Commit 5f934d98 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

reorganized xilinx PHY files by family and Added Artix-7 Determininstic PHY sources

parent 74538288
files = ["gtp_bitslide.vhd",
# "whiterabbitgtp_wrapper.vhd",
files = [
if (syn_device[0:4].upper()=="XC6S"): # Spartan6
elif (syn_device[0:4].upper()=="XC6V"): # Virtex6
elif (syn_device[0:4].upper()=="XC7A"): # Family 7 GTP (Artix7)
"family7-gtp/whiterabbit_gtpe2_channel_wrapper_gtrxreset_seq.vhd" ]);
elif (syn_device[0:4].upper()=="XC7K" or # Family 7 GTX (Kintex-7 and Virtex 585, 2000, X485)
syn_device[0:7].upper()=="XC7V585" or
syn_device[0:8].upper()=="XC7V2000" or
#elif (syn_device[0:4].upper()=="XC7V"): # Virtex7
# files.extend(["family7-gth/wr_gth_phy_virtex7.vhd" ]);
\ No newline at end of file
future GTH files are to be placed here
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity wr_gtp_phy_spec_wrapper is
generic (
g_simulation : integer := 0);
sfp_ref_clk_i : in std_logic;
sfp_ref_clk_o : out std_logic;
sfp_tx_data_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sfp_tx_k_i : in std_logic;
sfp_tx_disparity_o : out std_logic;
sfp_tx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
sfp_rx_rbclk_o : out std_logic;
sfp_rx_data_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sfp_rx_k_o : out std_logic;
sfp_rx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
sfp_rx_bitslide_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
sfp_rst_i : in std_logic;
sfp_loopen_i : in std_logic;
sfp_txn_o : out std_logic;
sfp_txp_o : out std_logic;
sfp_rxn_i : in std_logic;
sfp_rxp_i : in std_logic;
sata0_ref_clk_i : in std_logic;
sata0_ref_clk_o : out std_logic;
sata0_tx_data_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sata0_tx_k_i : in std_logic;
sata0_tx_disparity_o : out std_logic;
sata0_tx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
sata0_rx_rbclk_o : out std_logic;
sata0_rx_data_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sata0_rx_k_o : out std_logic;
sata0_rx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
sata0_rx_bitslide_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
sata0_rst_i : in std_logic;
sata0_loopen_i : in std_logic;
sata0_txn_o : out std_logic;
sata0_txp_o : out std_logic;
sata0_rxn_i : in std_logic;
sata0_rxp_i : in std_logic;
sata1_ref_clk_i : in std_logic;
sata1_ref_clk_o : out std_logic;
sata1_tx_data_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sata1_tx_k_i : in std_logic;
sata1_tx_disparity_o : out std_logic;
sata1_tx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
sata1_rx_rbclk_o : out std_logic;
sata1_rx_data_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
sata1_rx_k_o : out std_logic;
sata1_rx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
sata1_rx_bitslide_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
sata1_rst_i : in std_logic;
sata1_loopen_i : in std_logic;
sata1_txn_o : out std_logic;
sata1_txp_o : out std_logic;
sata1_rxn_i : in std_logic;
sata1_rxp_i : in std_logic;
fmc_ref_clk_i : in std_logic;
fmc_ref_clk_o : out std_logic;
fmc_tx_data_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
fmc_tx_k_i : in std_logic;
fmc_tx_disparity_o : out std_logic;
fmc_tx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
fmc_rx_rbclk_o : out std_logic;
fmc_rx_data_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
fmc_rx_k_o : out std_logic;
fmc_rx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
fmc_rx_bitslide_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
fmc_rst_i : in std_logic;
fmc_loopen_i : in std_logic;
fmc_txn_o : out std_logic;
fmc_txp_o : out std_logic;
fmc_rxn_i : in std_logic;
fmc_rxp_i : in std_logic
end wr_gtp_phy_spec_wrapper;
architecture rtl of wr_gtp_phy_spec_wrapper is
component wr_gtp_phy_spartan6
generic (
g_simulation : integer);
