with a subsequent data word at random intervals (you can
// change the probability in the condition below). New value is sent only when
// the streamer can accept it (i.e. its tx_dreq_o output is active)
if(tx_delay_count > 0 )
tx_delay_count --;
// $display("txdc %d", tx_delay_count);
if(tx_streamer_dreq && (tx_delay_count == 0) ) begin
automatic t_queue_entry qe; = tx_counter;
qe.ts = $time;
tx_delay_count = 300 + {$random} % 100;
tx_streamer_data <= tx_counter;
tx_streamer_dvalid <= 1;
tx_streamer_last <= 1;
tx_streamer_flush <= 1;
end else
tx_streamer_dvalid <= 0;
end // if (rst)
// Instantiation of the streamers. The TX streamer will assemble packets
// containing max. 8 records, or flush the buffer after 512 clk cycles if
// it contains less than 8 records to prevent latency buildup.
.g_data_width (g_record_size),
.g_tx_threshold (8),
.g_tx_timeout (512),
.rst_n_i (rst),
.src_o (src_out),
.src_i (src_in),
.clk_ref_i(clk_ref), // fake WR time
.tx_data_i (tx_streamer_data),
.tx_valid_i (tx_streamer_dvalid),
.tx_dreq_o (tx_streamer_dreq),
.tx_last_p1_i( tx_streamer_last),
.tx_flush_p1_i( tx_streamer_flush),
// tx config
assign tx_streamer_cfg.ethertype = 16'hdbff;
assign tx_streamer_cfg.mac_local = 48'hdeadbeefcafe;
assign tx_streamer_cfg.mac_target = 48'hffffffffffff;
assign tx_streamer_cfg.qtag_ena = 1'b0;
assign rx_streamer_cfg.ethertype = 16'hdbff;
assign rx_streamer_cfg.mac_local = 48'h000000000000;
assign rx_streamer_cfg.mac_remote = 48'h000000000000;
assign rx_streamer_cfg.accept_broadcasts = 1'b1;
assign rx_streamer_cfg.filter_remote = 1'b0;
assign rx_streamer_cfg.fixed_latency = 200;
.g_data_width (g_record_size),
.clk_sys_i (clk_sys),
.rst_n_i (rst),
.snk_i (src_out),
.snk_o (src_in),
.clk_ref_i(clk_ref), // fake WR time
.rx_data_o (rx_streamer_data),
.rx_valid_o (rx_streamer_dvalid),
.rx_dreq_i (rx_streamer_dreq),
.rx_latency_o (rx_latency),
initial rx_streamer_dreq = 1'b1;
// Client-side reception logic. Compares the received records with their copies
// stored in the queue.
always@(posedge clk_ref)
rx_streamer_dreq <= 1;
end else begin
// Got a record? Compare it against the copy stored in queue.
automatic t_queue_entry qe = queue.pop_front();
automatic time ts_rx = $time, delta;
if( rx_streamer_data != )
$error("Failure: got rec %x, should be %x", rx_streamer_data,;
//$display("Tx ts %t rx ts %t", qe.ts, ts_rx);
delta = ts_rx - qe.ts - rx_streamer_cfg.fixed_latency * 8ns;
$display("delta: %t", delta);
end // if (rx_streamer_dvalid)
end // else: !if(!rst)
// Show the latency value when a new frame arrives
// always@(posedge clk)
// if(rst && rx_latency_valid)
// $display("This frame's latency: %.3f microseconds\n", real'(rx_latency) * 0.008);
endmodule // main
# make -f Makefile > /dev/null 2>&1
vsim -L unisim work.main -novopt -suppress 8684,8683
set NumericStdNoWarnings 1
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
run 10us
wave zoomfull
radix -hex
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