diff --git a/modules/wr_endpoint/Manifest.py b/modules/wr_endpoint/Manifest.py
index f9990e6e47d2e29ac6807d09f15b0bb9bb8886ec..fe50777878b0b792484591396730d2ba01250d97 100644
--- a/modules/wr_endpoint/Manifest.py
+++ b/modules/wr_endpoint/Manifest.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ files = [	"endpoint_private_pkg.vhd",
-                "ep_pcs_tbi_mdio_wb.vhd",
+                "ep_mdio_regs.vhd",
diff --git a/modules/wr_endpoint/endpoint_pkg.vhd b/modules/wr_endpoint/endpoint_pkg.vhd
index 5747963e7804f3f5648b6445b6bb4c2135cdb872..dfdb5fb8e20dffdf28d787928f9e27e45205cf41 100644
--- a/modules/wr_endpoint/endpoint_pkg.vhd
+++ b/modules/wr_endpoint/endpoint_pkg.vhd
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 -- Author     : Tomasz Wlostowski
 -- Company    : CERN BE-CO-HT
 -- Created    : 2010-04-26
--- Last update: 2017-02-20
+-- Last update: 2023-03-13
 -- Platform   : FPGA-generic
 -- Standard   : VHDL '93
@@ -122,9 +122,8 @@ package endpoint_pkg is
     rdy            : std_logic;
     sfp_tx_fault   : std_logic;
     sfp_los        : std_logic;
-    lpc_stat       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   end record;
   type t_phy_16bits_from_wrc is record
     rst            : std_logic;
     loopen         : std_logic;
@@ -133,16 +132,14 @@ package endpoint_pkg is
     loopen_vec     : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
     tx_prbs_sel    : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
     sfp_tx_disable : std_logic;
-    lpc_ctrl       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   end record;
   constant c_dummy_phy16_to_wrc : t_phy_16bits_to_wrc :=
     ('0', '0', '0', (others=>'0'), '0', '0', (others=>'0'), '0',
-    (others=>'0'), '0', '0', '0', (others => '0'));
+    (others=>'0'), '0', '0', '0');
   constant c_dummy_phy16_from_wrc : t_phy_16bits_from_wrc :=
     ('0', '0', (others=>'0'), (others=>'0'), (others=>'0'),
-    (others=>'0'), '0', (others => '0'));
+    (others=>'0'), '0');
   -- debug CS types
@@ -223,8 +220,9 @@ package endpoint_pkg is
       phy_sfp_los_i        : in  std_logic                     := '0';
       phy_sfp_tx_disable_o : out std_logic;
       phy_rdy_i            : in  std_logic;
-      phy_lpc_stat_i       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
-      phy_lpc_ctrl_o       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+      phy_mdio_master_o : out t_wishbone_master_out;
+      phy_mdio_master_i : in t_wishbone_master_in := cc_dummy_slave_out; 
       phy_ref_clk_i        : in  std_logic                     := '0';
       phy_tx_data_o        : out std_logic_vector(f_pcs_data_width(g_pcs_16bit)-1 downto 0);
@@ -339,8 +337,6 @@ package endpoint_pkg is
       phy_sfp_los_i        : in  std_logic                     := '0';
       phy_sfp_tx_disable_o : out std_logic;
       phy_rdy_i            : in  std_logic;
-      phy_lpc_stat_i       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
-      phy_lpc_ctrl_o       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
       phy_ref_clk_i        : in  std_logic;
       phy_tx_data_o        : out std_logic_vector(f_pcs_data_width(g_pcs_16bit)-1 downto 0);
@@ -352,6 +348,18 @@ package endpoint_pkg is
       phy_rx_k_i           : in  std_logic_vector(f_pcs_k_width(g_pcs_16bit)-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
       phy_rx_enc_err_i     : in  std_logic;
       phy_rx_bitslide_i    : in  std_logic_vector(f_pcs_bts_width(g_pcs_16bit)-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
+        -- clk_sys_i domain!
+      phy_mdio_master_cyc_o : out std_logic;
+      phy_mdio_master_stb_o : out std_logic;
+      phy_mdio_master_we_o : out std_logic;
+      phy_mdio_master_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+      phy_mdio_master_sel_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
+      phy_mdio_master_adr_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+      phy_mdio_master_ack_i : in std_logic := '0';
+      phy_mdio_master_stall_i : in std_logic := '0';
+      phy_mdio_master_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
       gmii_tx_clk_i        : in  std_logic	 									 := '0';
       gmii_txd_o           : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)  := x"00";
       gmii_tx_en_o         : out std_logic                     := '0';
diff --git a/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_1000basex_pcs.vhd b/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_1000basex_pcs.vhd
index 34de5e83699ad429158b2044b2c523cba23bb7ea..d707ae68aea688480383c0835950012b3f9df142 100644
--- a/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_1000basex_pcs.vhd
+++ b/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_1000basex_pcs.vhd
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 -- Author     : Tomasz WÅ‚ostowski
 -- Company    : CERN BE-CO-HT
 -- Created    : 2010-11-18
--- Last update: 2021-04-09
+-- Last update: 2023-03-29
 -- Platform   : FPGA-generic
 -- Standard   : VHDL'93
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ library work;
 use work.endpoint_private_pkg.all;
 use work.endpoint_pkg.all;
 use work.gencores_pkg.all;
+use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
+use work.ep_mdio_regs_pkg.all;
 entity ep_1000basex_pcs is
@@ -146,10 +148,11 @@ entity ep_1000basex_pcs is
     -- 1: serdes is locked and aligned
     serdes_rdy_i    : in  std_logic;
-    -- low phase drift feature signals to the PHY
-    serdes_stat_i : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-    serdes_ctrl_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+    -- auxillary MDIO registers. PHY-specific. One of applications
+    -- is low phase drift feature signals to the PHY
+    serdes_mdio_master_o : out t_wishbone_master_out;
+    serdes_mdio_master_i : in t_wishbone_master_in;
     -- Serdes TX path (all synchronous to serdes_tx_clk_i)
@@ -180,7 +183,7 @@ entity ep_1000basex_pcs is
     -- RX recovered clock. MUST be synchronous to incoming serial data stream
-    -- for proper PTP/SyncE operation. 62.5 MHz in 16-bit mode, 125 MHz in 8-bit mode.
+    -- for proper PTP/SyncE operation. 62.5 MHz in 16-bit mode, 125 MHz in 8-bit mode
     serdes_rx_clk_i      : in std_logic;
     serdes_rx_data_i     : in std_logic_vector(f_pcs_data_width(g_16bit)-1 downto 0);
     serdes_rx_k_i        : in std_logic_vector(f_pcs_k_width(g_16bit)-1 downto 0);
@@ -210,28 +213,13 @@ architecture rtl of ep_1000basex_pcs is
   alias rst_n_i : std_logic is rst_sys_n_i;
-  signal mdio_mcr_anrestart       : std_logic;
+  signal mdio_regs_out : t_mdio_regs_master_out;
+  signal mdio_regs_in : t_mdio_regs_master_in;
+  signal mdio_wb_out : t_wishbone_master_in;
+  signal mdio_wb_in : t_wishbone_master_out;
   signal mdio_mcr_pdown           : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_mcr_pdown_cpu       : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_mcr_anenable        : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_mcr_reset           : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_msr_lstatus         : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_msr_rfault          : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_msr_anegcomplete    : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_advertise_pause     : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-  signal mdio_advertise_rfault    : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-  signal mdio_lpa_full            : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_lpa_half            : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_lpa_pause           : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-  signal mdio_lpa_rfault          : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-  signal mdio_lpa_lpack           : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_lpa_npage           : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal      : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst    : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_wr_spec_bslide      : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
-  signal mdio_data_in             : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-  signal mdio_data_out            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
   signal lstat_read_notify : std_logic;
@@ -268,12 +256,32 @@ architecture rtl of ep_1000basex_pcs is
   signal dbg_prbs_control : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   signal dbg_prbs_status : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+  signal serdes_rx_bitslide_rx_clk : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
+  attribute mark_debug : string;
+  attribute mark_debug of serdes_rx_k_i : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of serdes_rx_data_i : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of serdes_rx_enc_err_i : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of serdes_rx_bitslide_i : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of synced : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of sync_lost : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of link_ok : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of an_rx_en : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of an_rx_val : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of an_rx_valid : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of an_tx_en : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of an_tx_val : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of mdio_regs_out : signal is "true";
 begin  -- rtl
-  pcs_reset_n <= '0' when (mdio_mcr_reset = '1' or rst_n_i = '0') else '1';
+  pcs_reset_n <= '0' when (mdio_regs_out.mcr_reset = '1' or rst_n_i = '0') else '1';
   gen_16bit : if(g_16bit) generate
-    U_TX_PCS : ep_tx_pcs_16bit
+    U_TX_PCS : entity work.ep_tx_pcs_16bit
       port map (
         rst_n_i   => pcs_reset_n,
         clk_sys_i => clk_sys_i,
@@ -285,10 +293,10 @@ begin  -- rtl
         pcs_busy_o  => txpcs_busy_int,
         pcs_dreq_o  => txpcs_dreq_o,
-        mdio_mcr_reset_i      => mdio_mcr_reset,
+        mdio_mcr_reset_i      => mdio_regs_out.mcr_reset,
         mdio_mcr_pdown_i      => mdio_mcr_pdown,
-        mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_i => mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal,
-        mdio_dbg_prbs_en_i => dbg_prbs_control(0),
+        mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_i => mdio_regs_out.wr_spec_tx_cal,
+        mdio_dbg_prbs_en_i => '0', -- fixme bring back prbs dbg_prbs_control(0),
         an_tx_en_i              => an_tx_en,
         an_tx_val_i             => an_tx_val,
@@ -304,7 +312,7 @@ begin  -- rtl
         dbg_rd_count_o     => dbg_tx_pcs_rd_count_o     
-    U_RX_PCS : ep_rx_pcs_16bit
+    U_RX_PCS : entity work.ep_rx_pcs_16bit
       generic map (
         g_simulation => g_simulation,
         g_ep_idx     => g_ep_idx)
@@ -323,14 +331,14 @@ begin  -- rtl
         timestamp_valid_i       => rxpcs_timestamp_valid_i,
         timestamp_stb_i         => rxpcs_timestamp_stb_i,
-        mdio_mcr_reset_i           => mdio_mcr_reset,
+        mdio_mcr_reset_i           => mdio_regs_out.mcr_reset,
         mdio_mcr_pdown_i           => mdio_mcr_pdown,
-        mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_i    => mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst,
-        mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_o => mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat,
-        mdio_dbg_prbs_check_i =>  dbg_prbs_control(1),
-        mdio_dbg_prbs_word_sel_i => dbg_prbs_control(2),
-        mdio_dbg_prbs_latch_count_i => dbg_prbs_control(3),
