diff --git a/figures/misc/accelerator_map.jpg b/figures/misc/accelerator_map.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74b07e144bf803bc93c6530ccd3f78cc2afcf5a2
Binary files /dev/null and b/figures/misc/accelerator_map.jpg differ
diff --git a/figures/misc/atlas.jpeg b/figures/misc/atlas.jpeg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e0ebeb553a242e6d3f2d6035941da2382985ac0
Binary files /dev/null and b/figures/misc/atlas.jpeg differ
diff --git a/figures/misc/cern_and_openness.jpg b/figures/misc/cern_and_openness.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0df167c57a1eed12f40030b945bf661181e88c23
Binary files /dev/null and b/figures/misc/cern_and_openness.jpg differ
diff --git a/figures/misc/cern_council.jpg b/figures/misc/cern_council.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6e7ec3b93029c6be28982da2fe929f1afab4f0d
Binary files /dev/null and b/figures/misc/cern_council.jpg differ
diff --git a/figures/wr-collaboration/wrc_members_2024.pdf b/figures/wr-collaboration/wrc_members_2024.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f55bb088b68518fd6998a9158e0637a3e2bf2bd8
Binary files /dev/null and b/figures/wr-collaboration/wrc_members_2024.pdf differ
diff --git a/presentations/WRC_Javier_Paris_2024_10_02/wrc_paris_2024_10_02.tex b/presentations/WRC_Javier_Paris_2024_10_02/wrc_paris_2024_10_02.tex
index fce1524476c5d40af925e79cf865eb8f22881e59..5dd3a1f12dbd94ac63ebda7d3e68a942aeea13a1 100644
--- a/presentations/WRC_Javier_Paris_2024_10_02/wrc_paris_2024_10_02.tex
+++ b/presentations/WRC_Javier_Paris_2024_10_02/wrc_paris_2024_10_02.tex
@@ -102,97 +102,39 @@
-\section[Why]{The need for synchronisation}
+\section[Intro to CERN]{Introduction to CERN}
-\begin{frame}{Why we need good synchronisation at CERN}
- \begin{center}
-   \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{misc/synchrotron.jpg}
- \end{center} 
+  \begin{center}
+    \includegraphics[height=0.85\textheight]{misc/accelerator_map.jpg}
+  \end{center}
-\begin{frame}{Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO)}
- \begin{center}
-   \includegraphics[height=0.7\textheight]{applications/lhaaso.pdf}
- \end{center} 
+  \begin{center}
+    \includegraphics[height=0.85\textheight]{misc/atlas.jpeg}
+  \end{center}
+  \begin{center}
+    \includegraphics[height=0.8\textheight]{misc/cern_council.jpg}
+  \end{center}
-\begin{frame}{Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA)}
- \begin{center}
-   \includegraphics[height=0.8\textheight]{applications/cta.pdf}
- \end{center} 
+\begin{frame}{How to interpret one's dissemination mandate in the 21\textsuperscript{st}
+  century}
+  \begin{center}
+    \includegraphics[height=0.8\textheight]{misc/cern_and_openness.jpg}
+  \end{center}
-\begin{frame}{Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT)}
- \begin{center}
-   \includegraphics[height=0.8\textheight]{applications/KM3NeT.pdf}
- \end{center} 
-\begin{frame}{And of course also outside Physics}
- \begin{block}{Some examples}
-   \begin{itemize}
-   \item Electric power distribution
-   \item Finance (time-stamping of transactions)
-     \begin{itemize}
-     \item to comply with the law (MiFID II)
-       \item as a service to customers of e.g. a stock exchange
-     \end{itemize}
-   \item Telecom
-   \end{itemize}
- \end{block} 
-\section[How]{A quick primer on synchronisation solutions}
+\section{White Rabbit}
-\begin{frame}{Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)}
- \begin{center}
-   \includegraphics[height=0.8\textheight]{misc/GPS_Satellite_NASA_art-iif.jpg}
- \end{center}
-\begin{frame}{GNSS jamming and spoofing}
- \begin{center}
-   \includegraphics[height=0.8\textheight]{misc/gps_spoofing.png}
- \end{center}
- \tiny Courtesy J.M. Friedt
-\begin{frame}{Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588)}
-  \column{.4\textwidth}
-    \begin{center}
-      \includegraphics<1>[height=5cm]{protocol/ptp_exchange-enhanced.jpg}
-      \includegraphics<2->[height=4cm]{protocol/ptpNetwork.jpg}
-    \end{center}
-  \column{.75\textwidth}
-    \begin{itemize}
-	  \item Frame-based synchronisation protocol
-    \item Simple calculations:
-    \begin{itemize}
-      \item link delay: $\delta_{ms} = \frac{(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})}{2}$
-      \item offset from master: $OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms})$
-    \end{itemize}
-    \item<2-> Hierarchical network
-    \item<3-> Shortcomings of traditional PTP:
-    \begin{itemize}
-      \item devices have free-running oscillators
-      \item frequency drift compensation traffic can compromise determinism of
-        other messages
-      \item assumes symmetry of medium
-      \item resolution of timestamps
-    \end{itemize}
-  \end{itemize}
-\section{White Rabbit}
 \begin{frame}{What is White Rabbit?}
@@ -224,7 +166,7 @@
 % 		\item Number of nodes: $\leq$2000 
 % 		\end{itemize}
-    \item \textbf{Open Source and commercially available}
+    \item \textbf{Open source and commercially available}
 %     \item<9-> Many users worldwide, inc. metrology labs...
