• Maciej Lipinski's avatar
    wr_streamers: fixed bug that caused flush_p1_i to be missed. · 03448da1
    Maciej Lipinski authored
    In case the data was received in clk_ref_i domain, the flush_p1_i
    was also received in the clk_ref_i domain. However, it was used
    in an FSM that works in the clk_sys_i domain. This could cause
    problems, for example missing the flash_p1_i pulses, thus frames
    not being sent when requested. It was easily seen in the
    spec_fixed_latency-demo testbench. In principle, the tx_flush_p1_i
    does not need to come with data, can be asynchronous to data.
    It should be a pulse, yet it can happen that it is constantly high
    (see Tom's testbench of fixed-latency mode). Thus in cross-domain
    use case :
    1. first the pulse is extended to to cycles
    2. thanks to this, the gc_sync_ffs module can be used to
       pass the signal to clk_sys clock domain, whether it is a
       pulse or not.
xtx_streamer.vhd 28.2 KB