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\title[White Rabbit Specification\hspace{2em}\insertframenumber/ \inserttotalframenumber]
{White Rabbit Specification \\ version 2}

$5^{th}$ White Rabbit Workshop \\ CERN
Maciej Lipi\'{n}ski %, T.W\l{}ostowski, J.Serrano, P.Alvarez
\date{September 19, 2011}

% \institute%[Universities of Somewhere and Elsewhere] % (optional, but mostly needed)
% {
%   \begin{center}
%     BE-CO-HT\\
%     CERN, Geneva,\\
%     Switzerland\\
%   \end{center}
% }

% {
%   \begin{frame}<beamer>{Outline}
%     \tableofcontents[currentsection]
%   \end{frame}
% }



    \tableofcontents %[currentsection]

\begin{frame}{Time Distribution in White Rabbit}

    \item Synchronization with {\bf sub-ns} accuracy over fiber
    \item Combination of
	  \item Precision Time Protocol ({\bf PTP}) synchronization
	  \item Synchronous Ethernet ({\bf SyncE}) syntonization
	  \item Digital Dual-Mixer Time Difference ({\bf DDMTD}) phase detection
%    \item Reliability-oriented.
    \item WR Link:


% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{Time Distribution in White Rabbit}

\center A White Rabbit Network
% \section{PTP}
% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{Precision Time Protocol (PTP)}

    \item IEEE1588-2008 standard
    \item packet-based protocol 
    \item synchronizes devices in distributed systems
    \item Best Master Clock (BMC) Algorithm -- defines the role PTP node 

    \includegraphics[height=5.5cm]{protocol/ptpMSGs.ps} \\
    one-way mean delay: \\
    $\mu = \frac{(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})}{2}$ \\
    $offset = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \mu)$

% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{Why not standard PTP?}

    \begin{tabular}{ r c l }
  {\bf What are the issues...} 	& {\bf and}      & {\bf ... how we address them}  \\
				&     		 &        \\
      PTP-base		 	& \multirow{2}{*}{$\Rightarrow$}  & \multirow{2}{*}{SyncE }\\
      syntonization	        &      		 &        \\
				&      		 &        			\\
      limited             	&\multirow{2}{*}{$\Rightarrow$}  	 & SyncE \\
      precision and resolution  &      		 & DDTMD phase detection\\
				&    		 &        \\
			        &      		 & SyncE  \\
      unknown link asymmetry    & $\Rightarrow$  & DDTMD phase detection \\
				&      		 & WR Link Delay Model \\
				&      		 &        \\
      \multicolumn{3}{c}{WR extension to PTP ({\bf WRPTP}) for } \\
      \multicolumn{3}{c}{extra data exchange and logic} \\

\section{Link Delay Model}
\begin{frame}{Link Delay Model}

    \nonumber delay_{ms} &= \Delta_{tx_m} + \delta_{ms} + \Delta_{rx_s} \\
    \nonumber delay_{sm} &= \Delta_{tx_s} + \delta_{sm} + \Delta_{rx_m}




      \textbf{Relative Delay Coefficient ($\alpha$)} \\
      for 1000base-X over a Single-mode Optical Fibre

      \nonumber \delta_{ms} = (1 + \alpha) \, \delta_{sm}

% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{Link Delay Model: fiber optic solution}



      \textbf{Solution for Ethernet over a Single-mode Optical Fiber}


      \nonumber asymmetry = \Delta_{tx_m} + \Delta_{rx_s} - \frac{\Delta - \alpha \mu + \alpha \Delta}{2 + \alpha}


% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \section{}
% \subsection{}
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% \begin{frame}{Overview of White Rabbit Distribution}
% fill in
% \end{frame}
\section{H/W for WR}
% \begin{frame}{HW4WR}
%   \begin{itemize}
%     \item Fine Delay Measurement,
%     \item Clock Recovery System,
%     \item Fixed Delays Measurement.
%   \end{itemize}
% \end{frame}
% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{Fine Delay Measurement}


\begin{frame}{Fine Delay Measurement}



\begin{frame}{Fixed Delays Measurement}


\begin{frame}{Fixed Delays Measurement}


\begin{frame}{White Rabbit extension to PTP (WRPTP)}

    \item WR-peers recognition
    \item Calibration
    \item Exchange of WR-data
    \item Support of redundancy

% we need to exchange some extra WR data in order to recognize WR peers (syncE),
% the exchange of data is also needed to perform calibration, where also some extra logic is needed
% and finaly to exchange the WR parameters. Finally, the support of time-source redundancy by 
% the standard PTP is not enough for WR, so we needed to change this as well
% \section{WRPTP}
\begin{frame}{Exchange of WR-data}




	\item WR Type-Length-Value (WR TLV):
	    \item CERN's OUI
	\item WR data stored:
	    \item Additional Fields in PTP Data Sets
	    \item backupParentDS
% 	\vspace{0.5cm}
% 	\item WR data exchange by:
% 	  \begin{itemize}
% 	    \item suffixing Announce Messages
% 	    \item creating WR Signaling Messages
% 	  \end{itemize}


% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{WR-peer recognition}






% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{WR Link Setup }




	\item Frequency locking
	\item Calibration
	\item Exchange of WR-parameters
	\item WR Finite State Machine (FSM)
	\item WR Signaling Messages


\begin{frame}{WR Link Setup}


% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{modified BMC (mBMC)}


    ... forces PTP\_SLAVE state instead of PTP\_PASSIVE for clockClass $>$ 127

	\item Many PTP SLAVE ports in a single Boundary Clock
	\item Active PTP SLAVE port used to synchronize and syntonize local clock
	\item Modifies State Decision Algorithm
	\item New Data Fields update



% \section{H/W for WR}
% \subsection{H/W for WR}
\begin{frame}{Clock Recovery System and modified BMC}

%{\it [problem with a presentation flow]}


% \section{}
%\subsection{WRPTP Compliance}
\begin{frame}{WRPTP profile}



  \begin{block}{\center WRPTP profile} 
	\begin{tabular}{| l | c |}          	     \hline
	  profle name           &  White Rabbit      \\ \hline
	  profile version       &  1.0               \\ \hline
	  profile identifier    &  08-00-03-00-01-00 \\ \hline
	  organization name     &  CERN              \\ \hline
	  source identification &  www.ohwr.org	  \\ \hline
	\begin{tabular}{ l  l }          	     
		$->$ master clock algorighm:  & mBMC \\
		$->$ delay mechanism:         & delay request-response \\
		$->$ transport mechanism:     & IEEE 802.3 \\
		$->$ custom TLV:              & WR TLVs \\
		$->$ domain:                  & single domain only (value=0) \\
		$->$ portDS.logSyncInterval:  & default value 0, range: -1 to 6 \\
		$->$ defaultDS.priority1:     & default value 68 \\

% \section{WRPTP requirements}
\begin{frame}{WRPTP requirements}

% \begin{columns}[c]
%   \column{.4\textwidth}

  \begin{block}{H/W requirements}  
	\item SyncE
	\item Constant rx/tx latencies
	\item Support of rx/tx latencies measurement
	\item Sufficient timestamps precision


  \begin{block}{Implementation requirements}  
	\item Issue/handle WR Announce and Signaling Message
	\item non-preemptive WR Finite State Machine
	\item WR data set and WR-specific data fields
	\item SYNCHRONIZATION\_FAULT transition
	\item MASTER\_CLOCK\_SELECTED transition
	\item communication with H/W

% \end{columns}

\section{WR Spec. Changes}

    \begin{tabular}{ r c l }
      {\bf WR Spec v1} 		& 		 & {\bf WR Spec v2}  \\
				&     		 &        \\
    WR Switch = set of ports 	& $\Rightarrow$  & WR Switch = boundary clock\\
				&      		 &        \\
    Management MSGs 	 	& $\Rightarrow$  & Signaling MSGs\\
				&      		 &        \\
    Small modificatins to 	& \multirow{2}{*}{$\Rightarrow$}   & No modifications to \\
    PTP State Machine   	&      		 & PTP State Machine       \\
				&      		 &        \\
    WR FSM in UNCALIBRATED 	& \multirow{2}{*}{$\Rightarrow$}   & WR FSM in UNCALIBRATED (Slave) \\
    (WR Master and Slave)  	&   		 & WR FSM in MASTER (Master)\\
				&      		 &        \\
    Calibration pattern:   	& \multirow{2}{*}{$\Rightarrow$}   & Calibration pattern: \\
    configurable		&      		 & RD+ K28.7      \\

%also modified conditions to enter WR FSM %page 33	

% \section{New addons}
% \subsection{}
\begin{frame}{Add-ons }

	\item Clarity!!!
	\item HW requirements
	\item Interface with HW
	\item Modified Best Master Clock (mBMC)
	\item New Data Set and DS fields
	\item Definition of Data Set fields (re-)initialization
	\item Link Down	and re-establishing link		
	\item Specification of Tx calibration
	\item Possible knowledge of fixed delay a priori					%page 19
	\item Example implementation (Tomek's MSc)
	\item WR computations
	\item WRPTP Profile \& Requirements

%	\item Definition of boundary clock, ordinary clock 					%page 16

%	\item Clarification of when Signaling Messages are sent/received 	%page 28
%	\item Definition of PTP FSM implementation-specific transitions 	%page 31
%	\item Communication between WR State Machines						%page 38
%	\item Communication between WR State Machine and HW					%page 39
					%page 41
%	\item Specification of re-try mechanism
%	\item Definition of Link Down and Link re-establishing



\begin{frame}{Improvements and Conclusions}

  \item Great feedback from John Eidson
  \item Thicker but clearer
  \item NO changes to PTP standard (v1 included a few)
  \item WR Switch became a full-blown Boundary Clock!!!
  \item Better fitted for standardization attempts
%   \item ISPCS2011: possible joined efforts with Frence Telecom in standardization (!?)

\begin{frame}{thank you}

    Any questions ?

%    \includegraphics[height=4.0cm]{fig/white_rabbit_by_kyoht.ps}
%    \includegraphics[height=4.0cm]{fig/WRlogo.ps}