@@ -275,80 +217,6 @@
-\begin{frame}{Layer 1 Syntonisation}
- %\begin{block}{Common clock for the entire network}
-  \begin{itemize}\small
-    \item Clock is encoded in the Ethernet carrier and recovered by the receiver chip
-    \item All network devices use the same physical layer clock
-    \item Clock loopback allows phase detection to enhance precision of timestamps
-%     \item Phase detection allows sub-ns delay measurement
-  \end{itemize}
-  \begin{center}
-  \includegraphics<1>[height=5cm]{misc/synce_v3.pdf}
-%   \includegraphics[height=4.5cm]<2>{p1588/1588-ha-L1vsPTP-simplified.jpg}
-  \end{center}
-\begin{frame}{Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD)}
-  \begin{itemize}
-    \item Precise phase measurements in FPGA
-    \item WR parameters:
-    \begin{itemize}\scriptsize
-      \item $clk_{in}~~~~~~~~=62.5$~MHz 
-      \item $clk_{DDMTD}=62.496185$~MHz (N=14)
-      \item $clk_{out}~~~~~~=~~3.814$~kHz
-    \end{itemize}
-    \item Theoretical resolution of 0.977~ps
-  \end{itemize}
-  \vspace{-0.2cm}
-  \begin{center}
-  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{misc/ddmtd_3.jpg}
-  \end{center}
-% \begin{frame}{SoftPLL}
-%   \begin{center}
-%     \includegraphics[width=.9\textwidth]{protocol/dmpll_diagram-slides.pdf}
-%   \end{center}
-% \end{frame}
-\begin{frame}{Link delay model}
-  \begin{columns}
-    \column{.65\textwidth}
-    \footnotesize
-      \begin{itemize}
-      \item <1->Correction of Round Trip Time (RTT) for asymmetries
-        \item <2->Asymmetry sources: FPGA, PCB, electrical/optical conversion,
-          chromatic dispersion
-        \item <3->Link delay model:
-        \begin{itemize}\scriptsize
-          \item \textbf{Fixed delays} -- calibrated/measured
-          \item \textbf{Variable delays} -- evaluated online with:\vspace{0.1cm} $\alpha = \frac{\nu_g(\lambda_s)}{\nu_g(\lambda_m)} -1  = \frac{\delta_{ms} - \delta_{sm}}{\delta_{sm}}$
-        \end{itemize}
-        \item <4-> Accurate offset from master (OFM):\scriptsize \\\vspace{0.2cm}
-%          $RTT=(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})$\\
-         $\delta_{ms}~ = \frac{1 + \alpha}{2 + \alpha} \, (RTT - \sum \Delta - \sum \epsilon)$\vspace{0.2cm}
-         $OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms} + \Delta_{txm} + \Delta_{rxs} + \epsilon_S)$
-      \end{itemize}
-  \column{.5\textwidth}
-  \begin{center}
-     \includegraphics<1>[width=1.0\textwidth]{protocol/link-delay-model-detailed-1.jpg}
-     \includegraphics<2>[width=1.0\textwidth]{protocol/link-delay-model-detailed-2.jpg}
-     \includegraphics<3->[width=1.0\textwidth]{protocol/link-delay-model-detailed-3.jpg}\\\pause\pause\pause
-     %\tiny See: \textit{WR Calibration} [9]
-    \end{center}
-  \end{columns}
-%   \pause\pause\pause\pause
-%   \scriptsize See: \textit{WR Calibration}, version 1.1, G.Daniluk
@@ -371,7 +239,7 @@
   A technology supported by a friendly community working on a fully open-source
   implementation of IEEE 1588-2019 High-Accuracy (HA) profile, with a guaranteed
-  sub-nanosecond accuracy.