-        mdio_dbg_prbs_errors_o => dbg_prbs_status,
+        mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_i    => mdio_regs_out.wr_spec_cal_crst,
+        mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_o => mdio_regs_in.wr_spec_rx_cal_stat,
+        mdio_dbg_prbs_check_i =>  '0', --dbg_prbs_control(1),
+        mdio_dbg_prbs_word_sel_i =>  '0', --dbg_prbs_control(2),
+        mdio_dbg_prbs_latch_count_i =>  '0', --dbg_prbs_control(3),
+        mdio_dbg_prbs_errors_o => open, --dbg_prbs_status,
         synced_o        => synced,
         sync_lost_o     => sync_lost,
@@ -352,12 +360,12 @@ begin  -- rtl
         nice_dbg_o => nice_dbg_o.rx
-    mdio_wr_spec_bslide <= serdes_rx_bitslide_i(4 downto 0);
+    serdes_rx_bitslide_rx_clk <= serdes_rx_bitslide_i(4 downto 0);
   end generate gen_16bit;
   gen_8bit : if(not g_16bit) generate
-    U_TX_PCS : ep_tx_pcs_8bit
+    U_TX_PCS : entity work.ep_tx_pcs_8bit
       port map (
         rst_n_i   => pcs_reset_n,
         clk_sys_i => clk_sys_i,
@@ -369,9 +377,9 @@ begin  -- rtl
         pcs_busy_o  => txpcs_busy_int,
         pcs_dreq_o  => txpcs_dreq_o,
-        mdio_mcr_reset_i      => mdio_mcr_reset,
+        mdio_mcr_reset_i      => mdio_regs_out.mcr_reset,
         mdio_mcr_pdown_i      => mdio_mcr_pdown,
-        mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_i => mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal,
+        mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_i => mdio_regs_out.wr_spec_tx_cal,
         an_tx_en_i              => an_tx_en,
         an_tx_val_i             => an_tx_val,
@@ -386,7 +394,7 @@ begin  -- rtl
         preamble_shrinkage => preamble_shrinkage
-    U_RX_PCS : ep_rx_pcs_8bit
+    U_RX_PCS : entity work.ep_rx_pcs_8bit
       generic map (
         g_simulation => g_simulation)
       port map (
@@ -404,10 +412,10 @@ begin  -- rtl
         timestamp_valid_i       => rxpcs_timestamp_valid_i,
         timestamp_stb_i         => rxpcs_timestamp_stb_i,
-        mdio_mcr_reset_i           => mdio_mcr_reset,
+        mdio_mcr_reset_i           => mdio_regs_out.mcr_reset,
         mdio_mcr_pdown_i           => mdio_mcr_pdown,
-        mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_i    => mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst,
-        mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_o => mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat,
+        mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_i    => mdio_regs_out.wr_spec_cal_crst,
+        mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_o => mdio_regs_in.wr_spec_rx_cal_stat,
         synced_o        => synced,
         sync_lost_o     => sync_lost,
@@ -427,7 +435,7 @@ begin  -- rtl
         phy_rx_enc_err_i => serdes_rx_enc_err_i
-    mdio_wr_spec_bslide <= '0' & serdes_rx_bitslide_i(3 downto 0);
+    serdes_rx_bitslide_rx_clk  <= '0' & serdes_rx_bitslide_i(3 downto 0);
     dbg_tx_pcs_rd_count_o <= (others => '0');
     dbg_tx_pcs_wr_count_o <= (others => '0');
@@ -438,69 +446,67 @@ begin  -- rtl
   txpcs_busy_o <= txpcs_busy_int;
   -- to enable killing of link (by ML)
-  mdio_mcr_pdown <= mdio_mcr_pdown_cpu or (not link_ctr_i);
+  mdio_mcr_pdown <= mdio_regs_out.mcr_pdown or (not link_ctr_i);
   -- keep PHY reset also when SFP reports LOS (DL)
-  serdes_rst_o <= (not pcs_reset_n) or mdio_mcr_pdown
-                  ;
-  U_MDIO_WB : ep_pcs_tbi_mdio_wb
-    port map (
-      rst_n_i   => rst_n_i,
-      clk_sys_i => clk_sys_i,
-      wb_adr_i  => mdio_addr_i(4 downto 0),
-      wb_dat_i  => mdio_data_in,
-      wb_dat_o  => mdio_data_out,
-      wb_cyc_i   => wb_stb,
-      wb_sel_i   => "1111",
-      wb_stb_i   => wb_stb,
-      wb_we_i    => mdio_rw_i,
-      wb_ack_o   => wb_ack,
-      wb_stall_o => open,
-      tx_clk_i   => serdes_tx_clk_i,
-      rx_clk_i   => serdes_rx_clk_i,
-      mdio_mcr_uni_en_o          => open,
-      mdio_mcr_anrestart_o       => mdio_mcr_anrestart,
-      mdio_mcr_pdown_o           => mdio_mcr_pdown_cpu,
-      mdio_mcr_anenable_o        => mdio_mcr_anenable,
-      mdio_mcr_reset_o           => mdio_mcr_reset,
-      mdio_mcr_loopback_o        => serdes_loopen_o,
-      mdio_msr_lstatus_i         => mdio_msr_lstatus,
-      mdio_msr_rfault_i          => mdio_msr_rfault,
-      mdio_msr_anegcomplete_i    => mdio_msr_anegcomplete,
-      mdio_advertise_pause_o     => mdio_advertise_pause,
-      mdio_advertise_rfault_o    => mdio_advertise_rfault,
-      mdio_lpa_full_i            => mdio_lpa_full,
-      mdio_lpa_half_i            => mdio_lpa_half,
-      mdio_lpa_pause_i           => mdio_lpa_pause,
-      mdio_lpa_rfault_i          => mdio_lpa_rfault,
-      mdio_lpa_lpack_i           => mdio_lpa_lpack,
-      mdio_lpa_npage_i           => mdio_lpa_npage,
-      mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_o      => mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal,
-      mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_i => mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat,
-      mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_o    => mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst,
-      mdio_wr_spec_bslide_i      => mdio_wr_spec_bslide,
-      mdio_ectrl_lpbck_vec_o       => serdes_loopen_vec_o,
-      mdio_ectrl_sfp_tx_fault_i    => serdes_sfp_tx_fault_i,
-      mdio_ectrl_sfp_loss_i        => serdes_sfp_los_i,
-      mdio_ectrl_sfp_tx_disable_o  => serdes_sfp_tx_disable_o,
-      mdio_ectrl_tx_prbs_sel_o     => serdes_tx_prbs_sel_o,
-      mdio_lpc_phy_stat_i          => serdes_stat_i,
-      mdio_lpc_phy_ctrl_o          => serdes_ctrl_o,
-      mdio_dbg_prbs_status_i => dbg_prbs_status,
-      mdio_dbg_prbs_control_o => dbg_prbs_control,
-      lstat_read_notify_o => lstat_read_notify
-      );
+  serdes_rst_o <= (not pcs_reset_n) or mdio_mcr_pdown;
-  mdio_data_in <= X"0000" & mdio_data_i;
-  mdio_data_o  <= mdio_data_out(15 downto 0);
-  mdio_msr_rfault <= '0';
+  -- process: translates the MDIO reads/writes into Wishbone read/writes
+  -- inputs: mdio_stb_i, wb_ack
+  -- ouputs: mdio_ready_o, wb_stb
+  p_translate_mdio_wb : process(clk_sys_i, rst_n_i)
+  begin
+    if rising_edge(clk_sys_i) then
+      if (rst_n_i = '0') then
+        mdio_wb_in <= cc_dummy_master_out;
+        mdio_ready_o <= '1';
+        wb_stb <= '0';
+      else
+        if wb_stb = '0' then
+          if(mdio_stb_i = '1') then
+            mdio_wb_in.cyc       <= '1';
+            mdio_wb_in.stb       <= '1';
+            mdio_wb_in.dat <= X"0000" & mdio_data_i;
+            mdio_wb_in.sel <= (others => '0');
+            mdio_wb_in.adr <= "00" & x"000" & mdio_addr_i & "00";
+            mdio_wb_in.we <= mdio_rw_i;
+            mdio_ready_o <= '0';
+            wb_stb <= '1';
+          end if;
+        else
+          if mdio_wb_out.stall = '0' then
+            mdio_wb_in.stb <= '0';
+          end if;
+          if mdio_wb_out.ack = '1' then
+            mdio_ready_o <= '1';
+            mdio_data_o  <= mdio_wb_out.dat(15 downto 0);
+            mdio_wb_in.cyc       <= '0';
+            mdio_wb_in.stb       <= '0';
+            wb_stb <= '0';
+          end if;
+        end if;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
-  U_AUTONEGOTIATION : ep_autonegotiation
+  U_MDIO_WB: entity work.ep_mdio_regs
+    port map (
+      rst_n_i             => rst_n_i,
+      clk_i               => clk_sys_i,
+      wb_i                => mdio_wb_in,
+      wb_o                => mdio_wb_out,
+      mdio_regs_i         => mdio_regs_in,
+      mdio_regs_o         => mdio_regs_out,
+      phy_specific_regs_i => serdes_mdio_master_i,
+      phy_specific_regs_o => serdes_mdio_master_o);
+  lstat_read_notify <= mdio_regs_out.MSR_rd;
+  mdio_regs_in.msr_rfault <= '0';
+  U_AUTONEGOTIATION : entity work.ep_autonegotiation
     generic map (
       g_simulation => g_simulation)
@@ -518,40 +524,19 @@ begin  -- rtl
       an_rx_valid_i           => an_rx_valid,
       an_tx_en_o              => an_tx_en,
       an_tx_val_o             => an_tx_val,
-      mdio_mcr_anrestart_i    => mdio_mcr_anrestart,
-      mdio_mcr_anenable_i     => mdio_mcr_anenable,
-      mdio_msr_anegcomplete_o => mdio_msr_anegcomplete,
-      mdio_advertise_pause_i  => mdio_advertise_pause,
-      mdio_advertise_rfault_i => mdio_advertise_rfault,
-      mdio_lpa_full_o         => mdio_lpa_full,
-      mdio_lpa_half_o         => mdio_lpa_half,
-      mdio_lpa_pause_o        => mdio_lpa_pause,
-      mdio_lpa_rfault_o       => mdio_lpa_rfault,
-      mdio_lpa_lpack_o        => mdio_lpa_lpack,
-      mdio_lpa_npage_o        => mdio_lpa_npage
+      mdio_mcr_anrestart_i    => mdio_regs_out.mcr_anrestart,
+      mdio_mcr_anenable_i     => mdio_regs_out.mcr_anenable,
+      mdio_msr_anegcomplete_o => mdio_regs_in.msr_anegcomplete,
+      mdio_advertise_pause_i  => mdio_regs_out.advertise_pause,
+      mdio_advertise_rfault_i => mdio_regs_out.advertise_rfault,
+      mdio_lpa_full_o         => mdio_regs_in.lpa_full,
+      mdio_lpa_half_o         => mdio_regs_in.lpa_half,
+      mdio_lpa_pause_o        => mdio_regs_in.lpa_pause,
+      mdio_lpa_rfault_o       => mdio_regs_in.lpa_rfault,
+      mdio_lpa_lpack_o        => mdio_regs_in.lpa_lpack,
+      mdio_lpa_npage_o        => mdio_regs_in.lpa_npage
-  -- process: translates the MDIO reads/writes into Wishbone read/writes
-  -- inputs: mdio_stb_i, wb_ack
-  -- ouputs: mdio_ready_o, wb_stb
-  p_translate_mdio_wb : process(clk_sys_i, rst_n_i)
-  begin
-    if rising_edge(clk_sys_i) then
-      if (rst_n_i = '0') then
-        wb_stb       <= '0';
-        mdio_ready_o <= '1';
-      else
-        if(mdio_stb_i = '1' and wb_stb = '0') then
-          wb_stb       <= '1';
-          mdio_ready_o <= '0';
-        elsif(wb_stb = '1' and wb_ack = '1') then
-          mdio_ready_o <= '1';
-          wb_stb       <= '0';
-        end if;
-      end if;
-    end if;
-  end process;
   -- process: handles the LSTATUS bit in MSR register
   -- inputs: sync_lost, synced, lstat_read_notify
   -- outputs: mdio_msr_lstatus
@@ -559,12 +544,12 @@ begin  -- rtl
     if rising_edge(clk_sys_i) then
       if(pcs_reset_n = '0') then
-        mdio_msr_lstatus <= '0';
+        mdio_regs_in.msr_lstatus <= '0';
         if(sync_lost = '1') then
-          mdio_msr_lstatus <= '0';
+          mdio_regs_in.msr_lstatus <= '0';
         elsif(lstat_read_notify = '1') then
-          mdio_msr_lstatus <= synced and link_ok;
+          mdio_regs_in.msr_lstatus <= synced and link_ok;
         end if;
       end if;
     end if;
@@ -635,6 +620,15 @@ begin  -- rtl
     npulse_o => open,
     ppulse_o => rmon_o.rx_sync_lost);
+  U_sync_bslide: gc_sync_register
+    generic map (
+      g_width => 5)
+    port map (
+      clk_i     => clk_sys_i,
+      rst_n_a_i => rst_n_i,
+      d_i       => serdes_rx_bitslide_rx_clk,
+      q_o       => mdio_regs_in.wr_spec_bslide);
   -- drive unused outputs
   rmon_o.rx_crc_err             <= '0';
   rmon_o.rx_ok                  <= '0';
diff --git a/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_mdio_regs.cheby b/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_mdio_regs.cheby
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d138c8bc4e1dd64e1c1db8f07f56c7a3e99aa881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_mdio_regs.cheby
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+## Title      : 802.3 PCS Register Block (slave)
+## Project    : White Rabbit MAC/Endpoint
+## File       : ep_mdio_registers.cheby
+## Author     : Tomasz WÅ‚ostowski
+## Company    : CERN BE-CO-HT
+## Created    : 2010-11-18
+## Last update: 2013-03-10
+## Description: Standard PCS register block + WR-specific PCS fields:
+## RX bitslide and calibration pattern control.
