Commit 46a712c9 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

docs/specs/HDL: copy hdlspecs from old svn repo

parent fb415263
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-- -*- Mode: LUA; tab-width: 2 -*-
PCR_template = reg {
name = "Port Control Register";
description = "Register controlling the mode of certain RTU port.";
prefix = "PCR";
field {
name = "Learning enable";
description = "1: enables learning process on this port. Unrecognized requests will be put into UFIFO\
0: disables learning. Unrecognized requests will be either broadcast or dropped.";
prefix = "LEARN_EN";
type = BIT;
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
field {
name = "Pass all packets";
description = "1: all packets are passed (depending on the rules in RT table). \
0: all packets are dropped on this port.";
prefix = "PASS_ALL";
type = BIT;
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
field {
name = "Pass BPDUs";
description = "1: BPDU packets (with dst MAC 01:80:c2:00:00:00) are passed according to RT rules. This setting overrides PASS_ALL.\
0: BPDU packets are passed according to RTU rules only if PASS_ALL is set.[ML by modified]";
prefix = "PASS_BPDU";
type = BIT;
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
field {
name = "Fix priority";
description = "1: Port has fixed priority of value PRIO_VAL. It overrides the priority coming from the endpoint\
0: Use priority from the endpoint";
prefix = "FIX_PRIO";
type = BIT;
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
field {
name = "Priority value";
description = "Fixed priority value for the port. Used instead the endpoint-assigned priority when FIX_PRIO = 1";
prefix = "PRIO_VAL";
type = SLV;
align = 4;
size =3 ;
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
field {
name = "Unrecognized request behaviour";
description = "Sets the port behaviour for all unrecognized requests:\
0: packet is dropped\
1: packet is broadcast";
prefix = "B_UNREC";
type = BIT;
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
-- Mirroring Control fields go here.
peripheral {
name = "Routing Table Unit (RTU)";
-- Port Configuration Register
reg {
name = "RTU Global Control Register";
description = "Control register containing global (port-independent) settings of the RTU.";
prefix = "GCR";
field {
name = "Main table bank select";
description = "Selects active bank of RTU hashtable (ZBT).\
0: bank 0 is used by lookup engine and bank 1 can be accessed using MFIFO\
1: bank 1 is used by lookup engine and bank 0 can be accessed using MFIFO";
type = BIT;
prefix = "HT_BSEL";
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
field {
name = "Hash collision table (HCAM) bank select";
description = "Selects active bank of RTU extra memory for colliding hashes.\
0: bank 0 is used by lookup engine\
1: bank 1 is used by lookup engine";
type = BIT;
prefix = "HCAM_BSEL";
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
field {
name = "RTU Global Enable";
description = "Global RTU enable bit. Overrides all port settings.\
0: RTU is disabled. All packets are dropped.\
1: RTU is enabled.";
type = BIT;
prefix = "G_ENA";
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
field {
name = "Hash Poly";
description = "Determines the polynomial used for hash computation. Currently available: 0x1021, 0x8005, 0x0589 ";
type = SLV;
prefix = "POLY_VAL";
align = 8;
size = 16 ;
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
clock = "zbt_clk_i";
-- TXTSU interrupts
irq {
name = "UFIFO Not Empty IRQ";
description = "Interrupt active when there are some requests in UFIFO.";
prefix = "nempty";
trigger = LEVEL_0;
fifo_reg {
name = "Unrecognized request FIFO (UFIFO)";
description = "FIFO containing all RTU requests for which matching entries haven't been found. CPU reads these requests,\
evaluates them and updates the RTU tables accordingly.";
prefix = "UFIFO";
direction = CORE_TO_BUS;
size = 128;
flags_dev = {FIFO_FULL, FIFO_EMPTY};
flags_bus = {FIFO_EMPTY, FIFO_COUNT};
--clock = "zbt_clk_i";
-- clock = ""; - make it asynchronous if you want
field {
name = "Destination MAC address least-significant part";
description = "Bits [31:0] of packet destination MAC address";
prefix = "DMAC_LO";
