Commit 17bff588 authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

presentations: improve front-panel and future works slides

parent 688044a8
......@@ -272,7 +272,8 @@ The WRS is now shipped with a SCB v3.4 with the following main changes:\footnote
\begin{frame}{The new SCB v3.4}
\includegraphics[height=4cm,trim={0 0 30cm 0},clip]{switch/front_panel-v34.png}\\
\tiny{$8 \rightarrow$ \texttt{OUT CLK1}: Clock output from PLL; $9 \rightarrow$ \texttt{OUT CLK2}: Clock output from FPGA}
......@@ -307,28 +308,16 @@ Seven Solutions provides a tarball with the correct hwinfo for all v3.3 switches
%% Not sure who need to tell or if it is the correct place
%\subsection{Release v4.2}
%Now that the update procedure is straigh forward we might release more often with fewer changes. %% This will nbe true?
% \item Add \texttt{CLK1} \& \texttt{CLK2} 10MHz outputs.
% \item Improve the web interface when rebooting.
% \item Read SDB from gateware.
%\subsection{Release v5.0}
% \item Update arm kernel to v3.14
% \item What else ...?
\section{Future works}
\item Add \texttt{CLK1} \& \texttt{CLK2} 10MHz outputs.
\item Improve the web interface when rebooting.
\item Read SDB from gateware.
\item Update ARM kernel to v3.14
\item What else ...? Alessandro?
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