+## Copyright (c) 2011 CERN / BE-CO-HT
+## This source file is free software; you can redistribute it
+## and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+## Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
+## either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
+## later version.
+## This source is distributed in the hope that it will be
+## useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+## PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+## details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
+## Public License along with this source; if not, download it
+## from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1l.html
+  name: ep_mdio
+  description: WR Endpoint 1000Base-X MDIO register block
+  bus: wb-32-be
+  x-hdl:
+    busgroup: True
+    iogroup: mdio_regs
+    name-suffix: _regs
+  schema-version:
+    core: 2.0.0
+    x-conversions: 1.0.0
+    x-hdl: 1.0.0
+    x-map-info: 1.0.0
+    x-wbgen: 1.0.0
+  children:
+  - reg:
+      name: MCR
+      description: MDIO Control Register
+      width: 32
+      access: rw
+      address: 0x0
+      children:
+      - field:
+          name: RESV
+          description: Reserved
+          comment: Always return 0s, writes ignored.
+          range: 4-0
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: uni_en
+          description: Unidirectional Enable
+          comment: 1 = Enable transmit regardless of whether a valid link has been established; 0 = Normal operation
+          range: 5
+      - field:
+          name: SPEED1000
+          description: Speed Selection (MSB)
+          comment: Always 1, indicating (together with bit 13) a fixed speed of 1000 Mbps
+          range: 6
+          preset: 0x1
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: ctst
+          description: Collision Test
+          comment: Always equal to 0, since collision detection is not supported
+          range: 7
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: fulldplx
+          description: Duplex Mode
+          comment: Always equal to 1 to indicate Full-Duplex operation
+          range: 8
+          preset: 0x1
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: anrestart
+          description: Restart Auto-Negotiation
+          comment: write 1 = restart Auto-Negotiation process; write 0 = no effect
+          range: 9
+          x-hdl:
+            type: autoclear
+      - field:
+          name: isolate
+          description: Isolate
+          comment: GMII Electrical isolation enable. Ignored since the PCS does not use GMII.
+          range: 10
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: pdown
+          description: Power Down
+          comment: 1 = Power down; 0 = Normal operation. This bit controls directly the PHY Enable pin
+          range: 11
+      - field:
+          name: anenable
+          description: Auto-Negotiation Enable
+          comment: 1 = Enable Auto-Negotiation process; 0 = Disable Auto-Negotiation process
+          range: 12
+      - field:
+          name: SPEED100
+          description: Speed Selection (LSB)
+          comment: Always 0, indicating (together with bit 6) a fixed speed of 1000 Mbps
+          range: 13
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: loopback
+          description: Loopback
+          comment: 1 enable loopback mode; 0 = disable loopback mode; With the TBI version, loopback bit is connected to PHY loopback enable pin. When set to 1, indicates to the external PHY to enter loopback mode
+          range: 14
+      - field:
+          name: reset
+          description: Reset
+          comment: Write 1 = triggers reset of the PCS core; write 0 = no effect
+          range: 15
+          x-hdl:
+            type: autoclear
+  - reg:
+      name: MSR
+      description: MDIO Status Register
+      width: 32
+      access: ro
+      address: 0x4
+      x-hdl:
+        read-strobe: True
+      children:
+      - field:
+          name: ERCAP
+          description: Extended Capability
+          comment: Always 0, since extended register set is not supported
+          range: 0
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: JCD
+          description: Jabber Detect
+          comment: Always 0, since Jabber Detect is not supported
+          range: 1
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: LSTATUS
+          description: Link Status
+          comment: 1 = Link is up; 0 = Link is down (or has been down); Latches 0 if Link Status goes down. Clears to current Link Status on read.
+          range: 2
+      - field:
+          name: ANEGCAPABLE
+          description: Auto-Negotiation Ability
+          comment: Always 1, to indicate the support for Auto-Negotiation.
+          range: 3
+          preset: 0x1
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: RFAULT
+          description: Remote Fault
+          comment: 1 = Remote fault condition detected; 0 = No remote fault condition detected.
+          range: 4
+      - field:
+          name: anegcomplete
+          description: Auto-Negotiation Complete
+          comment: 1 = Auto-Negotiation process completed; 0 = Auto-Negotiation process not completed
+          range: 5
+      - field:
+          name: mfsuppress
+          description: MF Preamble Suppression
+          comment: Always 0, feature not supported.
+          range: 6
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: unidirable
+          description: Unidirectional Ability
+          comment: Always 1, as the Unidirectional mode is supported.
+          range: 7
+          preset: 0x1
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: estaten
+          description: Extended Status Capable
+          comment: Always 1, indicating the presence of the Extended Status Register
+          range: 8
+          preset: 0x1
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 100half2
+          description: 100BASE-T2 Half Duplex
+          comment: Always 0 (unsupported medium)
+          range: 9
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 100full2
+          description: 100BASE-T2 Full Duplex
+          comment: Always 0 (unsupported medium)
+          range: 10
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 10half
+          description: 10 Mbps Half Duplex
+          comment: Always 0 (unsupported medium)
+          range: 11
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 10full
+          description: 10 Mbps Full Duplex
+          comment: Always 0 (unsupported medium)
+          range: 12
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 100half
+          description: 100BASE-X Half Duplex
+          comment: Always 0 (unsupported medium)
+          range: 13
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 100full
+          description: 100BASE-X Full Duplex
+          comment: Always 0 (unsupported medium)
+          range: 14
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 100base4
+          description: 100BASE-T4
+          comment: Always 0 (unsupported medium)
+          range: 15
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+  - reg:
+      name: PHYSID1
+      description: MDIO PHY Identification Register 1
+      width: 32
+      access: ro
+      address: 0x8
+      children:
+      - field:
+          name: OUI
+          description:  Organizationally Unique Identifier (bits 7-21)
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 15-0
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+  - reg:
+      name: PHYSID2
+      description: MDIO PHY Identification Register 2
+      width: 32
+      access: ro
+      address: 0xc
+      children:
+      - field:
+          name: REV_NUM
+          description: Revision Number
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 3-0
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: MMNUM
+          description: Manufacturer Model Number
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 9-4
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: OUI
+          description: Organizationally Unique Identifier (bits 0-5)
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 15-10
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+  - reg:
+      name: ADVERTISE
+      description: MDIO Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register
+      width: 32
+      access: rw
+      address: 0x10
+      children:
+      - field:
+          name: RSVD3
+          description: Reserved
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 4-0
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: FULL
+          description: Full Duplex
+          comment: Always 1, since Full Duplex Mode is the only supported mode.
+          range: 5
+          preset: 0x1
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: HALF
+          description: Half Duplex
+          comment: Always 0, since Half Duplex Mode is not supported.
+          range: 6
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: PAUSE
+          description: Pause
+          comment: 00 = No PAUSE; 01 = Symmetric PAUSE; 10 = Asymmetric PAUSE towards link partner; 11 = Both Symmetric PAUSE and Asymmetric PAUSE towards link partner
+          range: 8-7
+          preset: 00
+      - field:
+          name: RSVD2
+          description: Reserved
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 11-9
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: RFAULT
+          description: Remote Fault
+          comment: 00 = No Error; 01 = Offline; 10 = Link Failure; 11 = Auto-Negotiation Error
+          range: 13-12
+      - field:
+          name: RSVD1
+          description: Reserved
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 14
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: NPAGE
+          description: Next Page
+          comment: Always 0, since Next Page feature is not supported
+          range: 15
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+  - reg:
+      name: LPA
+      description: MDIO Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register
+      width: 32
+      access: ro
+      address: 0x14
+      children:
+      - field:
+          name: RSVD3
+          description: Reserved
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 4-0
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: FULL
+          description: Full Duplex
+          comment: 1 = Remote partner supports Full Duplex operation; 0 = It does not
+          range: 5
+      - field:
+          name: HALF
+          description: Half Duplex
+          comment: 1 = Remote partner supports Half Duplex operation; 0 = It does not
+          range: 6
+      - field:
+          name: PAUSE
+          description: Pause
+          comment: 00 = No PAUSE; 01 = Symmetric PAUSE ; 10 = Asymmetric PAUSE towards link partner; 11 = Both Symmetric PAUSE and Asymmetric PAUSE towards link partner
+          range: 8-7
+      - field:
+          name: RSVD2
+          description: Reserved
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 11-9
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: RFAULT
+          description: Remote Fault
+          comment: 00 = No Error; 01 = Offline; 10 = Link Failure; 11 = Auto-Negotiation Error
+          range: 13-12
+      - field:
+          name: LPACK
+          description: Acknowledge
+          comment: Used by Auto-Negotiation function to indicate reception of a link partners base or next page.