type = SLV;
size = 32;
field {
name = "Destination MAC address most-significant part";
description = "Bits [47:32] of packet destination MAC address";
prefix = "DMAC_HI";
type = SLV;
size = 16;
field {
name = "Source MAC address least-significant part";
description = "Bits [31:0] of packet source MAC address";
prefix = "SMAC_LO";
type = SLV;
size = 32;
field {
name = "Source MAC address most-significant part";
description = "Bits [47:32] of packet source MAC address";
prefix = "SMAC_HI";
type = SLV;
size = 16;
field {
name = "VLAN Identifier";
description = "VLAN ID of the packet (from the endpoint)";
prefix = "VID";
size = 12;
type = SLV;
align = 32;
field {
name = "Priority";
description = "Priority value (from the endpoint)";
prefix = "PRIO";
size = 3;
align = 4;
type = SLV;
field {
name = "Port ID";
description = "Identifier of RTU port to which came the request.";
prefix = "PID";
size = 4;
align = 4;
type = SLV;
field {
name = "VID valid";
description = "1: VID value is valid\
0: packet had no VLAN ID";
prefix = "HAS_VID";
align = 4;
type = BIT;
field {
name = "PRIO valid";
description = "1: PRIO value is valid\
0: packet had no priority assigned";
prefix = "HAS_PRIO";
type = BIT;
ram {
name = "Hash collisions memory (HCAM)";
description = "Memory block containing the 'tails' for hashes which have more than 4 entries and don't fit into a single bucket of main ZBT hashtable. \
<b>Note:</b> MSB of the address is the bank select bit. ";
prefix = "HCAM";
width = 32;
size = 32 * 8 * 2; -- 32 entries * 8 words per entry * 2 banks
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
clock = "zbt_clk_i"; --async?
ram {
name = "Aging bitmap for main hashtable";
description = "Each bit in this memory reflects the state of corresponding entry in main hashtable:\
0: entry wasn't matched\
1: entry was matched at least once.\
CPU reads this bitmap and subsequently clears it every few seconds to update the aging counters.";
prefix = "ARAM_MAIN";
width = 32;
size = 8192 / 32; -- 8192 bits
access_dev = READ_WRITE;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
--[changed 6/10/2010] clock = "zbt_clk_i";
--clock = "zbt_clk_i"; --async?
ram {
name = "VLAN table (VLAN_TAB)";
description = "It stores VLAN-related information identified by VLAN ID (VID)";
prefix = "VLAN_TAB";
width = 32;
size = 4096 ; -- 4096 entries as defined in 802.1Q-2005, page 12
access_dev = READ_ONLY;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
-- --[changed 6/10/2010] clock = "zbt_clk_i";
--clock = "zbt_clk_i"; --async?
reg {
name = "Aging register for HCAM";
description = "Each bit in this register reflects the state of corresponding entry in HCAM:\
0: entry wasn't matched\
1: entry was matched at least once.\
CPU reads this bitmap and subsequently clears it every few seconds to update the aging counters.";
prefix = "AGR_HCAM";
field {
name = "Aging register value";
type = SLV;
size = 32;
access_dev = READ_WRITE;
access_bus = READ_WRITE;
load = LOAD_EXT;
clock = "zbt_clk_i";
-- clock = "zbt_clk_i"; --async?
fifo_reg {
name = "Main hashtable CPU access FIFO (MFIFO)";
description = "FIFO for writing to main hashtable";
prefix = "MFIFO";
direction = BUS_TO_CORE;
size = 64;
flags_dev = {FIFO_EMPTY, FIFO_COUNT};
field {
name = "Address/data select";
description = "1: AD_VAL contains new memory address\
0: AD_VAL contains data word to be written at current memory address. Then, the address is incremented";
prefix = "AD_SEL";
type = BIT;
field {
name = "Address/data value";
description = "Value of new memory address (when AD_SEL = 1) or data word to be written (when AD_SEL = 0)";
prefix = "AD_VAL";
type = SLV;
align =32;
size = 32;
clock = "zbt_clk_i";
function gen_PCRs(num_pcrs)
local i;
for i=0,num_pcrs-1 do
local rp = deepcopy(PCR_template); =" "..i;
rp.prefix = rp.prefix..i;
table.insert(periph, rp);
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-- Title : SWcore pseudocode
-- Project : White Rabbit Switch
-- File : wrsw_hdl_spec.txt
-- Authors : Maciej Lipinski (
-- Company : CERN BE-CO-HT
-- Created : 2012-01-11
-- Last update: 2012-01-211
-- Description: this is kind-of-pseudo code which attempts to explain how the
-- SWcore and its output queues are working.