+  sub-nanosecond accuracy
@@ -392,9 +260,9 @@
 \begin{frame}{The White Rabbit Collaboration in a nutshell}
   \begin{block}{Ensuring sustainability}
-     \item Members pay a yearly fee and shape the future of the technology.
+     \item Members pay a yearly fee and shape the future of the technology
      \item Fees are used to pay the WR Collaboration Bureau, which offers
-       support (including training) and ensures WRS and WRPC are always in good health.
+       support (including training) and ensures WRS and WRPC are always in good health
@@ -427,9 +295,11 @@
 \begin{frame}{The White Rabbit Collaboration in a nutshell}
   \begin{block}{Projects! Some examples:}
-     \item Mobile (e.g. TDD on 5G)
-     \item Quantum: see e.g. CERN's Quantum Tech Initiative at \href{https://quantum.cern/}{https://quantum.cern/}
-     \item Smart grids
+     \item Ongoing:
+       \href{https://www.gmv.com/en/communication/news/gmv-awarded-ps2-million-contract-provide-white-rabbit-switch-suited-protecting}{\color{blue}{collaboration
+           with GMV and IQD}} on hold-over.
+     \item Quantum: see e.g. CERN's Quantum Tech Initiative at \href{https://quantum.cern/}{https://quantum.cern}
+     \item Under discussion: robust, long-distance WR for smart grids
@@ -441,12 +311,27 @@
      \item Impact and sustainability
+  \begin{block}{Economics}
+    \begin{itemize}
+     \item Companies can add value of top of WR and monetise products based on
+       those developments
+     \item They decide what they contribute as open source and what they keep
+       proprietary      
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{WRC members in 2024}
+  \begin{center}
+  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{wr-collaboration/wrc_members_2024.pdf}
+  \end{center}
 \begin{frame}{White Rabbit Collaboration}
-  \\For more details, see\\\href{https://www.white-rabbit.tech/}{https://www.white-rabbit.tech/}
+  \\Join us! For more details, see\\\href{https://www.white-rabbit.tech/}{https://www.white-rabbit.tech}
@@ -504,30 +389,154 @@
-\begin{frame}{Possibilities for collaboration}
-  \begin{block}{For discussion:}
+\begin{frame}{Possibilities for collaboration: non-exhaustive list}
+  %\begin{block}{Non-exhaustive list:}
+     \item Telecom: support for G.8275.1 PTP profile, higher rate for PTP
+       frames, improvements in BMCA, ESMC support, live reconfiguration\ldots
+       See \href{https://indico.cern.ch/event/1379641/contributions/5863218/}{\color{blue}{presentation}} of Marek Brawański at the 13th WR Workshop. 
+     \item Quantum: both QKD and entangled qubits 
      \item Monitoring and logging of important parameters and events with time stamps
      \item Automation of calibration of port delays and fibre asymmetry
      \item Robustness: hardware and system-wide (clock ensemble). Redundancy and
-       seamless switch-over ($<$1ns jump). See
-       \href{https://www.gmv.com/en/communication/news/gmv-awarded-ps2-million-contract-provide-white-rabbit-switch-suited-protecting}{\color{blue}{work
-           with GMV and IQD}} on hold-over.
-     \item Best practices for long-distance WR
+       seamless switch-over ($<$1ns jump)
+     \item Best practices for long-distance WR, in combination or not with weak
+       signals for quantum networking
      \item Testing and qualification laboratory
      \item Other?