+          range: 14
+      - field:
+          name: NPAGE
+          description: Next Page
+          comment: 1 = Next Page functionality is supported; 0 = It is not
+          range: 15
+  - reg:
+      name: EXPANSION
+      description: MDIO Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register
+      width: 32
+      access: ro
+      address: 0x18
+      children:
+      - field:
+          name: RSVD1
+          description: Reserved
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 0
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: LWCP
+          description: Page Received
+          comment: Always 0, since we do not support the Next Page function
+          range: 1
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: ENABLENPAGE
+          description: Next Page Able
+          comment: Always 0, since we do not support the Next Page function
+          range: 2
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: RSVD2
+          description: Reserved
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 15-3
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+  - reg:
+      name: ESTATUS
+      description: MDIO Extended Status Register
+      width: 32
+      access: ro
+      address: 0x3c
+      children:
+      - field:
+          name: RSVD1
+          description: Reserved
+          comment: Always 0.
+          range: 11-0
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 1000_THALF
+          description: 1000Base-T Half Duplex
+          comment: Always 0, since this mode is not supported.
+          range: 12
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 1000_TFULL
+          description: 1000Base-T Full Duplex
+          comment: Always 0, since this mode is not supported.
+          range: 13
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 1000_XHALF
+          description: 1000Base-X Half Duplex
+          comment: Always 0, since this mode is not supported.
+          range: 14
+          preset: 0x0
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+      - field:
+          name: 1000_XFULL
+          description: 1000Base-X Full Duplex
+          comment: Always 1, indicating the support for 1000Base-X Full Duplex mode.
+          range: 15
+          preset: 0x1
+          x-hdl:
+            type: const
+  - reg:
+      name: WR_SPEC
+      description: White Rabbit-specific Configuration Register
+      width: 32
+      access: rw
+      address: 0x40
+      children:
+      - field:
+          name: TX_CAL
+          description: TX Calibration Pattern
+          comment: Controls the transmission of WR PHY calibration pattern. 1 = PCS is sending calibration pattern; 0 = Normal PCS operation
+          range: 0
+      - field:
+          name: RX_CAL_STAT
+          description: Calibration Pattern RX Status
+          comment: 1 = Valid calibration pattern is being received; 0 = no calibration pattern detected by the receiver
+          range: 1
+          x-hdl:
+            type: wire
+      - field:
+          name: CAL_CRST
+          description: Reset calibration counter
+          comment: 1 = resets the calibration pattern valid counter; 0 = no effect
+          range: 2
+          x-hdl:
+            type: autoclear
+      - field:
+          name: BSLIDE
+          description: PHY RX Bitslide
+          comment: Current receive path bit slide (valid only for transceivers which support manual bitslip)
+          range: 8-4
+          x-hdl:
+            type: wire
+  - reg:
+      name: ECTRL
+      description: MDIO Extended Control Register
+      width: 32
+      access: rw
+      address: 0x44
+      children:
+      - field:
+          name: lpbck_vec
+          description: Loopback - detailed
+          comment: Loopback vector for Xilinx PHYs. 100 = far end loopback mode; 000 = normal mode; \
+                   See also Transceiver documentation (for example Xilinx UG476 Table 2-37 and Figure 2-23. \
+                   LOOPBACK bit set to 1 in MCR register may override LPBCK_VEC depending on the PHY wrapper implementation.
+          range: 2-0
+          preset: 0x0
+      - field:
+          name: sfp_tx_fault
+          description: SFP TX Fault Status
+          comment: 1 = Some kind of laser failure; 0 = SFP Laser okay
+          range: 3
+      - field:
+          name: sfp_loss
+          description: SFP LOS
+          comment: 1 = Loss of signal; 0 = SFP Receiver signal strength okay
+          range: 4
+      - field:
+          name: sfp_tx_disable
+          description: SFP TX Disable
+          comment: Disables the SFP Transmitter. 1 = SFP TX Disabled; 0 = SFP TX Enabled
+          range: 5
+          preset: 0x0
+      - field:
+          name: tx_prbs_sel
+          description: tx_prbs_sel
+          comment: PRBS selection. 000 = Normal mode; 0010 = PRBS-7
+          range: 10-8
+          preset: 0x0
+  - submap:
+      name: phy_specific_regs
+      size: 0x2000
+      description: Custom PHY-specific registers.
+      interface: wb-32-be
+      x-hdl:
+        busgroup: True
diff --git a/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_mdio_regs.vhd b/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_mdio_regs.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a22b9d3f459990d28fe754da3261eab817fd8514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_mdio_regs.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+-- Do not edit.  Generated by cheby 1.5.dev0 using these options:
+--  -i ep_mdio_regs.cheby --gen-hdl ep_mdio_regs.vhd
+-- Generated on Tue Mar 21 18:03:11 2023 by twl
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
+package ep_mdio_regs_pkg is
+  type t_mdio_regs_master_out is record
+    MCR_uni_en       : std_logic;
+    MCR_anrestart    : std_logic;
+    MCR_pdown        : std_logic;
+    MCR_anenable     : std_logic;
+    MCR_loopback     : std_logic;
+    MCR_reset        : std_logic;
+    MSR_rd           : std_logic;
+    ADVERTISE_PAUSE  : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+    ADVERTISE_RFAULT : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+    WR_SPEC_TX_CAL   : std_logic;
+    WR_SPEC_RX_CAL_STAT : std_logic;
+    WR_SPEC_CAL_CRST : std_logic;
+    WR_SPEC_BSLIDE   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
+    ECTRL_lpbck_vec  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+    ECTRL_sfp_tx_fault : std_logic;
+    ECTRL_sfp_loss   : std_logic;
+    ECTRL_sfp_tx_disable : std_logic;
+    ECTRL_tx_prbs_sel : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+  end record t_mdio_regs_master_out;
+  subtype t_mdio_regs_slave_in is t_mdio_regs_master_out;
+  type t_mdio_regs_slave_out is record
+    MSR_LSTATUS      : std_logic;
+    MSR_RFAULT       : std_logic;
+    MSR_anegcomplete : std_logic;
+    LPA_FULL         : std_logic;
+    LPA_HALF         : std_logic;
+    LPA_PAUSE        : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+    LPA_RFAULT       : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+    LPA_LPACK        : std_logic;
+    LPA_NPAGE        : std_logic;
+    WR_SPEC_RX_CAL_STAT : std_logic;
+    WR_SPEC_BSLIDE   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
+  end record t_mdio_regs_slave_out;
+  subtype t_mdio_regs_master_in is t_mdio_regs_slave_out;
+end ep_mdio_regs_pkg;
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
+use work.ep_mdio_regs_pkg.all;
+entity ep_mdio_regs is
+  port (
+    rst_n_i              : in    std_logic;
+    clk_i                : in    std_logic;
+    wb_i                 : in    t_wishbone_slave_in;
+    wb_o                 : out   t_wishbone_slave_out;
+    -- Wires and registers
+    mdio_regs_i          : in    t_mdio_regs_master_in;
+    mdio_regs_o          : out   t_mdio_regs_master_out;
+    -- Custom PHY-specific registers.
+    phy_specific_regs_i  : in    t_wishbone_master_in;
+    phy_specific_regs_o  : out   t_wishbone_master_out
+  );
+end ep_mdio_regs;
+architecture syn of ep_mdio_regs is
+  signal adr_int                        : std_logic_vector(13 downto 2);
+  signal rd_req_int                     : std_logic;
+  signal wr_req_int                     : std_logic;
+  signal rd_ack_int                     : std_logic;
+  signal wr_ack_int                     : std_logic;
+  signal wb_en                          : std_logic;
+  signal ack_int                        : std_logic;
+  signal wb_rip                         : std_logic;
+  signal wb_wip                         : std_logic;
+  signal MCR_uni_en_reg                 : std_logic;
+  signal MCR_anrestart_reg              : std_logic;
+  signal MCR_pdown_reg                  : std_logic;
+  signal MCR_anenable_reg               : std_logic;
+  signal MCR_loopback_reg               : std_logic;
+  signal MCR_reset_reg                  : std_logic;
+  signal MCR_wreq                       : std_logic;
+  signal MCR_wack                       : std_logic;
+  signal ADVERTISE_PAUSE_reg            : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  signal ADVERTISE_RFAULT_reg           : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+  signal ADVERTISE_wreq                 : std_logic;
+  signal ADVERTISE_wack                 : std_logic;
+  signal WR_SPEC_TX_CAL_reg             : std_logic;
+  signal WR_SPEC_CAL_CRST_reg           : std_logic;
+  signal WR_SPEC_wreq                   : std_logic;
