Commit 5c7c211f authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

kintex7-lp: stuck on losing-the-2nd-word issue, going back to 1.25 native tx path

parent 5e088128
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ begin
--------------TX Buffer Attributes----------------
TXDLY_CFG => (x"001F"),
TXDLY_LCFG => (x"030"),
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ begin
TXPH_CFG => (x"0780"),
TXPHDLY_CFG => (x"084020"),
TXPH_MONITOR_SEL => ("00000"),
-------------------------FPGA TX Interface Attributes-------------------------
TX_DATA_WIDTH => (80),
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Author : Peter Jansweijer, Tomasz Wlostowski
-- Company : CERN BE-CO-HT
-- Created : 2013-04-08
-- Last update: 2019-06-18
-- Last update: 2019-06-26
-- Platform : FPGA-generic
-- Standard : VHDL'93
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ architecture rtl of wr_gtx_phy_kintex7_lp is
out_8b_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end component gc_dec_8b10b;
constant c_rxcdrlock_max : integer := 30;
constant c_rxcdrlock_max : integer := 1000;
constant c_reset_cnt_max : integer := 64; -- Reset pulse width 64 * 8 = 512 ns
signal rst_synced : std_logic;
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ architecture rtl of wr_gtx_phy_kintex7_lp is
signal link_up, link_aligned : std_logic;
signal tx_enable, tx_enable_refclk : std_logic;
signal tx_enable, tx_enable_txclk : std_logic;
signal tx_sw_reset : std_logic;
signal rx_enable, rx_enable_rxclk : std_logic;
......@@ -240,12 +240,14 @@ architecture rtl of wr_gtx_phy_kintex7_lp is
signal comma_current_pos : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal tx_out_clk_div2 : std_logic;
signal tx_out_clk_div1 : std_logic;
signal gtx_rst_n_txdiv2 : std_logic;
signal run_disparity_q0, run_disparity_q1 : std_logic;
signal run_disparity_reg : std_logic;
signal pll_clkfbout_bufin,tx_out_clk_div2_bufin, pll_clkfbout : std_logic;
signal tx_out_clk_div1_bufin : std_logic;
signal txusrpll_locked : std_logic;
signal qpll_sw_reset : std_logic;
......@@ -276,15 +278,15 @@ begin -- rtl
txusrpll_reset <= debug_i(5); -- not tx_rst_done;
-- Near-end PMA loopback if loopen_i active
gtx_loopback <= "010" when debug_i(6) = '1' else "000";
gtx_loopback <= "010" when loopen_i = '1' else "000";
U_SyncTxEnable : gc_sync_ffs
port map
clk_i => clk_ref_i,
clk_i => tx_out_clk_div2,
rst_n_i => '1',
data_i => tx_enable,
synced_o => tx_enable_refclk
synced_o => tx_enable_txclk
......@@ -405,6 +407,10 @@ begin -- rtl
rx_rbclk_o <= rx_rec_clk;
U_Enc1 : entity work.gc_enc_8b10b
generic map
g_use_internal_running_disparity => false
port map (
clk_i => tx_out_clk_div2,
rst_n_i => gtx_rst_n_txdiv2,
......@@ -412,9 +418,12 @@ begin -- rtl
dispar_i => run_disparity_reg,
dispar_o => run_disparity_q0,
ctrl_i => tx_k_i(1),
out_10b_o => tx_data_8b10b(19 downto 10));
out_10b_o => tx_data_8b10b(9 downto 0));
U_Enc2 : entity work.gc_enc_8b10b
generic map (
g_use_internal_running_disparity => false
port map (
clk_i => tx_out_clk_div2,
rst_n_i => gtx_rst_n_txdiv2,
......@@ -422,7 +431,7 @@ begin -- rtl
dispar_i => run_disparity_q0,
dispar_o => run_disparity_q1,
ctrl_i => tx_k_i(0),
out_10b_o => tx_data_8b10b(9 downto 0));
out_10b_o => tx_data_8b10b(19 downto 10));
p_latch_disparity : process(tx_out_clk_div2)
......@@ -500,7 +509,7 @@ begin -- rtl
GTTXRESET_IN => gtx_tx_reset_a,
TXUSERRDY_IN => qpll_locked_i,
------------------ Transmit Ports - FPGA TX Interface Ports ----------------
TXUSRCLK_IN => tx_out_clk,
TXUSRCLK_IN => tx_out_clk_div1,
TXUSRCLK2_IN => tx_out_clk_div2,
------------------ Transmit Ports - TX Data Path interface -----------------
TXDATA_IN => f_widen(tx_data_8b10b, 4),
......@@ -530,10 +539,14 @@ begin -- rtl
CLKOUT0_PHASE => 0.000,
CLKOUT1_PHASE => 0.000,
CLKIN1_PERIOD => 8.000)
port map (
CLKFBOUT => pll_clkfbout_bufin,
CLKOUT0 => tx_out_clk_div2_bufin,
CLKOUT1 => tx_out_clk_div1_bufin,
CLKFBIN => pll_clkfbout,
CLKIN1 => tx_out_clk,
CLKIN2 => '0',
......@@ -557,6 +570,11 @@ begin -- rtl
I => tx_out_clk_div2_bufin,
O => tx_out_clk_div2);
U_BUF_TxOutClk1 : BUFG
port map (
I => tx_out_clk_div1_bufin,
O => tx_out_clk_div1);
port map (
I => pll_clkfbout_bufin,
......@@ -663,10 +681,10 @@ begin -- rtl
end if;
end process;
p_gen_tx_disparity : process(clk_ref_i)
p_gen_tx_disparity : process(tx_out_clk_div2)
if rising_edge(clk_ref_i) then
if tx_enable_refclk = '0' then
if rising_edge(tx_out_clk_div2) then
if tx_enable_txclk = '0' then
cur_disp <= RD_MINUS;
cur_disp <= f_next_8b10b_disparity16(cur_disp, tx_k_i, tx_data_i);
......@@ -676,14 +694,16 @@ begin -- rtl
tx_disparity_o <= to_std_logic(cur_disp);
-- rx_data_o <= rx_data_o_int;
-- rx_k_o <= rx_k_o_int;
-- rx_enc_err_o <= '0';-- rx_enc_err_o_int;
rx_data_o <= rx_data_o_int;
rx_k_o <= rx_k_o_int;
rx_enc_err_o <= rx_enc_err_o_int;
fmon_clk_tx_o <= tx_out_clk;
fmon_clk_tx_o <= tx_out_clk_div1;
fmon_clk_tx2_o <= tx_out_clk_div2;
fmon_clk_rx_o <= rx_rec_clk;
rx_bitslide_o <= (others => '0');
end rtl;
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