-  \end{block}
+  %\end{block}
-%% \begin{frame}{Backup slides}
-%%       \begin{center}
-%%       Backup slides
-%%       \end{center}
-%% \end{frame}
+\begin{frame}{Backup slides}
+      \begin{center}
+      Backup slides
+      \end{center}
+\begin{frame}{Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588)}
+  \column{.4\textwidth}
+    \begin{center}
+      \includegraphics<1>[height=5cm]{protocol/ptp_exchange-enhanced.jpg}
+      \includegraphics<2->[height=4cm]{protocol/ptpNetwork.jpg}
+    \end{center}
+  \column{.75\textwidth}
+    \begin{itemize}
+	  \item Frame-based synchronisation protocol
+    \item Simple calculations:
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item link delay: $\delta_{ms} = \frac{(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})}{2}$
+      \item offset from master: $OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms})$
+    \end{itemize}
+    \item<2-> Hierarchical network
+    \item<3-> Shortcomings of traditional PTP:
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item devices have free-running oscillators
+      \item frequency drift compensation traffic can compromise determinism of
+        other messages
+      \item assumes symmetry of medium
+      \item resolution of timestamps
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{itemize}
+\begin{frame}{Layer 1 Syntonisation}
+ %\begin{block}{Common clock for the entire network}
+  \begin{itemize}\small
+    \item Clock is encoded in the Ethernet carrier and recovered by the receiver chip
+    \item All network devices use the same physical layer clock
+    \item Clock loopback allows phase detection to enhance precision of timestamps
+%     \item Phase detection allows sub-ns delay measurement
+  \end{itemize}
+  \begin{center}
+  \includegraphics<1>[height=5cm]{misc/synce_v3.pdf}
+%   \includegraphics[height=4.5cm]<2>{p1588/1588-ha-L1vsPTP-simplified.jpg}
+  \end{center}
+\begin{frame}{Digital Dual Mixer Time Difference (DDMTD)}
+  \begin{itemize}
+    \item Precise phase measurements in FPGA
+    \item WR parameters:
+    \begin{itemize}\scriptsize
+      \item $clk_{in}~~~~~~~~=62.5$~MHz 
+      \item $clk_{DDMTD}=62.496185$~MHz (N=14)
+      \item $clk_{out}~~~~~~=~~3.814$~kHz
+    \end{itemize}
+    \item Theoretical resolution of 0.977~ps
+  \end{itemize}
+  \vspace{-0.2cm}
+  \begin{center}
+  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{misc/ddmtd_3.jpg}
+  \end{center}
+% \begin{frame}{SoftPLL}
+%   \begin{center}
+%     \includegraphics[width=.9\textwidth]{protocol/dmpll_diagram-slides.pdf}
+%   \end{center}
+% \end{frame}
+\begin{frame}{Link delay model}
+  \begin{columns}
+    \column{.65\textwidth}
+    \footnotesize
+      \begin{itemize}
+      \item <1->Correction of Round Trip Time (RTT) for asymmetries
+        \item <2->Asymmetry sources: FPGA, PCB, electrical/optical conversion,
+          chromatic dispersion
+        \item <3->Link delay model:
+        \begin{itemize}\scriptsize
+          \item \textbf{Fixed delays} -- calibrated/measured
+          \item \textbf{Variable delays} -- evaluated online with:\vspace{0.1cm} $\alpha = \frac{\nu_g(\lambda_s)}{\nu_g(\lambda_m)} -1  = \frac{\delta_{ms} - \delta_{sm}}{\delta_{sm}}$
+        \end{itemize}
+        \item <4-> Accurate offset from master (OFM):\scriptsize \\\vspace{0.2cm}
+%          $RTT=(t_{4}-t_{1}) - (t_{3}-t_{2})$\\
+         $\delta_{ms}~ = \frac{1 + \alpha}{2 + \alpha} \, (RTT - \sum \Delta - \sum \epsilon)$\vspace{0.2cm}
+         $OFM = t_{2} - (t_{1} + \delta_{ms} + \Delta_{txm} + \Delta_{rxs} + \epsilon_S)$
+      \end{itemize}
+  \column{.5\textwidth}
+  \begin{center}
+     \includegraphics<1>[width=1.0\textwidth]{protocol/link-delay-model-detailed-1.jpg}
+     \includegraphics<2>[width=1.0\textwidth]{protocol/link-delay-model-detailed-2.jpg}
+     \includegraphics<3->[width=1.0\textwidth]{protocol/link-delay-model-detailed-3.jpg}\\\pause\pause\pause
+     %\tiny See: \textit{WR Calibration} [9]
+    \end{center}
+  \end{columns}
+%   \pause\pause\pause\pause
+%   \scriptsize See: \textit{WR Calibration}, version 1.1, G.Daniluk
+\begin{frame}{WR and open source}
+  \begin{center}
+  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{ohwr/commercial_and_open.pdf}
+  \end{center}
+\begin{frame}{Public-private partnerships}
+   \begin{center}
+  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{public_core/lifting_floor_for_everyone.pdf}
+  \end{center}  
+\begin{frame}{Public-private partnerships}
+   \begin{center}
+  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{public_core/public_core_time_dimension.pdf}
+  \end{center}  