+  signal WR_SPEC_wack                   : std_logic;
+  signal ECTRL_lpbck_vec_reg            : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+  signal ECTRL_sfp_tx_fault_reg         : std_logic;
+  signal ECTRL_sfp_loss_reg             : std_logic;
+  signal ECTRL_sfp_tx_disable_reg       : std_logic;
+  signal ECTRL_tx_prbs_sel_reg          : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+  signal ECTRL_wreq                     : std_logic;
+  signal ECTRL_wack                     : std_logic;
+  signal phy_specific_regs_re           : std_logic;
+  signal phy_specific_regs_we           : std_logic;
+  signal phy_specific_regs_wt           : std_logic;
+  signal phy_specific_regs_rt           : std_logic;
+  signal phy_specific_regs_tr           : std_logic;
+  signal phy_specific_regs_wack         : std_logic;
+  signal phy_specific_regs_rack         : std_logic;
+  signal rd_ack_d0                      : std_logic;
+  signal rd_dat_d0                      : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+  signal wr_req_d0                      : std_logic;
+  signal wr_adr_d0                      : std_logic_vector(13 downto 2);
+  signal wr_dat_d0                      : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+  signal wr_sel_d0                      : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+  -- WB decode signals
+  adr_int <= wb_i.adr(13 downto 2);
+  wb_en <= wb_i.cyc and wb_i.stb;
+  process (clk_i) begin
+    if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+      if rst_n_i = '0' then
+        wb_rip <= '0';
+      else
+        wb_rip <= (wb_rip or (wb_en and not wb_i.we)) and not rd_ack_int;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  rd_req_int <= (wb_en and not wb_i.we) and not wb_rip;
+  process (clk_i) begin
+    if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+      if rst_n_i = '0' then
+        wb_wip <= '0';
+      else
+        wb_wip <= (wb_wip or (wb_en and wb_i.we)) and not wr_ack_int;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  wr_req_int <= (wb_en and wb_i.we) and not wb_wip;
+  ack_int <= rd_ack_int or wr_ack_int;
+  wb_o.ack <= ack_int;
+  wb_o.stall <= not ack_int and wb_en;
+  wb_o.rty <= '0';
+  wb_o.err <= '0';
+  -- pipelining for wr-in+rd-out
+  process (clk_i) begin
+    if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+      if rst_n_i = '0' then
+        rd_ack_int <= '0';
+        wr_req_d0 <= '0';
+      else
+        rd_ack_int <= rd_ack_d0;
+        wb_o.dat <= rd_dat_d0;
+        wr_req_d0 <= wr_req_int;
+        wr_adr_d0 <= adr_int;
+        wr_dat_d0 <= wb_i.dat;
+        wr_sel_d0 <= wb_i.sel;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  -- Register MCR
+  mdio_regs_o.MCR_uni_en <= MCR_uni_en_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.MCR_anrestart <= MCR_anrestart_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.MCR_pdown <= MCR_pdown_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.MCR_anenable <= MCR_anenable_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.MCR_loopback <= MCR_loopback_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.MCR_reset <= MCR_reset_reg;
+  process (clk_i) begin
+    if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+      if rst_n_i = '0' then
+        MCR_uni_en_reg <= '0';
+        MCR_anrestart_reg <= '0';
+        MCR_pdown_reg <= '0';
+        MCR_anenable_reg <= '0';
+        MCR_loopback_reg <= '0';
+        MCR_reset_reg <= '0';
+        MCR_wack <= '0';
+      else
+        if MCR_wreq = '1' then
+          MCR_uni_en_reg <= wr_dat_d0(5);
+          MCR_anrestart_reg <= wr_dat_d0(9);
+          MCR_pdown_reg <= wr_dat_d0(11);
+          MCR_anenable_reg <= wr_dat_d0(12);
+          MCR_loopback_reg <= wr_dat_d0(14);
+          MCR_reset_reg <= wr_dat_d0(15);
+        else
+          MCR_anrestart_reg <= '0';
+          MCR_reset_reg <= '0';
+        end if;
+        MCR_wack <= MCR_wreq;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  -- Register MSR
+  -- Register PHYSID1
+  -- Register PHYSID2
+  -- Register ADVERTISE
+  process (clk_i) begin
+    if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+      if rst_n_i = '0' then
+        ADVERTISE_PAUSE_reg <= "00";
+        ADVERTISE_RFAULT_reg <= "00";
+        ADVERTISE_wack <= '0';
+      else
+        if ADVERTISE_wreq = '1' then
+          ADVERTISE_PAUSE_reg <= wr_dat_d0(8 downto 7);
+          ADVERTISE_RFAULT_reg <= wr_dat_d0(13 downto 12);
+        end if;
+        ADVERTISE_wack <= ADVERTISE_wreq;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  -- Register LPA
+  -- Register EXPANSION
+  -- Register ESTATUS
+  -- Register WR_SPEC
+  mdio_regs_o.WR_SPEC_TX_CAL <= WR_SPEC_TX_CAL_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.WR_SPEC_RX_CAL_STAT <= wr_dat_d0(1);
+  mdio_regs_o.WR_SPEC_CAL_CRST <= WR_SPEC_CAL_CRST_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.WR_SPEC_BSLIDE <= wr_dat_d0(8 downto 4);
+  process (clk_i) begin
+    if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+      if rst_n_i = '0' then
+        WR_SPEC_TX_CAL_reg <= '0';
+        WR_SPEC_CAL_CRST_reg <= '0';
+        WR_SPEC_wack <= '0';
+      else
+        if WR_SPEC_wreq = '1' then
+          WR_SPEC_TX_CAL_reg <= wr_dat_d0(0);
+          WR_SPEC_CAL_CRST_reg <= wr_dat_d0(2);
+        else
+          WR_SPEC_CAL_CRST_reg <= '0';
+        end if;
+        WR_SPEC_wack <= WR_SPEC_wreq;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  -- Register ECTRL
+  mdio_regs_o.ECTRL_lpbck_vec <= ECTRL_lpbck_vec_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.ECTRL_sfp_tx_fault <= ECTRL_sfp_tx_fault_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.ECTRL_sfp_loss <= ECTRL_sfp_loss_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.ECTRL_sfp_tx_disable <= ECTRL_sfp_tx_disable_reg;
+  mdio_regs_o.ECTRL_tx_prbs_sel <= ECTRL_tx_prbs_sel_reg;
+  process (clk_i) begin
+    if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+      if rst_n_i = '0' then
+        ECTRL_lpbck_vec_reg <= "000";
+        ECTRL_sfp_tx_fault_reg <= '0';
+        ECTRL_sfp_loss_reg <= '0';
+        ECTRL_sfp_tx_disable_reg <= '0';
+        ECTRL_tx_prbs_sel_reg <= "000";
+        ECTRL_wack <= '0';
+      else
+        if ECTRL_wreq = '1' then
+          ECTRL_lpbck_vec_reg <= wr_dat_d0(2 downto 0);
+          ECTRL_sfp_tx_fault_reg <= wr_dat_d0(3);
+          ECTRL_sfp_loss_reg <= wr_dat_d0(4);
+          ECTRL_sfp_tx_disable_reg <= wr_dat_d0(5);
+          ECTRL_tx_prbs_sel_reg <= wr_dat_d0(10 downto 8);
+        end if;
+        ECTRL_wack <= ECTRL_wreq;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  -- Interface phy_specific_regs
+  phy_specific_regs_tr <= phy_specific_regs_wt or phy_specific_regs_rt;
+  process (clk_i) begin
+    if rising_edge(clk_i) then
+      if rst_n_i = '0' then
+        phy_specific_regs_rt <= '0';
+        phy_specific_regs_wt <= '0';
+      else
+        phy_specific_regs_rt <= (phy_specific_regs_rt or phy_specific_regs_re) and not phy_specific_regs_rack;
+        phy_specific_regs_wt <= (phy_specific_regs_wt or phy_specific_regs_we) and not phy_specific_regs_wack;
+      end if;
+    end if;
+  end process;
+  phy_specific_regs_o.cyc <= phy_specific_regs_tr;
+  phy_specific_regs_o.stb <= phy_specific_regs_tr;
+  phy_specific_regs_wack <= phy_specific_regs_i.ack and phy_specific_regs_wt;
+  phy_specific_regs_rack <= phy_specific_regs_i.ack and phy_specific_regs_rt;
+  phy_specific_regs_o.adr <= ((18 downto 0 => '0') & adr_int(12 downto 2)) & (1 downto 0 => '0');
+  phy_specific_regs_o.sel <= wr_sel_d0;
+  phy_specific_regs_o.we <= phy_specific_regs_wt;
+  phy_specific_regs_o.dat <= wr_dat_d0;
+  -- Process for write requests.
+  process (wr_adr_d0, wr_req_d0, MCR_wack, ADVERTISE_wack, WR_SPEC_wack, ECTRL_wack,
+           phy_specific_regs_wack) begin
+    MCR_wreq <= '0';
+    ADVERTISE_wreq <= '0';
+    WR_SPEC_wreq <= '0';
+    ECTRL_wreq <= '0';
+    phy_specific_regs_we <= '0';
+    case wr_adr_d0(13 downto 13) is
+    when "0" =>
+      case wr_adr_d0(12 downto 2) is
+      when "00000000000" =>
+        -- Reg MCR
+        MCR_wreq <= wr_req_d0;
+        wr_ack_int <= MCR_wack;
+      when "00000000001" =>
+        -- Reg MSR
+        wr_ack_int <= wr_req_d0;
+      when "00000000010" =>
+        -- Reg PHYSID1
+        wr_ack_int <= wr_req_d0;
+      when "00000000011" =>
+        -- Reg PHYSID2
+        wr_ack_int <= wr_req_d0;
+      when "00000000100" =>
+        -- Reg ADVERTISE
+        ADVERTISE_wreq <= wr_req_d0;
+        wr_ack_int <= ADVERTISE_wack;
+      when "00000000101" =>
+        -- Reg LPA
+        wr_ack_int <= wr_req_d0;
+      when "00000000110" =>
+        -- Reg EXPANSION
+        wr_ack_int <= wr_req_d0;
+      when "00000001111" =>
+        -- Reg ESTATUS
+        wr_ack_int <= wr_req_d0;
+      when "00000010000" =>
+        -- Reg WR_SPEC
+        WR_SPEC_wreq <= wr_req_d0;
+        wr_ack_int <= WR_SPEC_wack;
+      when "00000010001" =>
+        -- Reg ECTRL
+        ECTRL_wreq <= wr_req_d0;
+        wr_ack_int <= ECTRL_wack;
+      when others =>
+        wr_ack_int <= wr_req_d0;
+      end case;
+    when "1" =>
+      -- Submap phy_specific_regs
+      phy_specific_regs_we <= wr_req_d0;
+      wr_ack_int <= phy_specific_regs_wack;
+    when others =>
+      wr_ack_int <= wr_req_d0;
+    end case;
+  end process;
+  -- Process for read requests.
