Commit 921a37be authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

[wr_streamers] debugging fixed-latency feature for RF, improvements:

- if receiving with 62.5MHz, trunkate the LSB of the received timestamp
  to ensure constant reception frequency, before, if the tx timestamp
  was odd, the data was released by the streamers full 16ns later, this
  created a jitter on reception, whem measuring the period between
  received+delayed data

- the rx timestamps where taken into account without checking whether
  they are valid, they might not be valid if the synchronization is
  not good.
parent b74c35a6
......@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ architecture rtl of xrx_streamer is
signal tx_tag_cycles, rx_tag_cycles : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0);
signal tx_tag_valid, rx_tag_valid : std_logic;
signal rx_tag_valid_stored : std_logic;
signal got_next_subframe : std_logic;
signal is_frame_seq_id : std_logic;
......@@ -290,7 +291,8 @@ begin -- rtl
tm_time_valid_i => tm_time_valid_i,
tm_tai_i => tm_tai_i,
tm_cycles_i => tm_cycles_i,
tag_cycles_o => rx_tag_cycles);
tag_cycles_o => rx_tag_cycles,
tag_valid_o => rx_tag_valid);
-- fixed latency implementation
......@@ -298,7 +300,7 @@ begin -- rtl
-- mask rx_dreq to prevent reception
rx_dreq <= rx_dreq_i and rx_dreq_allow;
-- produce a pulse when SOF is timestamped, this pulse starts counter in clk_sys clock
-- produce a pulse when SOF is timestamped, this pulse starts counter in clk_sys clock
-- domain
U_sync_with_clk : gc_sync_ffs
port map (
......@@ -334,6 +336,7 @@ begin -- rtl
delay_state <= DELAY;
end if;
if(timestamped = '1') then
-- if(rx_tag_valid= '1') then
delay_cnt <= c_timestamper_delay;
delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 2;
......@@ -383,6 +386,7 @@ begin -- rtl
blocks_lost <= '0';
pack_data <= (others=>'0');
is_vlan <= '0';
rx_tag_valid_stored <= '0';
case state is
when IDLE =>
......@@ -406,7 +410,7 @@ begin -- rtl
rx_latency <= (others=>'0');
rx_latency_valid <= '0';
is_vlan <= '0';
rx_tag_valid_stored <= '0';
if(fsm_in.sof = '1') then
state <= HEADER;
end if;
......@@ -477,7 +481,26 @@ begin -- rtl
tx_tag_cycles(27 downto 16)<= downto 0);
count <= count + 1;
when x"0A" =>
tx_tag_cycles(15 downto 0) <=;
-- In some applications, e.g. RF distribution, the important
-- characteristic is the frequency of reception and they use
-- the fixed-latency of streamers to ensure it. In such case,
-- if the receiving clock is 62.5MHz and the transmitting clock
-- is 125MHz, when the tag of transmission is odd, the reception
-- will happen in the next cycle, i.e. 16ns later. If we look at
-- the latency, this is OK: due to granularity, we expect jitter of
-- 16ns, however, if we look at the frequency of reception, this
-- gives unnecessary jitter of 16ns. If we truncate the LSB of the
-- transmission timestamp, the frequency should be maintained while
-- the jitter of latency should be still as expected...
if(g_clk_ref_rate = 125000000) then
tx_tag_cycles(15 downto 0) <=;
elsif(g_clk_ref_rate = 62500000) then
tx_tag_cycles(15 downto 0) <= downto 1) & "0";
assert FALSE report
"The only ref_clk_rate supported: 62.5MHz and 125MHz"
severity FAILURE;
end if;
count <= count + 1;
crc_en <= '1';
detect_escapes <= '1';
......@@ -487,11 +510,17 @@ begin -- rtl
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
-- the tag should be produced while receiving the HEADER,
-- remember if a valid tag is produced
if(rx_tag_valid = '1') then
rx_tag_valid_stored <= rx_tag_valid;
end if;
when FRAME_SEQ_ID =>
rx_frame_p1_o <= '0';
rx_frame_p1_o <= '0';
if(fsm_in.eof = '1') then
state <= IDLE;
state <= IDLE;
rx_tag_valid_stored <= '0';
elsif(fsm_in.dvalid = '1') then
count <= "000" & x"001"; -- use as subframe seq_no
state <= PAYLOAD;
......@@ -500,7 +529,7 @@ begin -- rtl
ser_count <= (others => '0');
word_count <= word_count + 1; -- count words, increment in advance
got_next_subframe <= '1';
if(tx_tag_valid = '1') then
if(tx_tag_valid = '1' and rx_tag_valid_stored = '1') then
rx_latency_valid <= '1';
if(unsigned(tx_tag_cycles) > unsigned(rx_tag_cycles)) then
rx_latency <= unsigned(rx_tag_cycles) - unsigned(tx_tag_cycles) + to_unsigned(125000000, 28);
......@@ -511,6 +540,7 @@ begin -- rtl
rx_latency_valid <= '0';
end if;
rx_tag_valid_stored <= '0';
if(std_logic_vector(seq_no) /= downto 0)) then
seq_no <= unsigned( downto 0))+1;
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