Commit e2b3712d authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

Dump VME64x CS/CSR

parent f90ac4b0
......@@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ entity top_tb is
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.vme64x_pack.all;
use std.textio.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use work.vme64x_pack.all;
architecture behaviour of top_tb is
-- Clock
......@@ -230,6 +231,22 @@ begin
end if;
end read8_conf;
procedure read8_conf_mb (addr : cfg_addr_t;
variable data : out std_logic_vector)
variable ad : cfg_addr_t := addr;
constant bsize : natural := data'length / 8;
subtype d_type is std_logic_vector (bsize * 8 - 1 downto 0);
alias d : d_type is data;
assert data'length mod 8 = 0 report "data is not a multiple of bytes"
severity error;
for i in bsize - 1 downto 0 loop
read8_conf (ad, d (i * 8 + 7 downto i * 8));
ad := cfg_addr_t (unsigned(ad) + 4);
end loop;
end read8_conf_mb;
function hex1 (v : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)) return character is
case v is
......@@ -259,9 +276,44 @@ begin
return hex1 (v(7 downto 4)) & hex1 (v(3 downto 0));
end hex2;
function hex6 (v : std_logic_vector (23 downto 0)) return string is
variable res : string (6 downto 1);
for i in res'range loop
res (i) := hex1 (v (i * 4 - 1 downto i * 4 - 4));
end loop;
return res;
end hex6;
function hex8 (v : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0)) return string is
variable res : string (8 downto 1);
for i in res'range loop
res (i) := hex1 (v (i * 4 - 1 downto i * 4 - 4));
end loop;
return res;
end hex8;
function hex (v : std_logic_vector) return string
constant ndigits : natural := v'length / 4;
subtype av_t is std_logic_vector (ndigits * 4 - 1 downto 0);
alias av : av_t is v;
variable res : string (ndigits downto 1);
for i in res'range loop
res (i) := hex1 (av (i * 4 - 1 downto i * 4 - 4));
end loop;
return res;
end hex;
procedure Dump_CR
variable d : byte_t;
variable b3 : std_logic_vector (23 downto 0);
variable w : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
variable b8 : std_logic_vector (63 downto 0);
variable b32 : std_logic_vector (255 downto 0);
read8_conf (x"0_0003", d);
write (output, "CR checksum: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
......@@ -286,40 +338,128 @@ begin
assert d = x"52" report "invalid valid CR byte at 0x23" severity error;
write (output, "CR valid 'R': 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0027", d);
write (output, "CR Manu ID (2): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_002b", d);
write (output, "CR Manu ID (1): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_002f", d);
write (output, "CR Manu ID (0): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0033", d);
write (output, "CR Board ID (3): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0037", d);
write (output, "CR Board ID (2): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_003b", d);
write (output, "CR Board ID (1): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_003f", d);
write (output, "CR Board ID (0): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0043", d);
write (output, "CR Rev ID (3): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0047", d);
write (output, "CR Rev ID (2): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_004b", d);
write (output, "CR Rev ID (1): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_004f", d);
write (output, "CR Rev ID (0): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0053", d);
write (output, "CR ASCII ptr(2): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0057", d);
write (output, "CR ASCII ptr(1): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_005b", d);
write (output, "CR ASCII ptr(0): 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0027", b3);
write (output, "CR Manu ID: 0x" & hex6 (b3) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0033", w);
write (output, "CR Board ID: 0x" & hex8 (w) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0043", w);
write (output, "CR Rev ID: 0x" & hex8 (w) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0053", b3);
write (output, "CR ASCII ptr: 0x" & hex6 (b3) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_007F", d);
write (output, "CR Program ID: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
-- VVME64x
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0083", b3);
write (output, "CR BEG_USER_CR: 0x" & hex6 (b3) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_008F", b3);
write (output, "CR END_USER_CR: 0x" & hex6 (b3) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_009B", b3);
write (output, "CR BEG_CRAM: 0x" & hex6 (b3) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_00A7", b3);
write (output, "CR END_CRAM: 0x" & hex6 (b3) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_00B3", b3);
write (output, "CR BEG_USER_CSR: 0x" & hex6 (b3) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_00B3", b3);
write (output, "CR END_USER_CSR: 0x" & hex6 (b3) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_00CB", b3);
write (output, "CR BEG_SN: 0x" & hex6 (b3) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_00D7", b3);
write (output, "CR END_SN: 0x" & hex6 (b3) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_00E3", d);
write (output, "CR Slave charac: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_00E7", d);
write (output, "CR user-def: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_00EB", d);
write (output, "CR master chara: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_00EF", d);
write (output, "CR user-def: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_00F3", d);
write (output, "CR INT hand cap: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_00F7", d);
write (output, "CR INT cap: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_00FF", d);
write (output, "CR CRAM acc wd: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0103", d);
write (output, "CR FN0 DAW: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0107", d);
write (output, "CR FN1 DAW: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_010b", d);
write (output, "CR FN2 DAW: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_010f", d);
write (output, "CR FN3 DAW: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0113", d);
write (output, "CR FN4 DAW: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_0117", d);
write (output, "CR FN5 DAW: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_011b", d);
write (output, "CR FN6 DAW: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_011f", d);
write (output, "CR FN7 DAW: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0123", b8);
write (output, "CR FN0 AMCAP: 0x" & hex (b8) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0143", b8);
write (output, "CR FN1 AMCAP: 0x" & hex (b8) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0163", b8);
write (output, "CR FN2 AMCAP: 0x" & hex (b8) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0183", b8);
write (output, "CR FN3 AMCAP: 0x" & hex (b8) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_01a3", b8);
write (output, "CR FN4 AMCAP: 0x" & hex (b8) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_01c3", b8);
write (output, "CR FN5 AMCAP: 0x" & hex (b8) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_01e3", b8);
write (output, "CR FN6 AMCAP: 0x" & hex (b8) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0203", b8);
write (output, "CR FN7 AMCAP: 0x" & hex (b8) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0223", b32);
write (output, "CR FN0 XAMCAP: 0x" & hex (b32) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_02a3", b32);
write (output, "CR FN1 XAMCAP: 0x" & hex (b32) & LF);
-- ...
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0623", w);
write (output, "CR FN0 ADEM: 0x" & hex (w) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_0633", w);
write (output, "CR FN1 ADEM: 0x" & hex (w) & LF);
-- ...
read8_conf_mb (x"7_FF63", w);
write (output, "CR FN0 ADER: 0x" & hex (w) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"7_FF73", w);
write (output, "CR FN1 ADER: 0x" & hex (w) & LF);
read8_conf (x"0_06af", d);
write (output, "CR master DAWPR: 0x" & hex2 (d) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_06b3", b8);
write (output, "CR master AMCAP: 0x" & hex (b8) & LF);
read8_conf_mb (x"0_06d3", b32);
write (output, "CR mastr XAMCAP: 0x" & hex (b32) & LF);
end Dump_CR;
variable l : line;
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