+  process (adr_int, rd_req_int, MCR_uni_en_reg, MCR_pdown_reg, MCR_anenable_reg,
+           MCR_loopback_reg, mdio_regs_i.MSR_LSTATUS, mdio_regs_i.MSR_RFAULT,
+           mdio_regs_i.MSR_anegcomplete, ADVERTISE_PAUSE_reg,
+           ADVERTISE_RFAULT_reg, mdio_regs_i.LPA_FULL, mdio_regs_i.LPA_HALF,
+           mdio_regs_i.LPA_PAUSE, mdio_regs_i.LPA_RFAULT,
+           mdio_regs_i.LPA_LPACK, mdio_regs_i.LPA_NPAGE, WR_SPEC_TX_CAL_reg,
+           mdio_regs_i.WR_SPEC_RX_CAL_STAT, mdio_regs_i.WR_SPEC_BSLIDE,
+           ECTRL_lpbck_vec_reg, ECTRL_sfp_tx_fault_reg, ECTRL_sfp_loss_reg,
+           ECTRL_sfp_tx_disable_reg, ECTRL_tx_prbs_sel_reg,
+           phy_specific_regs_i.dat, phy_specific_regs_rack) begin
+    -- By default ack read requests
+    rd_dat_d0 <= (others => 'X');
+    mdio_regs_o.MSR_rd <= '0';
+    phy_specific_regs_re <= '0';
+    case adr_int(13 downto 13) is
+    when "0" =>
+      case adr_int(12 downto 2) is
+      when "00000000000" =>
+        -- Reg MCR
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_dat_d0(4 downto 0) <= "00000";
+        rd_dat_d0(5) <= MCR_uni_en_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(6) <= '1';
+        rd_dat_d0(7) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(8) <= '1';
+        rd_dat_d0(9) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(10) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(11) <= MCR_pdown_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(12) <= MCR_anenable_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(13) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(14) <= MCR_loopback_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(15) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
+      when "00000000001" =>
+        -- Reg MSR
+        mdio_regs_o.MSR_rd <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_dat_d0(0) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(1) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(2) <= mdio_regs_i.MSR_LSTATUS;
+        rd_dat_d0(3) <= '1';
+        rd_dat_d0(4) <= mdio_regs_i.MSR_RFAULT;
+        rd_dat_d0(5) <= mdio_regs_i.MSR_anegcomplete;
+        rd_dat_d0(6) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(7) <= '1';
+        rd_dat_d0(8) <= '1';
+        rd_dat_d0(9) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(10) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(11) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(12) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(13) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(14) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(15) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
+      when "00000000010" =>
+        -- Reg PHYSID1
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_dat_d0(15 downto 0) <= "0000000000000000";
+        rd_dat_d0(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
+      when "00000000011" =>
+        -- Reg PHYSID2
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_dat_d0(3 downto 0) <= "0000";
+        rd_dat_d0(9 downto 4) <= "000000";
+        rd_dat_d0(15 downto 10) <= "000000";
+        rd_dat_d0(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
+      when "00000000100" =>
+        -- Reg ADVERTISE
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_dat_d0(4 downto 0) <= "00000";
+        rd_dat_d0(5) <= '1';
+        rd_dat_d0(6) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(8 downto 7) <= ADVERTISE_PAUSE_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(11 downto 9) <= "000";
+        rd_dat_d0(13 downto 12) <= ADVERTISE_RFAULT_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(14) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(15) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
+      when "00000000101" =>
+        -- Reg LPA
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_dat_d0(4 downto 0) <= "00000";
+        rd_dat_d0(5) <= mdio_regs_i.LPA_FULL;
+        rd_dat_d0(6) <= mdio_regs_i.LPA_HALF;
+        rd_dat_d0(8 downto 7) <= mdio_regs_i.LPA_PAUSE;
+        rd_dat_d0(11 downto 9) <= "000";
+        rd_dat_d0(13 downto 12) <= mdio_regs_i.LPA_RFAULT;
+        rd_dat_d0(14) <= mdio_regs_i.LPA_LPACK;
+        rd_dat_d0(15) <= mdio_regs_i.LPA_NPAGE;
+        rd_dat_d0(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
+      when "00000000110" =>
+        -- Reg EXPANSION
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_dat_d0(0) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(1) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(2) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(15 downto 3) <= "0000000000000";
+        rd_dat_d0(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
+      when "00000001111" =>
+        -- Reg ESTATUS
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_dat_d0(11 downto 0) <= "000000000000";
+        rd_dat_d0(12) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(13) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(14) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(15) <= '1';
+        rd_dat_d0(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
+      when "00000010000" =>
+        -- Reg WR_SPEC
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_dat_d0(0) <= WR_SPEC_TX_CAL_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(1) <= mdio_regs_i.WR_SPEC_RX_CAL_STAT;
+        rd_dat_d0(2) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(3) <= '0';
+        rd_dat_d0(8 downto 4) <= mdio_regs_i.WR_SPEC_BSLIDE;
+        rd_dat_d0(31 downto 9) <= (others => '0');
+      when "00000010001" =>
+        -- Reg ECTRL
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+        rd_dat_d0(2 downto 0) <= ECTRL_lpbck_vec_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(3) <= ECTRL_sfp_tx_fault_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(4) <= ECTRL_sfp_loss_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(5) <= ECTRL_sfp_tx_disable_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(7 downto 6) <= (others => '0');
+        rd_dat_d0(10 downto 8) <= ECTRL_tx_prbs_sel_reg;
+        rd_dat_d0(31 downto 11) <= (others => '0');
+      when others =>
+        rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+      end case;
+    when "1" =>
+      -- Submap phy_specific_regs
+      phy_specific_regs_re <= rd_req_int;
+      rd_dat_d0 <= phy_specific_regs_i.dat;
+      rd_ack_d0 <= phy_specific_regs_rack;
+    when others =>
+      rd_ack_d0 <= rd_req_int;
+    end case;
+  end process;
+end syn;
diff --git a/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_rx_pcs_16bit.vhd b/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_rx_pcs_16bit.vhd
index 42e2d145fa38670821365bba71f3c2c55e8d74a8..a9d67f968b0b18366a35dd1441b10de4259143ab 100644
--- a/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_rx_pcs_16bit.vhd
+++ b/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_rx_pcs_16bit.vhd
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 -- Author     : Tomasz Wlostowski
 -- Company    : CERN BE-CO-HT
 -- Created    : 2009-06-16
--- Last update: 2021-04-09
+-- Last update: 2023-03-13
 -- Platform   : FPGA-generic
 -- Standard   : VHDL'93
@@ -197,9 +197,6 @@ architecture behavioral of ep_rx_pcs_16bit is
   signal rx_sync_status : std_logic;
   signal rx_sync_enable : std_logic;
--- Autonegotiation control signals
-  signal an_rx_en_synced : std_logic;
   signal lcr_ready         : std_logic;
   signal lcr_prev_val      : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   signal lcr_cur_val       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
@@ -216,18 +213,11 @@ architecture behavioral of ep_rx_pcs_16bit is
 -- Misc. signals
   signal cal_pattern_cntr      : unsigned(c_cal_pattern_counter_bits-1 downto 0);
-  signal mdio_mcr_reset_synced : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_mcr_pdown_synced : std_logic;
   signal pcs_fab_out       : t_ep_internal_fabric;
   signal pcs_valid_int     : std_logic;
   signal timestamp_pending : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";
-  signal mdio_dbg_prbs_check_synced: std_logic;
-  signal mdio_dbg_prbs_word_sel_synced: std_logic;
-  signal mdio_dbg_prbs_latch_count_synced_p: std_logic;
   signal lfsr_rst : std_logic;
   component lfsr_prbs_check is
@@ -249,7 +239,17 @@ architecture behavioral of ep_rx_pcs_16bit is
   signal prbs_data_in : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   signal prbs_data_in_valid : std_logic;
   signal prbs_data_out : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+  signal mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_rx_clk : std_logic;
+  signal mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_rx_clk : std_logic;
+-- Autonegotiation control signals
+  signal an_rx_en_rx_clk : std_logic;
+  signal mdio_mcr_reset_rx_clk : std_logic;
+  signal mdio_mcr_pdown_rx_clk : std_logic;
+  signal mdio_dbg_prbs_check_rx_clk: std_logic;
+  signal mdio_dbg_prbs_word_sel_rx_clk: std_logic;
+  signal mdio_dbg_prbs_latch_count_rx_clk_p: std_logic;
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ begin
       clk_i    => phy_rx_clk_i,
       rst_n_i  => rst_n_rx,
       data_i   => an_rx_en_i,
-      synced_o => an_rx_en_synced,
+      synced_o => an_rx_en_rx_clk,
       npulse_o => open,
       ppulse_o => open);
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ begin
       clk_i    => phy_rx_clk_i,
       rst_n_i  => '1',
       data_i   => mdio_mcr_reset_i,
-      synced_o => mdio_mcr_reset_synced,
+      synced_o => mdio_mcr_reset_rx_clk,
       npulse_o => open,
       ppulse_o => open);
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ begin
       clk_i    => phy_rx_clk_i,
       rst_n_i  => '1',
       data_i   => mdio_dbg_prbs_check_i,
-      synced_o => mdio_dbg_prbs_check_synced,
+      synced_o => mdio_dbg_prbs_check_rx_clk,
       npulse_o => open,
       ppulse_o => open);
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ begin
       clk_i    => phy_rx_clk_i,
       rst_n_i  => '1',
       data_i   => mdio_dbg_prbs_word_sel_i,
-      synced_o => mdio_dbg_prbs_word_sel_synced,
+      synced_o => mdio_dbg_prbs_word_sel_rx_clk,
       npulse_o => open,
       ppulse_o => open);
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ begin
       rst_n_i  => '1',
       data_i   => mdio_dbg_prbs_latch_count_i,
       npulse_o => open,
-      ppulse_o => mdio_dbg_prbs_latch_count_synced_p);
+      ppulse_o => mdio_dbg_prbs_latch_count_rx_clk_p);
   U_sync_power_down : gc_sync_ffs
     generic map (
@@ -330,12 +330,23 @@ begin
       clk_i    => phy_rx_clk_i,
       rst_n_i  => '1',
       data_i   => mdio_mcr_pdown_i,
-      synced_o => mdio_mcr_pdown_synced,
+      synced_o => mdio_mcr_pdown_rx_clk,
+      npulse_o => open,
+      ppulse_o => open);
+  U_sync_rx_cal_crst : gc_sync_ffs
+    generic map (
+      g_sync_edge => "positive")
+    port map (
+      clk_i    => phy_rx_clk_i,
+      rst_n_i  => '1',
+      data_i   => mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_i,
+      synced_o => mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_rx_clk,
       npulse_o => open,
       ppulse_o => open);
-  rx_sync_enable <= not mdio_mcr_pdown_synced;
-  rst_n_rx  <= rst_rxclk_n_i and not mdio_mcr_reset_synced and phy_rdy_i;
+  rx_sync_enable <= not mdio_mcr_pdown_rx_clk;
+  rst_n_rx  <= rst_rxclk_n_i and not mdio_mcr_reset_rx_clk and phy_rdy_i;
 -- 802.3z Link Synchronization State Machine
@@ -364,6 +375,15 @@ begin
       npulse_o => rx_sync_lost_p,
       ppulse_o => open);
+  U_sync_rx_cal_stat : gc_sync_ffs
+    generic map (
+      g_sync_edge => "positive")
+    port map (
+      clk_i    => clk_sys_i,
+      rst_n_i  => '1',
+      data_i   => mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_rx_clk,
+      synced_o => mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_o );
   synced_o    <= rx_sync_status;        -- drive the PCS outputs
   sync_lost_o <= rx_sync_lost_p;
@@ -374,7 +394,7 @@ begin
   -- process checks the presence of valid calibtaion pattern and controls the
   -- state of CAL_STA bit in Receive Control Register.
