Commit 1e6bcc75 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

presentations/WRS_2014_status: last trivial updates

parent e58b877a
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
\item patches and drivers for HDL modules
\item Hardware Abstraction Layer
\item RTU daemon
\item PPSI daemon - PTP with WR extensions
\item PPSi daemon - PTP with WR extensions
\item management (SNMP, shell tools, web interface, Syslog)
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
\item available modes: \emph{Disabled}, \emph{Trunk}, \emph{Access}
\item \emph{Access}: tags untagged ingress traffic
\item \emph{Trunk}: accepts only tagged frames with proper VID
\item \emph{Trunk}: accepts only tagged frames
\item untagging frames on egress
\item configuration through \emph{wrs\_vlans} shell tool
......@@ -413,14 +413,10 @@ Seven Solutions provides a tarball with the correct hwinfo for all v3.3 switches
%% Not sure who need to tell or if it is the correct place
\section{Future works}
\begin{frame}{Future works}
\item Add \texttt{CLK1} \& \texttt{CLK2} 10MHz outputs.
\item Improve the web interface when rebooting.
\item Read SDB from gateware.
\item Update ARM kernel to v3.14
\item What else ...? Alessandro?
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