port (
ch0_ref_clk_i : in std_logic;
ch0_ref_clk_o : out std_logic;
ch0_tx_data_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ch0_tx_k_i : in std_logic;
ch0_tx_disparity_o : out std_logic;
ch0_tx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
ch0_rx_rbclk_o : out std_logic;
ch0_rx_data_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ch0_rx_k_o : out std_logic;
ch0_rx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
ch0_rx_bitslide_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ch0_rst_i : in std_logic;
ch0_loopen_i : in std_logic;
ch1_ref_clk_i : in std_logic;
ch1_ref_clk_o : out std_logic;
ch1_tx_data_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
ch1_tx_k_i : in std_logic := '0';
ch1_tx_disparity_o : out std_logic;
ch1_tx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
ch1_rx_data_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
ch1_rx_rbclk_o : out std_logic;
ch1_rx_k_o : out std_logic;
ch1_rx_enc_err_o : out std_logic;
ch1_rx_bitslide_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ch1_rst_i : in std_logic := '0';
ch1_loopen_i : in std_logic := '0';
pad_txn0_o : out std_logic;
pad_txp0_o : out std_logic;
pad_rxn0_i : in std_logic := '0';
pad_rxp0_i : in std_logic := '0';
pad_txn1_o : out std_logic;
pad_txp1_o : out std_logic;
pad_rxn1_i : in std_logic := '0';
pad_rxp1_i : in std_logic := '0');
end component;
begin -- rtl
U_GTP1 : wr_gtp_phy_spartan6
generic map (
g_simulation => g_simulation)
port map (
ch0_ref_clk_i => fmc_ref_clk_i,
ch0_ref_clk_o => fmc_ref_clk_o,
ch0_tx_data_i => fmc_tx_data_i,
ch0_tx_k_i => fmc_tx_k_i,
ch0_tx_disparity_o => fmc_tx_disparity_o,
ch0_tx_enc_err_o => fmc_tx_enc_err_o,
ch0_rx_rbclk_o => fmc_rx_rbclk_o,
ch0_rx_data_o => fmc_rx_data_o,
ch0_rx_k_o => fmc_rx_k_o,
ch0_rx_enc_err_o => fmc_rx_enc_err_o,
ch0_rx_bitslide_o => fmc_rx_bitslide_o,
ch0_rst_i => fmc_rst_i,
ch0_loopen_i => fmc_loopen_i,
ch1_ref_clk_i => sata0_ref_clk_i,
ch1_ref_clk_o => sata0_ref_clk_o,
ch1_tx_data_i => sata0_tx_data_i,
ch1_tx_k_i => sata0_tx_k_i,
ch1_tx_disparity_o => sata0_tx_disparity_o,
ch1_tx_enc_err_o => sata0_tx_enc_err_o,
ch1_rx_data_o => sata0_rx_data_o,
ch1_rx_rbclk_o => sata0_rx_rbclk_o,
ch1_rx_k_o => sata0_rx_k_o,
ch1_rx_enc_err_o => sata0_rx_enc_err_o,
ch1_rx_bitslide_o => sata0_rx_bitslide_o,
ch1_rst_i => sata0_rst_i,
ch1_loopen_i => sata0_loopen_i,
pad_txn0_o => fmc_txn_o,
pad_txp0_o => fmc_txp_o,
pad_rxn0_i => fmc_rxn_i,
pad_rxp0_i => fmc_rxp_i,
pad_txn1_o => sata0_txn_o,
pad_txp1_o => sata0_txp_o,
pad_rxn1_i => sata0_rxn_i,
pad_rxp1_i => sata0_rxp_i);
U_GTP2 : wr_gtp_phy_spartan6
generic map (
g_simulation => g_simulation)
port map (
ch0_ref_clk_i => sata1_ref_clk_i,
ch0_ref_clk_o => sata1_ref_clk_o,
ch0_tx_data_i => sata1_tx_data_i,
ch0_tx_k_i => sata1_tx_k_i,
ch0_tx_disparity_o => sata1_tx_disparity_o,
ch0_tx_enc_err_o => sata1_tx_enc_err_o,
ch0_rx_rbclk_o => sata1_rx_rbclk_o,
ch0_rx_data_o => sata1_rx_data_o,
ch0_rx_k_o => sata1_rx_k_o,
ch0_rx_enc_err_o => sata1_rx_enc_err_o,
ch0_rx_bitslide_o => sata1_rx_bitslide_o,
ch0_rst_i => sata1_rst_i,
ch0_loopen_i => sata1_loopen_i,
ch1_ref_clk_i => sfp_ref_clk_i,
ch1_ref_clk_o => sfp_ref_clk_o,
ch1_tx_data_i => sfp_tx_data_i,
ch1_tx_k_i => sfp_tx_k_i,
ch1_tx_disparity_o => sfp_tx_disparity_o,
ch1_tx_enc_err_o => sfp_tx_enc_err_o,
ch1_rx_data_o => sfp_rx_data_o,
ch1_rx_rbclk_o => sfp_rx_rbclk_o,
ch1_rx_k_o => sfp_rx_k_o,
ch1_rx_enc_err_o => sfp_rx_enc_err_o,
ch1_rx_bitslide_o => sfp_rx_bitslide_o,
ch1_rst_i => sfp_rst_i,
ch1_loopen_i => sfp_loopen_i,
pad_txn0_o => sata1_txn_o,
pad_txp0_o => sata1_txp_o,
pad_rxn0_i => sata1_rxn_i,
pad_rxp0_i => sata1_rxp_i,
pad_txn1_o => sfp_txn_o,
pad_txp1_o => sfp_txp_o,
pad_rxn1_i => sfp_rxn_i,
pad_rxp1_i => sfp_rxp_i);
end rtl;
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