-  -- reads: phy_rx_data_i, mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_i
+  -- reads: phy_rx_data_i, mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_rx_clk
   -- writes: mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_o
   p_detect_cal : process(phy_rx_clk_i)
@@ -387,19 +407,19 @@ begin
         d_is_cal <= f_to_sl(phy_rx_data_i = (c_k28_7 & c_k28_7) and phy_rx_k_i = "11");
-        if(d_is_cal = '1' and mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_i = '0') then
+        if(d_is_cal = '1' and mdio_wr_spec_cal_crst_rx_clk = '0') then
 -- we've got c_cal_pattern_threshold valid calibration characters - indicate
 -- that we're receiving a valid calibration pattern
           if(cal_pattern_cntr(cal_pattern_cntr'high) = '1') then
-            mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_o <= '1';
+            mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_rx_clk <= '1';
-            mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_o <= '0';
+            mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_rx_clk <= '0';
             cal_pattern_cntr           <= cal_pattern_cntr + 1;
           end if;
 -- we've got a non-calibration character or the pattern detection has been reset
-          mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_o <= '0';
+          mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_rx_clk <= '0';
           cal_pattern_cntr           <= (others => '0');
         end if;
       end if;
@@ -418,7 +438,7 @@ begin
       data_out      => prbs_data_out);
-  lfsr_rst <= '1' when rst_n_rx = '0' or mdio_dbg_prbs_check_synced = '0' else '0';
+  lfsr_rst <= '1' when rst_n_rx = '0' or mdio_dbg_prbs_check_rx_clk = '0' else '0';
   p_prbs_check: process(phy_rx_clk_i)
       if rising_edge(phy_rx_clk_i) then
@@ -426,7 +446,7 @@ begin
           prbs_error_count <= (others => '0');
           prbs_data_in_valid <= '0';
-          if mdio_dbg_prbs_check_synced = '1' then
+          if mdio_dbg_prbs_check_rx_clk = '1' then
             if phy_rx_data_i = (c_K28_5 & c_d16_2) and phy_rx_k_i = "10" then
               prbs_data_in_valid <= '0';
@@ -446,7 +466,7 @@ begin
-          if mdio_dbg_prbs_latch_count_synced_p = '1' then
+          if mdio_dbg_prbs_latch_count_rx_clk_p = '1' then
             prbs_error_count_latched <= prbs_error_count;
           end if;
@@ -575,7 +595,7 @@ begin
     if rising_edge(phy_rx_clk_i) then
       -- reset or PCS disabled
-      if(rst_n_rx = '0' or mdio_mcr_pdown_synced = '1') then
+      if(rst_n_rx = '0' or mdio_mcr_pdown_rx_clk = '1') then
         rx_state <= RX_NOFRAME;
         rx_busy  <= '0';
@@ -603,7 +623,7 @@ begin
       else                              -- normal PCS operation
         -- clear the autogotiation variables if the autonegotiation is disabled
-        if(an_rx_en_synced = '0') then
+        if(an_rx_en_rx_clk = '0') then
           lcr_ready         <= '0';
           lcr_validity_cntr <= (others => '0');
           lcr_prev_val      <= (others => '0');
@@ -708,7 +728,7 @@ begin
               lcr_validity_cntr <= (others => '0');
 -- check if the autonegotiation unit has enabled the reception of LCR
-            elsif (an_rx_en_synced = '1') then
+            elsif (an_rx_en_rx_clk = '1') then
               lcr_prev_val <= lcr_cur_val;
 -- check for 3 subsequent Configuration sequences with identical Config_Reg value
diff --git a/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_tx_pcs_16bit.vhd b/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_tx_pcs_16bit.vhd
index 08073240d8a8a1d496fba856461f05a3592aa2f2..346ba783bf5d33982cb0ff72d8df7db967d7cc50 100644
--- a/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_tx_pcs_16bit.vhd
+++ b/modules/wr_endpoint/ep_tx_pcs_16bit.vhd
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 -- Author     : Tomasz WÅ‚ostowski
 -- Company    : CERN BE-CO-HT section
 -- Created    : 2009-06-16
--- Last update: 2021-04-09
+-- Last update: 2023-03-29
 -- Platform   : FPGA-generic
 -- Standard   : VHDL'93
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ entity ep_tx_pcs_16bit is
     pcs_dreq_o : out std_logic;
--- WB controller control signals
+-- WB controller control signals. clk_sys_i domain.
     mdio_mcr_reset_i      : in std_logic;
@@ -158,10 +158,6 @@ architecture behavioral of ep_tx_pcs_16bit is
   signal prbs_tx_reg : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   signal prbs_tx_is_k : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-  signal mdio_mcr_reset_synced : std_logic;
-  signal mdio_mcr_pdown_synced : std_logic;
-  signal an_tx_en_synced : std_logic;
   signal wr_count       :  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
   signal rd_count       :  std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
@@ -196,7 +192,24 @@ architecture behavioral of ep_tx_pcs_16bit is
   signal rst_tx : std_logic;
   signal lfsr_enable : std_logic;
   signal lfsr_out : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-  signal mdio_dbg_prbs_en_synced : std_logic;
+  -- various signals synchronized to the phy_tx_clk_i domain
+  signal mdio_mcr_reset_tx_clk : std_logic;
+  signal mdio_mcr_pdown_tx_clk : std_logic;
+  signal an_tx_en_tx_clk : std_logic;
+  signal mdio_dbg_prbs_en_tx_clk : std_logic;
+  signal mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_tx_clk : std_logic;
+  attribute mark_debug : string;
+  attribute mark_debug of tx_state : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_tx_clk : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_i : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of tx_odata_reg : signal is "true";
+  attribute mark_debug of tx_is_k : signal is "true";
   U_sync_pcs_busy_o : gc_sync_ffs
@@ -224,7 +237,7 @@ begin
       clk_i    => phy_tx_clk_i,
       rst_n_i  => rst_n_i,
       data_i   => an_tx_en_i,
-      synced_o => an_tx_en_synced);
+      synced_o => an_tx_en_tx_clk);
   U_sync_mcr_reset : gc_sync_ffs
     generic map (
@@ -233,7 +246,7 @@ begin
       clk_i    => phy_tx_clk_i,
       rst_n_i  => '1',
       data_i   => mdio_mcr_reset_i,
-      synced_o => mdio_mcr_reset_synced,
+      synced_o => mdio_mcr_reset_tx_clk,
       npulse_o => open,
       ppulse_o => open);
@@ -244,7 +257,7 @@ begin
       clk_i    => phy_tx_clk_i,
       rst_n_i  => '1',
       data_i   => mdio_dbg_prbs_en_i,
-      synced_o => mdio_dbg_prbs_en_synced,
+      synced_o => mdio_dbg_prbs_en_tx_clk,
       npulse_o => open,
       ppulse_o => open);
@@ -255,12 +268,21 @@ begin
       clk_i    => phy_tx_clk_i,
       rst_n_i  => '1',
       data_i   => mdio_mcr_pdown_i,
-      synced_o => mdio_mcr_pdown_synced);
+      synced_o => mdio_mcr_pdown_tx_clk);
+  U_sync_en_tx_cal : gc_sync_ffs
+    generic map (
+      g_sync_edge => "positive")
+    port map (
+      clk_i    => phy_tx_clk_i,
+      rst_n_i  => '1',
+      data_i   => mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_i,
+      synced_o => mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_tx_clk);
-  phy_tx_data_o <= tx_odata_reg when mdio_dbg_prbs_en_synced = '0' else prbs_tx_reg;
-  phy_tx_k_o    <= tx_is_k when mdio_dbg_prbs_en_synced = '0' else prbs_tx_is_k;
+  phy_tx_data_o <= tx_odata_reg when mdio_dbg_prbs_en_tx_clk = '0' else prbs_tx_reg;
+  phy_tx_k_o    <= tx_is_k when mdio_dbg_prbs_en_tx_clk = '0' else prbs_tx_is_k;
-  rst_n_tx <= rst_txclk_n_i and not mdio_mcr_reset_synced;
+  rst_n_tx <= rst_txclk_n_i and not mdio_mcr_reset_tx_clk;
   rst_tx <= not rst_n_tx;
@@ -276,10 +298,10 @@ begin
   p_prbs_generator : process(phy_tx_clk_i)
     if rising_edge(phy_tx_clk_i) then
-      if(rst_n_tx = '0' or mdio_mcr_pdown_synced = '1') then
+      if(rst_n_tx = '0' or mdio_mcr_pdown_tx_clk = '1') then
         prbs_count <= (others => '0');
-        if mdio_dbg_prbs_en_synced = '1' then
+        if mdio_dbg_prbs_en_tx_clk = '1' then
           prbs_count <= prbs_count + 1;
@@ -315,7 +337,7 @@ begin
  -- some hacks to make pdown (in particular killing the link) work with Xilix native FIFOs
  -- (the rst signal can be set (LOW) only after 4 cycles after rd_i is "unset" (LOW)
- fifo_clear_n_d0 <= '0' when (rst_n_i = '0') or (mdio_mcr_pdown_synced = '1') else '1';
+ fifo_clear_n_d0 <= '0' when (rst_n_i = '0') or (mdio_mcr_pdown_tx_clk = '1') else '1';
  p_fifo_clean : process(phy_tx_clk_i)
     if rising_edge(phy_tx_clk_i) then
@@ -405,7 +427,7 @@ begin
     if rising_edge(phy_tx_clk_i) then
 -- The PCS is reset or disabled
-      if(rst_n_tx = '0' or mdio_mcr_pdown_synced = '1') then
+      if(rst_n_tx = '0' or mdio_mcr_pdown_tx_clk = '1') then
         tx_state                <= TX_COMMA_IDLE;
         timestamp_trigger_p_a_o <= '0';
         fifo_rd                 <= '0';
@@ -439,7 +461,7 @@ begin
 -- endpoint wants to send Config_Reg
-            if(an_tx_en_synced = '1') then
+            if(an_tx_en_tx_clk = '1') then
               tx_state        <= TX_CR12;
               tx_cr_alternate <= '0';
               fifo_rd         <= '0';
@@ -451,7 +473,7 @@ begin
               tx_cntr  <= "0001";
 -- host requested a calibration pattern
-            elsif(mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_i = '1') then
+            elsif(mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_tx_clk = '1') then
               tx_state        <= TX_CAL;
               fifo_rd         <= '0';
               tx_cr_alternate <= '0';
@@ -479,7 +501,7 @@ begin
             tx_is_k         <= "11";
             tx_odata_reg    <= c_k28_7 & c_k28_7;
             tx_cr_alternate <= '1';
-            if(mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_i = '0' and tx_cr_alternate = '1') then
+            if(mdio_wr_spec_tx_cal_tx_clk = '0' and tx_cr_alternate = '1') then
               tx_state <= TX_COMMA_IDLE;
             end if;
@@ -509,7 +531,7 @@ begin
             tx_odata_reg(15 downto 8) <= an_tx_val_i(7 downto 0);
             tx_odata_reg(7 downto 0)  <= an_tx_val_i(15 downto 8);
-            if(an_tx_en_synced = '1') then
+            if(an_tx_en_tx_clk = '1') then
               tx_state <= TX_CR12;
               tx_state <= TX_COMMA_IDLE;
diff --git a/modules/wr_endpoint/generate-cheby-files.sh b/modules/wr_endpoint/generate-cheby-files.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cef04b2601d04afbc7f820a295548a9307edc7ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/wr_endpoint/generate-cheby-files.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+cheby -i ep_mdio_regs.cheby --gen-hdl ep_mdio_regs.vhd
+cheby -i ep_mdio_regs.cheby --gen-c ep_mdio_regs.h
+cheby -i ep_mdio_regs.cheby --gen-consts ../../sim/regs/ep_mdio_regs.sv
diff --git a/modules/wr_endpoint/wr_endpoint.vhd b/modules/wr_endpoint/wr_endpoint.vhd
index 9913a6169ba7b8989f1939507d1f47bd372a4957..4f1433b10a246da546518ac2e8b5c36900eb0de2 100644
--- a/modules/wr_endpoint/wr_endpoint.vhd
+++ b/modules/wr_endpoint/wr_endpoint.vhd
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 -- Author     : Tomasz Wlostowski
 -- Company    : CERN BE-CO-HT
 -- Created    : 2010-04-26
--- Last update: 2018-10-25
+-- Last update: 2023-03-21
 -- Platform   : FPGA-generics
 -- Standard   : VHDL
@@ -119,9 +119,18 @@ entity wr_endpoint is
     phy_sfp_los_i        : in  std_logic;
     phy_sfp_tx_disable_o : out std_logic;
     phy_rdy_i            : in  std_logic;
-    phy_lpc_stat_i       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
-    phy_lpc_ctrl_o       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+    -- clk_sys_i domain!
