Commit 826ec9fe authored by Maciej Lipinski's avatar Maciej Lipinski

Added slide on v6.0

parent f69cbe31
......@@ -837,8 +837,33 @@ Distribution of magnetic field in CERN accelerators
\section{New WR Switch}
\section{WR Switch}
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit Switch firmware v6.0}
\item Latest firwmare release for WRS-v3 on 12 June 2020 (\textcolor{cyan}{\href{}{see}})
\item Highlights:
\item Low phase drift calibration (ports 1-10 only) - improved phase stability between link restarts $<$10ps
\item WRS Low Jitter Daugherboard support
\item Preamble shrinkage support
\item Port mirroring to include CPU-originated traffic
\item Leap-second file handling and updating
\item Kerberos for authentication
\item Reorganized dot-config, more PTP parameters exposed
\item PPSi reorganization to prepare for IEEE1588 HA profile
\item PPSi compatibility with standard PTP improved (BMCA fixed)
\item NOTE:
\item dot-config is re-organized, use \textbf{wrs\_menuconfig} to generate configuration
\item it takes much longer to start the WR switch due to calibration, be patient
\begin{frame}{White Rabbit Switch version 4 (WRS-4)}
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