-- It does not meant to compile.
#define PORT_NUMBER 8; //whatever
#define FBM_MEMORY_SIZE 123456; //whatever
typedef struct {
FIFO single_prio_fifo; // this is an abstract type of First In First Out
boolean empty; // true if the FIFO is empty
} swcore_out_quque_t;
typedef struct {
ETHERNET_FRAME buf; // here the frame is stored
} swcore_FBM_entry_t;
typedef struct {
boolean valid; // true if the rest of the data is valid
int address; // address of the first page of the frame in the memory
int port_mask;// to which ports the frame is to be forwarded (e.g.: 0101 => forward to
// ports: 0 and 2,
int priority; // with what priority
} swcore_transfer_t;
// here we declare output queues for all the ports and their priorities
swcore_out_quque_t output[PORT_NUMBER][OUT_QUEUE_NUMBER];
// the Fabulously Big Memory (FBM)
swcore_FBM_entry_t fbm_memory[FBM_MEMORY_SIZE];
//this is used to transfer frame from input ports to output ports
swcore_transfer_t transfer[PORT_NUMBER];
boolean receive(ETHERNET_FRAME *buf, int port_number)
* this function receives Ethernet frames from the physical interface of the port_number
boolean send(ETHERNET_FRAME *buf, int port_number)
* this function sends Ethernet frames to the physical interface of the port_number
boolean rtu(ETHERNET_FRAME *buf, int *port_mask, int *priority)
* here, the routing decision is taken
* the output of this function are:
* - the decision to which ports the frame should go (port_mask)
* - the decision what is the priority of the frame
* - (in the future) it will also tell whether it is broadcast or unicast
int mmu()
* Memory Management Unit - returns the address of the page allocated in the FBM memory
this function takes data from an ports' input and makes it available to ports' output
void arbiter(int port_mask,int priority,int address, int port_number /*input*/)
transfer[port_number].address = address;
transfer[port_number].port_mask = port_mask;
transfer[port_number].priority = priority;
transfer[port_number].valid = TRUE;
// here we wait for all the appropriate ports' outputs to read the data
while (transfer[port_number].port_mask != 0);
transfer[port_number].valid = FALSE;
input block, this is per port
void input_block(int port_number)
ETHERNET_FRAME buf; //an abstract type to store a received Ethernet frame
int port_mask;
int priority;
int address;
if( receive(&buf,port_number) == TRUE )
// ask Routing Table Unit
rtu(&buf, &port_mask, &priority);
//acquire address of the first page
address = mmu();
//store in memory
fbm_memory[address].buf = buf;
// forward a pointer to the frame to all the appropriate ports
// waits until all the appropriate ports read the data
arbiter(port_mask, priority, address);
void output_block(int port_number)
int address;
/* the below two whiles are done simultaneously (try to imagine :)*/
for(int i=0; i<PORT_NUMBER; i++)
if( (transfer[i].port_mask >> port_number) & 0x1 ) // we check all the input ports for a frame
{ // destined to the port
int addresss = transfer[i].address;
int priority = transfer[i].priority;
// put the address of the first page of the frame into the output fifo for a given priority
output[port_number][priority].empty = FALSE;
// indicate that the frame was received by the output port
transfer[i].port_mask = transfer[i].port_mask & (0x1 << port_number);
// here is the very "advanced" output scheduling algorithm
for(int i=OUT_QUEUE_NUMBER-1; i>=0; i--)
if( output[port_number][i].empty == FALSE)
// get the pointer to the oldest frame in the output queue
address = output[port_number][i].single_prio_fifo.front();
// send the frame
send(fbm_memory[address], port_number);
void swcore_main()
int port_number;
* if you imagine that all the below functions are executed simultaneusly,
* then you have the idea how the SWCORE works
// PORT_NUMBER input ports
// PORT_NUMBER of output ports
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