+    phy_mdio_master_cyc_o : out std_logic;
+    phy_mdio_master_stb_o : out std_logic;
+    phy_mdio_master_we_o : out std_logic;
+    phy_mdio_master_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+    phy_mdio_master_sel_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
+    phy_mdio_master_adr_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+    phy_mdio_master_ack_i : in std_logic := '0';
+    phy_mdio_master_stall_i : in std_logic := '0';
+    phy_mdio_master_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000";
     phy_ref_clk_i      : in  std_logic;
     phy_tx_data_o      : out std_logic_vector(f_pcs_data_width(g_pcs_16bit)-1 downto 0);
     phy_tx_k_o         : out std_logic_vector(f_pcs_k_width(g_pcs_16bit)-1 downto 0);
@@ -447,6 +456,9 @@ architecture syn of wr_endpoint is
   signal phy_rdy_resync_sys  : std_logic;
   signal rst_n_rx_resync_sys : std_logic;
+  signal phy_mdio_master_out : t_wishbone_master_out;
+  signal phy_mdio_master_in : t_wishbone_master_in;
 -- chipscope (for desperates)
@@ -489,7 +501,7 @@ begin
   mdio_addr <= regs_fromwb.mdio_asr_phyad_o & regs_fromwb.mdio_cr_addr_o;
-  U_PCS_1000BASEX : ep_1000basex_pcs
+  U_PCS_1000BASEX : entity work.ep_1000basex_pcs
     generic map (
       g_simulation => g_simulation,
       g_16bit      => g_pcs_16bit,
@@ -527,8 +539,8 @@ begin
       serdes_sfp_los_i         => phy_sfp_los_i,
       serdes_sfp_tx_disable_o  => phy_sfp_tx_disable_o,
       serdes_rdy_i             => phy_rdy_i,
-      serdes_stat_i            => phy_lpc_stat_i,
-      serdes_ctrl_o            => phy_lpc_ctrl_o,
+      serdes_mdio_master_o            => phy_mdio_master_out,
+      serdes_mdio_master_i            => phy_mdio_master_in,
       serdes_tx_clk_i       => phy_ref_clk_i,
       serdes_tx_data_o      => phy_tx_data_o,
@@ -554,6 +566,18 @@ begin
       nice_dbg_o   => nice_dbg_o.pcs,
       preamble_shrinkage => regs_fromwb.ecr_txshrin_en_o);
+  phy_mdio_master_cyc_o <= phy_mdio_master_out.cyc;
+  phy_mdio_master_stb_o <= phy_mdio_master_out.stb;
+  phy_mdio_master_we_o <= phy_mdio_master_out.we;
+  phy_mdio_master_adr_o <= phy_mdio_master_out.adr;
+  phy_mdio_master_sel_o <= phy_mdio_master_out.sel;
+  phy_mdio_master_dat_o <= phy_mdio_master_out.dat;
+  phy_mdio_master_in.dat <= phy_mdio_master_dat_i;
+  phy_mdio_master_in.ack <= phy_mdio_master_ack_i;
+  phy_mdio_master_in.stall <= phy_mdio_master_stall_i;
+  phy_mdio_master_in.rty <= '0';
+  phy_mdio_master_in.err <= '0'; 
@@ -563,7 +587,7 @@ begin
 --   txfra_pause_req <= '0';
-  U_Tx_Path : ep_tx_path
+  U_Tx_Path : entity work.ep_tx_path
     generic map (
       g_with_packet_injection => g_with_packet_injection,
       g_with_vlans            => g_with_vlans,
@@ -622,7 +646,7 @@ begin
 -- RX deframer
-  U_Rx_Path : ep_rx_path
+  U_Rx_Path : entity work.ep_rx_path
     generic map (
       g_with_vlans          => g_with_vlans,
       g_with_dpi_classifier => g_with_dpi_classifier,
@@ -715,7 +739,7 @@ begin
 -- Timestamping unit
-  U_EP_TSU : ep_timestamping_unit
+  U_EP_TSU : entity work.ep_timestamping_unit
     generic map (
       g_timestamp_bits_r => 28,
       g_timestamp_bits_f => 4,
@@ -753,7 +777,7 @@ begin
   extended_ADDR <= std_logic_vector(resize(unsigned(wb_adr_i), c_wishbone_address_width));
-  U_Slave_adapter : wb_slave_adapter
+  U_Slave_adapter : entity work.wb_slave_adapter
     generic map (
       g_master_use_struct  => true,
       g_master_mode        => CLASSIC,
@@ -776,7 +800,7 @@ begin
       master_i   => wb_out,
       master_o   => wb_in);
-  U_WB_SLAVE : ep_wishbone_controller
+  U_WB_SLAVE : entity work.ep_wishbone_controller
     port map (
       rst_n_i    => rst_sys_n_i,
       clk_sys_i  => clk_sys_i,
@@ -910,7 +934,7 @@ begin
   dvalid_rx <= src_out.cyc and src_out.stb and link_ok;
   gen_leds : if g_with_leds generate
-    U_Led_Ctrl : ep_leds_controller
+    U_Led_Ctrl : entity work.ep_leds_controller
       generic map (
         g_blink_period_log2 => 22)
       port map (
diff --git a/modules/wr_endpoint/xwr_endpoint.vhd b/modules/wr_endpoint/xwr_endpoint.vhd
index 0ba1c0b09749bacdc55acb8a8b484dbcf77d7e3f..46b5f4ef2c84e4df112e55eccdef9622ee453df1 100644
--- a/modules/wr_endpoint/xwr_endpoint.vhd
+++ b/modules/wr_endpoint/xwr_endpoint.vhd
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 -- Author     : Tomasz Wlostowski
 -- Company    : CERN BE-CO-HT
 -- Created    : 2010-04-26
--- Last update: 2018-03-08
+-- Last update: 2023-03-13
 -- Platform   : FPGA-generic
 -- Standard   : VHDL '93
@@ -110,9 +110,7 @@ entity xwr_endpoint is
     phy_sfp_los_i        : in std_logic;
     phy_sfp_tx_disable_o : out std_logic;
     phy_rdy_i            : in  std_logic;
-    phy_lpc_stat_i       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
-    phy_lpc_ctrl_o       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
     phy_ref_clk_i      : in  std_logic := '0';
     phy_tx_data_o      : out std_logic_vector(f_pcs_data_width(g_pcs_16bit)-1 downto 0);
     phy_tx_k_o         : out std_logic_vector(f_pcs_k_width(g_pcs_16bit)-1 downto 0);
@@ -125,6 +123,9 @@ entity xwr_endpoint is
     phy_rx_enc_err_i  : in std_logic                     := '0';
     phy_rx_bitslide_i : in std_logic_vector(f_pcs_bts_width(g_pcs_16bit)-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
+    phy_mdio_master_o : out t_wishbone_master_out;
+    phy_mdio_master_i : in t_wishbone_master_in := cc_dummy_slave_out; 
     -- 2nd option is to use record-based I/Os
     phy8_o            : out t_phy_8bits_from_wrc;
     phy8_i            : in  t_phy_8bits_to_wrc;
@@ -301,8 +302,6 @@ architecture syn of xwr_endpoint is
   signal sfp_tx_fault     : std_logic;
   signal sfp_los          : std_logic;
-  signal phy_lpc_stat_in  :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-  signal phy_lpc_ctrl_out :  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
   U_Wrapped_Endpoint : wr_endpoint
@@ -345,8 +344,16 @@ begin
       phy_loopen_vec_o     => phy_loopen_vec,
       phy_tx_prbs_sel_o    => phy_tx_prbs_sel,
       phy_rdy_i            => phy_rdy,
-      phy_lpc_stat_i       => phy_lpc_stat_in,
-      phy_lpc_ctrl_o       => phy_lpc_ctrl_out,
+      phy_mdio_master_cyc_o       => phy_mdio_master_o.cyc,
+      phy_mdio_master_stb_o       => phy_mdio_master_o.stb,
+      phy_mdio_master_we_o       => phy_mdio_master_o.we,
+      phy_mdio_master_sel_o       => phy_mdio_master_o.sel,
+      phy_mdio_master_adr_o       => phy_mdio_master_o.adr,
+      phy_mdio_master_dat_o       => phy_mdio_master_o.dat,
+      phy_mdio_master_dat_i       => phy_mdio_master_i.dat,
+      phy_mdio_master_stall_i       => phy_mdio_master_i.stall,
+      phy_mdio_master_ack_i       => phy_mdio_master_i.ack,
       phy_sfp_tx_fault_i   => sfp_tx_fault,
       phy_sfp_los_i        => sfp_los,
@@ -454,7 +461,6 @@ begin
     phy16_o.tx_k           <= phy_tx_k;
     phy16_o.tx_prbs_sel    <= phy_tx_prbs_sel;
     phy16_o.sfp_tx_disable <= sfp_tx_disable;
-    phy16_o.lpc_ctrl       <= phy_lpc_ctrl_out;
     phy_tx_clk       <= phy16_i.ref_clk;
     phy_tx_disparity <= phy16_i.tx_disparity;
@@ -465,7 +471,6 @@ begin
     phy_rx_enc_err   <= phy16_i.rx_enc_err;
     phy_rx_bts       <= phy16_i.rx_bitslide;
     phy_rdy          <= phy16_i.rdy;
-    phy_lpc_stat_in  <= phy16_i.lpc_stat;
     sfp_tx_fault     <= phy16_i.sfp_tx_fault;
     sfp_los          <= phy16_i.sfp_los;
@@ -521,7 +526,6 @@ begin
     phy_tx_k_o           <= phy_tx_k;
     phy_tx_prbs_sel_o    <= phy_tx_prbs_sel;
     phy_sfp_tx_disable_o <= sfp_tx_disable;
-    phy_lpc_ctrl_o       <= phy_lpc_ctrl_out;
     phy_tx_clk       <= phy_ref_clk_i;
     phy_tx_disparity <= phy_tx_disparity_i;
@@ -532,7 +536,6 @@ begin
     phy_rx_enc_err   <= phy_rx_enc_err_i;
     phy_rx_bts       <= phy_rx_bitslide_i;
     phy_rdy          <= phy_rdy_i;
-    phy_lpc_stat_in  <= phy_lpc_stat_i;
     sfp_tx_fault     <= phy_sfp_tx_fault_i;
     sfp_los          <= phy_sfp_los_i;