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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title Page Info %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\title[Redundant WR Network for Reliable Synchronization\hspace{4mm} 
\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber ]{Redundant White Rabbit Network for Reliable Synchronization}
\author[Maciej Lipinski, José Luis Gutiérrez]{Maciej Lipinski, José Luis Gutiérrez}
% \institute{CERN BE-CO\\Hardware and Timing section}
    \begin{tabular}{ r c l }
      Hardware and Timing Section     & @ & CERN \\
                                      & @ & University of Granada

\date[30 May 2015]{White Rabbit Workshop\\Amsterdam\\ 14 March 2016}


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%\hfill {\footnotesize With help from Steve Smith (SLAC)}



\section{Redundant topologies}
\begin{frame}{Different types of redundant topologies}

  \begin{itemize} \footnotesize
    \item Seamless synchronization of $\approx 1\mu s$ is currently provided by:
    \begin{itemize} \scriptsize
      \item \textbf{HSR:} High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) for ring topology
      \item \textbf{PRP:} Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) for parallel topology
    \item Choice of topology depends on application requirements:
    \begin{itemize} \scriptsize
      \item network size
      \item data latency and communication patterns
      \item costs

\section[Mesh topology]{WR support for seamless redundancy in mesh topology}
\begin{frame}{Support for seamless synchronization redundancy}


% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}{Support for seamless synchronization redundancy}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%     \begin{itemize}
% 	\item Customized Precision Time Protocol (PTP): 
% 	\begin{itemize} \tiny
% 	  \item Multi-path synchronization by static configuration
% 	  \item Multiple backup management through priority
% 	  \item Hardware support for PTP-compatible holdover notification
% 	\end{itemize} 
% 	\item Dedicated Phase-Locked Loop (PLL):
% 	\begin{itemize} \tiny
% 	  \item Multi-channel phase detection, seamless channel switchover
% 	  \item Short-term holdover
% 	  \item Phase-based failure pre-detection with multiple backups
% 	\end{itemize}
%     \end{itemize}
%     \begin{center}
%     \includegraphics[height=0.35\textheight]{robustness/Timing-topologies.jpg}
%     \end{center}
% \end{frame}

\begin{frame}{Test setup and measurement}



\begin{frame}{Tests results}



% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\section{WR support for High-availability Seamless Redundancy}

\begin{frame}{WR support for High-availability Seamless Redundancy}

Jose ...


% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{Thank you}

     Thank you !\\

